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"Long ago, two brothers ruled a great kingdom.  They were protectors of a tree, one that held both positive and negative feelings.  Dream, and Nightmare. Dream protected the positive emotions, whilst Nightmare protected the negative ones.  These were in the form of golden apples filled with light.  And rough looking black ones.  Dream was liked and cherished around the kingdom, while Nightmare was often injured by ignorance within the subjects.   One day Nightmare got sick of it.  He wanted to prove he could take care of the golden apples just as well as his brother.  But when he touched the tree, every golden apple changed except one.  When the villagers started to get angry at Nightmare he got scared, and ate an apple, the black one.  On that fateful day, Nightmare turned into something he never wanted to be.  He destroyed everything.  Dream and a few allies managed to escape and start their own kingdom.  Dream found the last golden apple, which grew into a tree which only had golden apples.  Now there are 2 kingdoms.  Nightmare's, And Dream's.  And they still fight for right and wrong to this day. 
Good night princess love you." My mother said placing a kiss on my forehead tucking me in. 
"You promise to be back by tomorrow?" I asked.
"I promise." My dad said while closing the door.
"Good night! Love you!" I said.  Little did I know, this would be the very last time I'd ever see them. 

(Sry this was kinda short.  But that's all I can get into the prologue. I wanna give a big Thanx to @ChildOfBears for letting me use the idea! I really liked their story and they said I could use it!  Thank u so much! I just couldn't get enough of their story, and I absolutely just had to! The original is called 'a tainted love'. Thanx again! Now enjoy the story ahead! Choo choo!)
"Remember who I used to be."

Black and White     (Nightmare x reader????) Where stories live. Discover now