Chapter 35: A Drop of Past

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Nightmare POV:
I stared at the girl in disbelief.  This has to be a prank of some sorts!  They must've paid her... or...or...dared her!  And she's coming back tomorrow?! I can't believe it! I have a friend?  Or is it another one of their dirty tricks!? I'll keep my guard up... who knows what those bullies are up to.


I wake up from my usual branch.
Looks like Dream is out... per usual...
I look to my side and see all of the nice things that Y/N brought me. Maybe I should... She did say this book is really good... ok I'll try it.
I grabbed the book out of the basket, along with a piece chocolate. I sat at the base of the tree and began reading while nibbling at the chocolate. It's just as I imagined. I read the book until I was a good quarter way through. And man is it a good book. It's about (fave book desc.)
"Hey freak!"

Oh no... I knew I shouldn't have trusted her.
I tear my eyes away from the book and look up to see a group of 4 teens, 2 of which are monsters probably slightly older than Y/N.
"Whatcha got there?" A cat like monster said. I stand up and protectively put the book behind me.
"N-nothing." I mentally curse myself for stuttering.
"Really? Then what's this?" A snotty looking girl rips the book out of my hand. I try to get it back, but the taller boy puts it right above my reach.
"Give it back!" I say, trying to get the book back. The teens laugh. I jumped up trying to get my book back. When gravity pulled me back down, I didn't find grass. A shoe kicked my legs right out from under me causing me to fall on my face. When I tried getting up, one of the bullies stomped on my back, pushing me back down to the ground.
Through all the laughter. And name calling I heard a voice.
"Ayo! I don't think that's yours."
The bullies looked toward the voice, giving me a chance to sit up and look as well.
"And how do you know?" The cat with my book asked.
"You expect me to believe you can read? C'mon. You're asking too much of me." Y/N shrugs.
"Oh you're in for it now. Guys, get her." The cat monster says. I look with fear filled eyes, as Y/N is about to get beat up, and it's all my fault. I wanna look away, but I can't. She just stands there!
"Y/N RUN!" I yell. Only to be pushed back down to the ground.
"Be quiet freak!" The boy says. The bullies get closer to Y/N, then they jump, trying to pin her to the ground. She swiftly dodges to the side, and walks toward us like nothing happened. The bullies end up on the ground. The cat monster looks ready to fight the short girl. Y/N walks up to him, and pulls him down by the shirt, now they're at eye level. Chills run up my spine as Y/N glares at the monster.
Even someone without my ability could sense aura surrounding Y/N. And man is it scary. I'd hate to get on her bad side.
"Give me the damn book." She said in a chilling voice. The cat monsters eyes widen in fear.
"It's not like you can read anyway." Y/N says while snatching it out of his hands. Her scary aura doesn't disappear. But her voice went back to normal. The bullies ran away.
"H-how'd you do that?" I ask, still a little startled from the sudden change in atmosphere. 
"Do what?" Y/N asks, handing me my book. 
"Oh! Thank you. Never mind." I said.  Y/N smiles and grabs my hand.  My heart starts racing at the sudden contact.  (Someone's touch starved😒). She leads me over to the tree and sits down at its base, motioning for me to sit next to her.  I sit beside her, and notice something on her back. 
"I-I'm sorry to intrude... but... if you don't mind me asking, what's that?" I ask motioning toward the strangely shaped backpack. 
Y/N smiles and takes it off her back. 
"This is called a violin!" She says, opening the backpack.  It seems to be latched shut. 
Y/N removes the weirdly carved pieces of wood with strings out of her backpack. 
"Doesn't it make 'music'?" I asked.  I've only heard of music from my books.  Apparently it sounds beautiful, and people listen to it often. 
Y/N looks at me strangely and giggles.  Was it something I said?
"Have you never heard music before?" Y/N asks with a smile. 
"I mean, I've heard OF it..." I said.  Y/N's eyes sparkle as she takes a stick out of the backpack as well. 
"Well.  I'm gonna introduce it to you!" Y/N says determinedly.  She stands up and takes a deep breath, and I was certainly not expecting what came next.  She held it up to her chin, and put the wood piece on the strings and slid it forward.  It made a strange noise.  I jumped back in surprise, earning a fit of laughter from Y/N. 
"It's fine! See!" Y/N reassured.  I simply smiled and nodded, ready for the next strange noise. 
She put the stick on the strings and played a little more.  It changed pitch going up and down. 
"That's called a scale.  Listen!" Y/N said.  She went up and down the 'scale' singing each note with a strange word.  And stars was her voice beautiful.  It was like if the sky and the water merged into a cotton candy cloud that you could hear!
"Are you ready for a song?"  She asked.  I nodded eagerly.  I was hooked at this point. 
"Alright.  Hm.  What about...'his theme'?" She asked.  I shrugged never hearing music before. 
"Ok! Let's do it!" I smiled at the spark in her eyes.
Y/N took a deep breath in and began to play.  I took everything in.  But then the emotions came.  They were everywhere.  It was such a mess that I couldn't pick out left from happy, up from anger.  I almost tumbled backwards again. 
I just listened.  It was the most amazing thing I've ever experienced, and when she was done, I found myself clapping. 
Y/N's face flushed. 
"T-that was amazing! I-I have no words..." I said speechless. 



I wake up from a strange dream.  I can't remember all the details... but I remember a few.  But nows not the time to think about that. 

I look around noticing my surroundings are different from when I woke up.  It looked like I was in a library.  A warm fire was in front of me, and all around... I noticed that I was also curled up with Nightmare.  My eyes widened as I tried to get away from the sleeping octopus, but to no avail.  His tentacles simply hold me tighter. 



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