Chapter 21: Delutional.

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I woke up with a groan.
My head was still pounding from, a day ago? Two days ago? How long was I out for? I attempt to sit up only to miserably fail. I was hot, really warm. I feel my head only to find an ice pack on it.
What the fu€k did that @sshat do to me?
Just then, a goopy teleporting sound was heard. I'd like to see who it was but I legit can't move. Plus I already know who it was.
"Awake I see. Good morning princess." Nightmare said.
"Fu€k you and whatever bull you did to me." I managed to say.
I'm seriously not in the mood to deal with my kidnapper now. He's the guy who made me sick, kidnapped me. Oh. Ya. Right. He tried to brain wipe me. I think. But then he miserably failed making my head hurt like he|| and now I'm here.
"Chill. Didn't actually mean to hurt you. Just recover your memory a little." Nightmare said sweetly.
"So you did try and brain wipe me!" I said suddenly getting the energy to stand up. Looks like this weird sickness made all my common sense go poof. Oh well. Don't care.
"What?! That's crazy!" Nightmare said amused.
"Oh no, mister 'I'm so tuff that i kid napped someone' I'm not letting you off the hook that easy." I said.

I think she's lost it. I think because she's Ill or whatever, she's not thinking straight. Heck, she can't even stand up straight.
Y/N was standing up on the bed, pointing at me.
"Looky here mister, 'I'm so tuff because I kidnapped someone,' I don't care, *wheezes* how tuff cool guy you are. I'm am going to, beat. your. @@@ssssss..." Ok, she's lost it. Whatever this illness is, she isn't taking it well.
"What about you lay back down?" I offered. Trying to assess the situation.
"Oh nO. I'm nOt dOiNg aNyThInG." She's getting worse. Y/N then tried walking off the bed only to fall flat on her face. I TRIED to catch her, but she spun in the fu€king air dodging me.
"I'm nOt lEtTinG yOuR fReAkY oCtOpUs gOoPy cRaP toUcH mE, mIsTeR bAd gUy mAn." She said. Ok. Time to stop. This is getting ridiculous. I made an attempt to grab her off the floor, but she rolled a fraction of a second early.
"nOt tOdAy a@@@sssssh@t. Ha ha hahA... someone fu€king kill me." She's lost it. Ok. I need to see if any of the idiots know how to heal illnesses. I can heal battle wounds, recover damage, but I don't know anyone other than Dream who can heal non-physical stuff such as diseases and colds and what not.
"GUYS!" I yell. They all teleported into Y/N's room.
"Ya Boss?" Killer asked.
"Do any of you idiots know how to heal illnesses?" I asked rubbing my temple.
"Woah what happened to her?" Cross asked.
"What'd you do this time?" Error asked, hanging from his strings like a swing.
"Well I TRIED to restore some forgotten memories, but for some reason, my magic is less effective on her, but this time, it TOTALLY back fired making her... like, this." I vented.
"So you're worried about her?" Dust summarized.
"WHAT?! No. I just need her for something, and I can't have her, well, like this." I mean, I wasn't LYING.


"So if it dies I can eat it?" Horror asked.
"No Horror. You can not eat the human for the last fu€king time." I scolded.
Just then, I heard Y/N's muffled giggles. She was still face down on the floor.
"Woah, she really lost it." Killer said.
"I mean, I'd help if I could, but I don't know anyone who can heal illnesses... except, your... ya know." Cross trailed off.
"Don't mention that nuisance in my presence." I said with venom in my voice.
"S-sorry Boss." Cross said in fear.
"However. It would be nice if you could get her back in the bed." I said. Man are they in for a pleasant surprise. Cross cautiously walked up to Y/N and attempted to pick her up. She turned around just in time to notice this. She kicked him to the other side of the room, and he got almost smashed into the wall.
"Oh $h!t." Error said. Killer went to go get something, assumingely popcorn.
"Who's next?" I asked tired of this. Dust tried next. This time, instead of taking a gentle approach, he ran full speed at her ready to tackle Y/N. Y/N stood up and moved out of the way of Dust and tripped him. But when he tried getting up, Y/N threw him over her shoulder.
"He, yOuR fUnNy fOr a dEpResSed cRazy gUy." Y/N giggled. Oh geez. This is getting out of hand. She's gonna take down the entire fu€king squad at this rate.
Y/N collapsed on the ground silently giggling to themselves about a 'funny bone man'
Killer was laughing on the ground, popcorn everywhere.
"Would you like to try next?" I asked seemingly unamused.
"Ugh. C'mon boss. Really?" Killer pleaded. I pushed him toward Y/N with my tentacles. He slowly approached.
"H-hey," he got cut off by Y/N.
"So I sUpPoSe yOur like tHe oThEr sad and depressing emo @sS hats trYiNg tO gEt me iN the sTuPiD bEd cause your boss said so?" Y/N asked.
"Ummm sorta, ya?" Killer replied.
"Ok." Y/N said looking at the ceiling. Killer looked at me nervously and I just shrugged. Instead of approaching Y/N, Killer teleported in front of her. This startled her making her kick him. Probably took out 2/3 of his HP.
"Ugh wahaha, why'd it have to be me?" Killer questioned his life choices.
I nodded at Error. He rolled his eyes and picked Y/N up with his strings. She immediately, somehow, broke out.
"Fu€k yOu aNd yOuR gAnG of ... wanna be, EmOs." Y/N wheezed. Y/N went into their corner of the room and proceeded to flip everyone off. Mind you, they can barely stand. I really didn't wanna do this, cause I had to do it 3 nights ago. Oh well.
I sent off an aura. Y/N started to sway, signaling to me that she was falling for it.
"YoU'll nEvEr cAtCh mE aLivE!" She said. Aw geez. Wtf did I sign up for. Should've just left her with Dream.
Error picked her up with his strings and threw her over to me. She struggled but she couldn't escape.
"Get the idiots outta here." I ordered. Without another word, Error grabbed everyone with his strings and threw them in a portal. He then walked in after them.
"No! nO dOn'T fu€kInG toUcH meEEEE!" She said.
"You're starting to sound like Error." I rolled my eyes. At this point she was throwing a tantrum, and I didn't know what to do. My magic wasn't effective. At all. Wtf. I breathed in and breathed out, calming myself first.
"You're sick. You need to rest. Sleep." I said. The temper tantrum slowed down to a simple heavy breathing.  I slowly let my magic calm her.  Her eyes began to droop, and I held her bridal style. 
"So warm." She mumbled.  I blushed.  Why? I don't even know at this point.  Didn't even know I was capable of feeling anything before a few days ago.  Oh well.  I set Y/N down on the bed.  I replaced the ice pack on her head and teleported to my office.  Maybe I can access her not so- well, sick side, in her self conscious.

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