Chapter 27: Sweet Dreams

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It's been a few months since I've escaped Nightmare's castle.  He hasn't made a move yet.  Some believe that he simply can't find us, or that he's planning something.  I'd rather stick with the first option. 
Over the last few months, things have gone back to normal.  Or as normal as they were before I left. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Dream and Ink teleported an entire kingdom so far away.

Nightmare has been giving me his 'nightmares' about once or twice a week, since then. I've told Dream every time, despite myself being against the idea. Due to Nightmare's magic on my soul, Dream can't enter my dreams. So if I ever start to stir in my sleep, he wakes me up.
Usually my nightmares are controlled, and result in myself beating Nightmare's nonexistent @ss. However, if I'm not quick enough in doing so, nightmare can get a hold of my soul. And Nightmare threatens to crush it if I 'try any funny business.'
"Nightmare! Let me go!" You shout.
"Nah, rather not." Nightmare said still clutching your soul. It was constantly changing colors now. Red and orange, to yellow. And back to orange again.
"What the he|| do you even want with me anyway!?" You ask still trying to squirm away from Nightmare.
"I already told you. I want you to work for me."  Nightmare said.  He admired your soul a few feet away from you.  You were trapped in his tentacles. 
"I believe I told you more times than you asked.  My final answer in no! Why can't you just let it go! I want your octo-nonexistent-@ss to leave me alone!" You said struggling. 
"Now why would I do that? Passing up a glorious opportunity like this?"  Nightmare asked.  You glared at him.  He made your soul glow in the familiar teal magic, that already drowned your soul.  It felt weirdly warm, and comforting. 
"But you know," Nightmare started, adding in a dramatic pause.  "as glorious as this opportunity is, it will never be as glorious as you~" Nightmare glanced at you.  You couldn't tell if your face was red from blush or from hate.  Each one of these visits is slowly blurring that old fine line.  You glared at Nightmare, still unable to move.  Your soul was still cupped in his hands.  His magic around your soul made you feel... weird.  A comfortable warmth, that was weird. 
"Great! Now you're fu€king flirting with me! I already told you that I'm not joining your depressing gang of wannabe emos!" you exclaimed flustered, trying to change the topic.  Nightmare glanced at you again, but almost immediately went back to admiring your soul encased in his magic. 

"I'll make you.  Wether you like it or not.  You will eventually let me in.  Your soul is already marked with my magic... it's only a matter of time before I find you, and take you home."  Nightmare said sinisterly.  Dream should've woken you up by now! Especially with all your struggling!
"Oh, and Dream isn't waking you up anytime soon.  Let's just say I've made a, blockage of sorts.  You can only wake up unless I want you too, or if you wake up on your own."  Nightmare says.
"Well that's dumb." You say bluntly. 
"Well you've thought wrong."  Nightmare says.  You start struggling again.  This time, the magic in Nightmare's hands turn a darker shade of teal.  Unlike the warm feeling you got from the bright teal, this one sent shivers down your back.  The hairs on your neck stood up.  Nightmare smirks at your reaction and continues spreading the darker magic around your soul.  You really didn't like that feeling. 
"Let me go!"  You demand.  Nightmare brings you up to his face as you glare at him. 
"Face it! You will never get away from me.  No matter how far you get.  I will find you."  Nightmare said amused.  Bringing you up to his face was a mistake, as you kicked Nightmare.  He hissed in pain, temporarily dropping you and your soul.  You seized the opportunity, grabbing your soul before Nightmare could get to it.  You put it back where it belongs, using Nightmare's recovery time wisely. 
If hurting yourself stops you from falling asleep, maybe it can wake you up!  You summon a dagger and sliced your arm.  You hissed in pain, However, you were satisfied seeing as the world around you was turning white. 


You bolted awake on the floor.  Dream stands worriedly next to you. Waking up on the floor is a normal occurrence.  Ever since you were little.  No matter how big the bed was, even if it had barriers around it, your restless self always found its way to the floor beside the bed. 
"Y/N!" Dream exclaimed worriedly. 
"Morn. Dream."  You said. 
"I couldn't wake you up!  You slept in for 2 hours!"  Dream said.  I check my soul.  It was its usual orange color, turning to a yellowish lime for 'honesty.'  However, instead of the bright teal surrounding it, the teal had darkened like in your Nightmare. 
"Nightmare.... He said no one from the outside could wake me up.  Only himself and I can do it."  You explained.  Dream had a look of worry on his face.  He nodded in response and helped me off the floor. 
"Breakfast?" You asked Dream changing the subject. 
As if on cue, Blue busted into the room.
"Is Y/N awake yet?!" Blue asked. He saw me and looked relieved.
"Morning blue!" You said cheerfully.
"Good morning!" He replied.
Dream smiled at the gestures being tossed around.
"Hey Y/N! I got a surprise for you!" Blue said. Just as he said that, you saw him holding something behind his back.
"What is it!?" You asked with anticipation. You sounded like a child sure, but surprises are surprises.
"It's..." Blue dragged out the 'it's' for a dramatic affect. I was standing on my tip toes.
"Muffet's!" Blue said happily giving me the bag. I basically jumped on Blue tackling him into a hug.
"Thank you!" I squealed careful not to damage breakfast.
"C'mon guys! Let's go eat!" Dream exclaimed, as we all skipped down stairs to the dining room, nearly forgetting about the occurrence.

Wattpad is being crappy with me at the moment, and it's deleting half chapters.  So sorry if there's any inconvenience TvT

Black and White     (Nightmare x reader????) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα