Part 30: 'connected'

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I awoke in the black space.
THAT B!T€H! So he wasn't just cause I was sleep deprived after all...
"Hello Y/N. Long time no see aye?" Nightmare's voice rang.
"I SWEAR TO ASGORE IF YOU MADE ME SPILL MY COFFEE I WILL NOT HESITATE TO KICK YOUR FU€KING @SS!" I yell. I remember before I passed out that I picked my coffee up off the floor when trying to get up.
"Don't worry. Your caffeine is safe." Nightmare said with a sigh.
"Fu€k you!" I yell into the darkness.
"Same." Nightmare replies.
"*inhales* SO WHY EVEN BOTHER!" I yell.
"Because. When I want something I get it." Nightmare said.
"Not this time..." I said. I stomp as the dull black world changes color, into a beautiful scenery, revealing Nightmare.
"So. You made me fall asleep?" I ask like a parent scolding their child.
"Yes- Oh $h!t!" Nightmare stops mid sentence realizing I'm gone. I teleported behind him. He looks behind him, only for me to teleport in front and kick him in the jaw, sending him flying.
"Wake me. The fu€k up. Right now. Or ya know what? I'm just gonna do it myself." I said. I summoned a scooter purposefully letting hit my ankle.
"Fffffffffffffff- fluff marshmallow cheese on a stick." I roll on the ground holding my ankle as everything turns to white.
I bolt awake on the floor. I felt and checked to feel the coffee in my hand still. Thank Asgore. I sip some, finally noticing my surroundings. The entire room is dark.
"That fu€king b!t€h..." I said start to get up. I feel around for the candle and light it up, illuminating the room. I sigh in relief noticing the pastry on the ground from when I fainted.
It was faint negativity, but I sensed him.
"So. Be honest. Did you make me pass out?" I ask Nightmare.
"Guilty as charged." The voice rang.
"How did you even...?" I trailed off.
"Ya know that magic covering your soul?" Nightmare asked.
"Ya...?" I said.
"That basically makes it so that me and you are, connected, in a way." Nightmare explained.
"Huh. Interesting. Also, damn. That sucks." I said. Sitting in my chair. Nightmare's voice chuckled.
"Don't you have any other $h!t to do?" I ask.
"Nah. Aside from capturing you, and taking over the tree of positivity, I got nothin" Nightmare said.
"Well $h!t. This is gonna be a long night." I said taking out my book.
"Say. Why aren't you doing your homework?" Nightmare asked, noticing I wasn't doing any of my usual work.
"Because those files are classified for a reason." I said.
"And that's why I like you." Nightmare said.
"I hate you too." I responded, still reading.
"How are you even able to talk to me right now?" I ask.
"Same reason I can make you fall asleep." Nightmare said.
"Huh. Interesting..." I replied.
"So why ain't I back on the floor sleeping again?" I ask.
"Because I physically can't. Unless someone's slightly tired I can't. And you clearly are high on caffeine right now. Believe me. I've been trying." Nightmare said.
"Wait a damn minute. That's why Dream, Ink and Blue couldn't wake me up the past few days! It was YOU!" I said.
"Right on the money princess." Nightmare said. I roll my eyes.
"Why have you been making me sleep again?" I ask. I thought it was to have a conversation about how I'd join him or whatever, but since he can do it right now, I don't see a point.
"Like I said. I'm worried. I'm surprised on how your still standing. When you walked in tripping, that was all you. I just had to give you that little extra push. That schedule you're on to get away from me isn't healthy. And clearly ain't working." Nightmare said sympathetically. It sounded so genuine too.
"Cat's got your tongue aye?" Nightmare asked.
"Why can't you leave me the fuck alone?" I asked miserably.
"No." Nightmare responded.
Imma go get more coffee. Oh and I need some chocolate after knowing this guy's around.
I get up out of my chair and start to head down stairs, taking the trickiest route possible.
"Getting more caffeine I see? You really are a chocoholic." Nightmare said.
"I'm certified." I said quietly. Nightmare chuckled at the comment as I went to get more caffeine.
Tem skep brought to you by: my dEtErMiNaTiOn
I sat back down in my comfy chair and read with the light of the candle.
"I honestly think that she shouldn't have listened to that kid." Nightmare comments.
"I agree. Like who just listens to someone they met like 2 days ago. She was being so vague!" I said.
"She was definitely being taken advantage of." Nightmare said.
"Ya, plus. The other guy can hear people's thoughts, so they're definitely gonna get caught." I replied. (Do u guys know which book I'm referencing? It's not on Wattpad;)
The rest of the night was filled with me reading and stopping every once in a while to make comments and chat with Nightmare about the book. Oh and him annoying me every now and then.
"Hey, Nightmare?" I ask. Nightmare hummed in response.
"I didn't know you liked reading so much." I said. Nightmare did a sad sigh.
"It's the one thing I could never let go of." Nightmare said.
"Like a book someone can't put down." I said.
"Ok, now turn it to the next page! It's just getting good!" Nightmare said. I never knew he could act so... enthusiastic, about something as little as a book. I can see why though. I love reading. I'm probably one of the few people who use the library aside from people trying to get knowledge on a topic. Very few people now enjoy reading...
The sun started to peak over the horizon. I watched the sun slowly rise.
"Looks like that's my cue to leave! See ya around princess" Nightmare says. I rolled my eyes at the nickname.
"Hope I don't." I said. And with that, the ominous presence I felt all night left. Finally. Silence. Oh, and I need to tell Dream that Nightmare can make me pass out if I'm tired.
"Morning Dream!" I said cheerfully. I decided to make some pancakes for myself and the crew.
Dream was sipping some orange juice while I made the pancakes.
"Hey Y/N!" Dream said.
"Oh ya, umm something happened..." I said hesitantly. Dream instantly knew what this was about.
"Y/N. What happened?" Dream asked seriously.
"He apparently can make me pass out if I'm tired enough. I ended up falling on the floor. I woke myself up. And read a book. I wasn't sure if it really was him considering last night... so, ya that happened." I said as though it was a typical Tuesday morning.

But it wasn't.

It was a Wednesday.
"Do you have any idea on how he can do it?" Dream asked, as I flipped the pancakes.
"Ya actually. He straight up told me. He said that the magic covering my soul makes us... 'connected' somehow..." I said.
"Then that could be a problem... I'll have someone look into it, see what they can find." Dream said, finishing his orange juice. How did I just notice that it was in a wine glass?
"Btw very important question: Why are you drinking orange juice from a wine glass?" I ask.  Dream stops sipping it and chugs the entire thing and walks out of the kitchen.  (*゚▽゚*)
Welp.  Pancakes are done.  I get everyone their own plate and give them their pancakes.  I walk over to the dining room holding 2 plates in each hand. 
"Oh! Y/N! Here let me help you with that." Blue says walking over and taking a couple of the plates. 
"Thanks Blue! And morning!" I said. 
"Thanks for making us breakfast Y/N!" Ink said gratefully.   Dream is drinking his orange juice out of a wine glass.  Again. 
"It hits different." Dream says out of the BLUE. 
"Huh?" I ask confused. 
"Why I drink orange juice out of a wine glass.  It hits different." Dream said. 
"Actually.  Imma try that someday." I said.  We had a pleasant morning talking about things.  I didn't have much to talk about, so I just talked about the book I was reading. 
"That sounds interesting!" Ink said. 
"Oh! And Y/N?" Blue asked.  I hummed in response. 
"Can we have a training session today instead of sparing?"  He asked. 
"Sure!  I might need to hit the hay within the next hour though."  I responded. 
Tem skep
Man.  Didn't know training would make me so tired... wait a damn minute.  NOPE not happening!
I race to the kitchen and get myself a nice cup of coffee and chocolate.  I sigh in relief knowing Nightmare can't make me pass out now.  I walk up to my room and set down my coffee.  I sit in my comfy chair. 
Feels like he isn't here.  Looks like I'm free to do work. 
I start to sign some papers when the familiar presence arises. 
"Do you ever sleep?" Nightmare asks.
"Sometimes." I reply vaguely. I put away all of my work so Nightmare won't be able to see our guard positioning, etc.
I take out the book and begin to read.
"You read too slow." Nightmare complained.
"Nah, I just like to pay attention for little details in the story." I reply.
"Like?" Nightmare asks, urging me to continue.
"Every time they mention 'the Water' the author capitalizes 'Water'." I reply. After a few moments Nightmare notices.
"Oh wow... I didn't even notice that." Nightmare said.
I continue reading and chatting to Nightmare every chapter or so.
"Don't forget about our deal." Nightmare says randomly.
"Oh ya, the one that I continue to decline but you keep harassing me over it? Oh I would never." I reply sarcastically.
"Good. Have you thought about it yet?" Nightmare asked.
"Oh I've thought plenty. I'm not accepting your terms, or your offer, or the job. I refuse." I said sternly.
"Ya' know... we've figured out where you are hiding. It's only a matter of time before-" Nightmare starts but I cut him off.
"-before you get me back. Blah blah blah. I don't care! I just want you to leave me be! Which obviously won't be happening any time soon." I snapped.
"I was gonna say until you accept my offer. Oh! And what a surprise! You forgot to drink that coffee of yours!" Nightmare said. Before I could even say anything, I passed out in my chair.  My head painfully hits the desk. 

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