Chapter 1: Outdone Dinner

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Hi I'm Y/N and I was born within the kingdom of sun. I lost my parents a while back. I was pretty young but I don't remember what happened.  Well, for the most part.  I do remember this:  They were the best parents I could ask for. All I have left is the locket.  They were in the royal guard.  To honer them, I joined in as well.  And someone just got a promotion.  I am now the commander of the royal guard, to think so many years back.  I was alone in the house for at least a day, until Dream found me. 
—————-Le flashback———————-
"Hey is anyon-" Dream walked in, stopping himself.  I was crying in the living room.
"Mom?! Dad?!" I said excitedly running to the door, I made a quick recovery, only to find Dream. 
"Excuse me? Mister king yellow guy? Where's my parents?" I asked.  Dream only replied by giving me a sad look.  I knew it. I cried as Dream hugged me. 
—————end of le flashback—————
Ever since then, Dream has been like a brother to me, helping me every step of the way.  When he found me, he acted as though it was his fault. To be honest, I probably comforted him just as much as he comforted me.  And when I finally got promoted, well, captains live in the castle which just made me even more ecstatic, cause now, I'd get to see Dream almost everyday!
I excitedly get ready for the dinner
Dream kindly decided to prepare to celebrate.  Me being commander was a big deal! Considering I was a human, and I was barely even considered an adult.  Many people of the kingdom believed I got special treatment from Dream, but that wasn't even close.  I worked my @ss off to get here.  And I'm not gonna let some ignorant people push me down. I look in the mirror.  My hair is tied up.  I adjusted the orange locket that sat above my armory. I opened it.
'Stay Brave, Be Strong' it said.  A picture of me, my mom, and dad was carefully placed inside.  We were all smiling.  I smiled to myself, lovingly going across it with my thumb. 
Knock knock
"Come in!" I say, knowing it's Dream.  Even after just 2 days, you kind of get used to the way everyone sounds, like the knock.  A light 2 taps on the door, it's Dream.  Three stern ones, it's a guard, no knock at all, it's Ink, repeated knocking and hellos is blue.  It's all very simple really. Even with footsteps.  I always had very good hearing and reaction time.  I shut the locket as Dream walked in. 
"Hey! That badge really fits you!" Dream exclaimed playfully nudging me as he follows my gaze into the mirror. 
"Your parents would be proud." He said looking at me.  Without even realizing my body was moving, I hugged him as a tear ran down my face.  Just one tear, of an unidentifiable emotion.  Dream looked surprised then hugged back. 
"Good job Y/N" he smiled and let go as soon as I did. 
"Let's eat!" I say, improving my mojo. 
Your POV 2
You and Dream walk down the fancy wonderland stairs.  You told Dream you wanted something small, with just a few close friends and the captains that were required to be there.  Not an entire fancy big... thing...
Only the close friends and commanders were there.  But they were actually just one in the same.  Ink and blue waved you over.  Despite not even 5 people being there, the table was stacked. Any kind of food you can imagine was there! Even F/F (ur fave fud)
"Dream... oh wow. Just, wow. You really out done yourself." You say.
Dream merely smiled and followed you over to your friends.
Before we started eating Dream lifted his glass.
"Let's make a toast! To commander Y/N!" Dream said as three other glasses joined his in the air.
"Quick question." Ink said putting his glass back down, he starts grabbing food. Dream lifts his nonexistent eyebrows telling him to continue.
"So. Since we're toasting to Y/N should she toast too?" Ink asked. Everyone had an awkward silence while thinking.
"It's like happy birthday!" Blue exclaimed. Everyone was confused for a few seconds until I caught on.
"Exactly! Like- when people sing you happy birthday, do you sing- or awkwardly wait for the song to end?" Once everyone got it- Dream almost spit his drink out of his mouth.
You feel like your gonna have a good time.
——————— tem xip————————
You walked up to your new room. Your bed was calling. First you changed and flopped into bed, not bothering to get comfy. Your stomach was full, and you were excited for the day ahead.

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