Chapter 42: Oh how the tables have turned Nighty...

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I've been listening to the guards for a while now. They really have to be a lot more careful on how the pass around information. They even dropped an envelope right next to my door, close enough to where I can grab it.
Nightmare has been annoyed by Fresh 24/7 to come and see me. I'm also sneaking around to see fresh anyway. I'm pretty sure Nightmare knows, and he is not having it.
Well, anyway. I found the brown envelope, and I'm going to open it, and then replace it where the guard dropped it because I'm nice, and I don't want that guard to get in trouble.
I carefully slip open the envelope with the back of a paint brush. I take out the letter and unfold it.
Oh. My. Stars.
This is information heaven.

To the Dearest Captain Raspberry,
We have molded a plan to send scouts into the Sun Kingdom on the 31st, 2 days from now. It would be an honor for you to go under cover with the guards, and meet in the court yard, 3pm (am for sun) sharp. The goal of this mission is to see if there is truth of a threat, to both kingdoms. Until then, we have made some... cozy arrangements for our new comers.

We have them staying in some old apartments on route 36. This will be a small 'check up' mission. We will have no more than 5 guards. You will impersonate nomads. You were guards in a kingdom not too far from there, until non other than the kingdom of moon attacked, and now you travel the world.
Hope to see you there
-Your Lovely King

Who the funk is Raspberry? Sounds awful. Probably is awful.
I quickly reseal the envelope and slip it back in front of the door.
Looks like I've got to go packing. 

Nooty noot newt noot POV

I go into Y/N's room to annoy her a little.  And maybe relieve some stress.  The past few weeks have been stressful, and all I want to do is keep Y/N close.  I don't know what's gotten into me.  But hey.  Not like it's a problem.  (For me.) I walked up to the door and found a note in front of it.  Didn't I address this to Captain Rasp?  Those guards are so foolishly clumsy, I can't even ask them to deliver a simple letter.  I roll my eye lights as a very nervous guard comes scurrying down the hall. 
"Missing something?" I say holding up the letter.  The guard's eyes widen. 
"Don't let it happen again." I say dropping the letter on the ground.  The guard hurriedly picks it up, and sprints to it's original destination. 
That could have been bad.  Very bad.  If Y/N found that letter, who knows what would've happened.  If what Fresh says is true, it could've been disastrous. 
I sigh and calm myself down before teleporting into Y/N's room. 
"Heya, whatcha doing?"  I ask. 
"Nothing." She responds.  Something is up. 
"Oh really?" I question. 


Oh shizzles oh shizzles oh shizzles.  He knows. 
"Just the usual." I say as casually as I can. 
"Alright.  I will get the answer out eventually.  Say.  Have you been seeing Fresh recently?"  Nightmare asks.  I tense up.  This is the second secret of mine.  Guess it's a sacrifice I have to take. 
"Maybe..?" I respond. 
"I knew it." Nightmare says. 
"I don't want you near that guy.  I don't like him." Nightmare says. 

Newt noot POV
I shiver at the memory of the parasite within Fresh.  I've only seen it once, yet the image is drilled into my brain. 
"Why?" Y/N asks like a child. 
"Just don't go near him, and do as I say.  You are still under my influence after all." I really didn't wanna play this card, but if it gets her away from that thing then I'd do it. 
Y/N's eyes widen as she realizes what's about to happen next.  She tries to run away, but I grab her before the first step. 
Y/N proceeds to hiss.  O - O
I have no idea what's happening.  What was I doing again?  Oh ya.  Annoying the future commander.  My old friend who doesn't remember me because I'm pretty sure they got reincarnated or some shizzles. 
I pull out Y/N's beautiful soul.  My magic on it seems to be fading.  Makes sense.  Let's try a little something different.  Y/N was always... reserved.  Covering up her pain with sarcasm.  I study Y/N's soul, realization dawning on me.  All of this pressure is to much for one soul. 
There.  A crack hidden on the bottom.  Y/N is struggling, and actually almost got free.  Unless she lets it out sometime soon, the crack will get bigger.  I need to do something. 
"What are you even looking at!? Put me down!" Y/N exclaims.  I don't even think she knew about this.  Let's see.  I cuff my tentacles around Y/N's soul, I hold Y/N against my chest as she struggles less and less.  I sat on the bed as Y/N finally settled down.
"I hate your guts." She said. 
"I don't have any.  It's all goop." I smirked. 
"Fu€k you." She grumbled. 
"Oh princess~. You do remember my rule.  Don't you?"  I ask pinching her cheek.  Her eyes widen. 
I can't have chocolate....
For an entire week!!!!!!

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