Chapter 18: *pain*

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She stood up, violin in hand, and closed her eyes.  A note, then another.  Her voice goes perfectly in pitch with every note.  Her emotions spiral, similar to how she did it in the music room a while back.  But after a while, Y/N got really into it, and I could feel nothing coming from her.  Almost as if she were asleep.  But the aura was so calm, so focused, she was having an out of body experience.  Just to add to it, the music intensified, even if it was a genuinely slow song.  Needless to say, I was just as much in a trance as she was.   The song ended and I noticed myself clapping. 
She turned and gave me a 'wtf' face. 
"Oh, you're still here." She said.  She looked me directly in the eye.  I looked at hers.  I was lost for a minute or so, until I blinked and pulled myself back to reality. 
"I win." She said. 

"Huh?" I asked.  She just shrugged. 

"Ok, well you can leave now."  She said.  I teleported out of the room, and locked the door.  Only to come back in through the shadows. 

"OH! OH! The misery,
Everybody wants to be my enemy~"  I sang.  Stomping occasionally to bring out the feel in the music. 
Stalkers back. 
Oh well, only one thing to do about it.  Without any warning, I threw the bow across the room and into the shadow of the desk, was that always there? Oh well. 
"Oh $hit!" Nightmare's voice said.  As he emerged from the shadows, bow in tentacle, with that $hit eating grin on his face.  He seemed to be rubbing his head. Must've got a bullseye.
"Looks like you got me princess." Nightmare said raising his hands in defense, and winking. What an odd combination of gestures. If I had anything else to throw I would, but it's all on his side, so Imma leave it. 
"Seriously though.  Why tf do you call me that?" I said confused. 
*Nightmare... ran away?
At least I don't have to look at his ugly face anymore.  I decided to keep messing around with the most likely stolen violin.  I hadn't given the art supplies much thought until 5 minutes before Nightmare came in giving me the $hitty food.  Ok that was a lie.  It was (f/f) and (fave/desert) and it actually tasted good, but I still prefer Muffet's.
I sit at the desk and ponder why tf this guy was so set on kidnapping me. It could be for ransom, but he had Dream in his clutches that one night, so that was a big no no.
So, why? Maybe he just likes stalking people? What if he just thinks I'm a challenge to get negativity out of? But that wouldn't explain why he gave me a bunch of crap to do. Nonetheless stuff I actually enjoy. I need to talk it over with Dream.
I finish up my (f/f) and leave the plate on the desk, cause like, what else am I supposed to do with it?
I lay on my bed and slowly nod off. Entering the wonderful world of dreams. Finally something other than wanna be emos...
I look up at the night sky as Dream appeared.
"So how are things?" He asked. Guilt was written all over his voice.
"He gave me a bunch of crap to do in the weirdly nice room." I replied.
"Huh. What kind of stuff?" Dream asked.
"Like a violin that was most likely stolen, and a bunch of paint stuff, that was again, most likely stolen." I said.
"What made him do that?" Dream asked.
"I told him that I was having an argument with myself on wether or not I should try painting with toothpaste." I said casually. Dream just looked at me and snorted.
"He talks to you?" Dream asked surprise.
"Ya, comes in at least 3 times a day, like routine to annoy the crap out of me. He hasn't done anything. His presence just out right annoys me." I said.
Dream tried not to smile, but failed.
"Man, did I miss you." Dream said giving me a squeeze.
"So how are things over there?" I asked.
"Nightmare hasn't made a signal move since he got his hands on you... not even an outpost has been taken over." Dream replied, obviously confused.
"Huh. So why do you think he kidnapped me? Thought of anything?" I ask casually.
"No..." Dream said.
"Oh, I'll tell you why..." Nightmare's voice banged through your head.
"Dream. Leave. Now." I told him.
"I'm not leaving you here Y/N!" Dream exclaimed.
"You can get hurt here. I can't. Go." I said.
"I'm not leaving." Dream said.
"You've always been too stubborn." I sighed.
I didn't even notice my legs moving when I ran behind Dream. I flinched not knowing what was gonna happen, but when I was only hit with a force that moved me a few inches back, I opened my eyes. A magic (any color, it can be ur favorite, soul trait color, idk.) shield was attached to my arm.
"Perks of dreaming am I right? Or am I right?" I said, as I swiftly shifted my feet as a magic barrier of the same color formed around us.
"Dream. Leave. I can handle this." I said. But then a tentacle shattering the barrier and grabbed me.
"I wanted to save this for later, but I guess I'll tell you now." Nightmare said shrugging. I struggled out of his grip, which didn't loosen a bit.
Dream watched from a far, aiming his bow, but he was unable to get a shot in because of the constant attacks from Nightmare.
"I want you, to join my allegiance." Nightmare said. The attacks suddenly stopped.
"So? What do you say?" Nightmare said holding me.
I teleported away, but still up in the air so I could beat the cockiness out of Nightmare.
I punched him in the face, and he went flying back.
"How about, no?" I said.
"Leave Dream. I can handle this." I said. Determination flashed in my eyes.
"Fine. But stay safe." Dream finally agreed.
"See ya!" I said, avoiding confirming the agreement.
Dream left my nightmare.
While I was distracted a tentacle grabbed me and flung me side to side Underverse 0.6 style. I manage to cut the tentacles off my legs and get back on my feet.
"Dude wtf man!" I said. Pain went through my entire body. Oh well, nothing the power of 'this isn't real' can't fix. I healed myself, and I made myself unable to feel pain. That was pretty easy. Guess I'm immortal in the dream land I suppose. I decided to mess with Nightmare a bit. I let him attack me, but, I can't feel pain, and my HP can't go down. This REALLY freaked him out.
"YOU'RE NOT EVEN FLINCHING!" Nightmare exclaimed, stepping back a bit from the shock.
"I know, thanks captain obvious." I said shrugging.
"This is my own head. Im just that op bruh." I said. I teleported to him and flew upside down, now I was upside down, face to face with him. He didn't have anytime to react before I poked his forehead and he went flying into a tree at least two hundred feet away.
"Huh. Oh wow." I said sarcastically.
"Stop invading my personal space bruh!" I exclaimed while Nightmare just leaned on the tree unable to move, from shock or pain. Meh not that I care.
I walked away from the scene. And enjoyed the rest of my dream.

Until I woke up.

I awoke to someone softly shaking me.
"Dream?" I stuttered out. But naw, it was the kidnapping creepy stalker @sshole.
"Have sweet dreams?" Nightmare asked.
"Not when you're in them." I said.
"So. You know why I kidnapped you." Nightmare said waiting for confirmation.
"Yes, but why? What makes you think that'll join you again? To be honest I'd rather die." I said.
"I knew I'd be a lot of convincing..." Nightmare said. I finally realized my surroundings, and sat up in the bed. Nightmare was sitting on the edge of it.
"You fu€king think?" I asked sarcastically.
"Do you think I don't know what I signed up for?" Nightmare asked.
"I don't even know what you signed up for, but I sure as he|| didn't sign nothing" I said. Nightmare laughed? It sounded so genuine too.
"Oh. And there's one more thing." Nightmare said, stopping my train of thought. I gave him a face of wonder as he took his tentacle, and flicked my forehead. Same spot I hit him across the dream scape with.
"Breakfast is on the table. See ya later princess." Nightmare winked as he shut the door.
Woah, woah, woah, woah. Wait. Is Nightmare FLIRTING with me?! Welp. That's a traumatizing thought. I ate my breakfast in an awkward silence with myself. Did I break myself? Oh shoot. Nightmare's gonna be p!$$ed... Nice.

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