Chapter 6: Surprises

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I went to Dream's office after he teleported away.  We both kinda left Ink alone in the lounge.  I'm sure he won't mind. 
I knocked a cheerful rhythm on the door. 

"Come in!" Dream called.  I came in and carefully shut the door.  The walk up to his office kinda cooled me down, and to think I was mad at him for not teleporting me with him. 

"Hi..." I said.  I kinda feel bad for
getting mad at him earlier.  Well.  I have to stay POSITIVE. 

"Hey..." Dream said.  I could see the slightest glimmer of guilt in his eyes.  Yet he was radiating positivity.  I sat down across from him.  He had quite the neat desk. 

"So, what- why?" I fumbled over my words. 
Dream took a deep breath in, and avoided eye contact. 

"Nightmare..." he said.  Barely loud enough for me to hear. 

"You know you don't have to worry about me!" I said. 

"You made me a commander for a reason,"  I almost laughed. 

"I know.  It's just... Look, I don't... Like the way he looked at you...he looked like he wanted something from you.  You." Dream said still avoiding eye contact.  Dream was worried about me.  I took a deep breath in and did the only thing I could think of.  I jumped over the desk and hugged the life out of him.  We both landed on the floor because the chair tipped over. 

"Ya big worry wart!"  I said laughing. 

"Wa- Y/N! Get off!" Dream said still in a slight shock.  We both laughed when I refused to leave Dream's side. 

"I have no choice I must use, my special attack!" Dream said heroically. 

"*gasp* you wouldn't! Not- that!" I played along. 
Dream proceeded to tickle me until I couldn't breath. 

"D-Dream ha ha! I- Bahahaha!  I can't breath!" I said laughing in between words. 

"Ok, ok, I'll stop..." Dream said laughing just as much as I was.  We both ended up looking at the bland ceiling catching our breaths. 

"Hey Dream?" I asked, Dream hummed. 

"I love you bro." I said. 

"Love ya too sis."  Dream replied. 

"Say, I got a surprise for you!" I said cheerfully.  While getting myself up. 

"Really?!" Dream asked.  He sounded like a child.  I reached out my hand and pulled him off the floor. 

"Mmmhm!" I skipped to the other side of the desk where a brown paper bag was on the floor with Muffet's logo on the front.   I picked it up and opened the bag for Dream to see all of the treats I've bought us. 

"C'mon let's go get the others!" I cheerfully skipped off with Dream not far behind. 
Dream asked a guard if they could tell Ink and Blue to the dining hall, by the time we got there, Ink and Blue were waiting for us. 

"Hey guys what's up?" Blue asked with his usual positive gist. 

"I got a surprise for you~" I sang.  Blue's eyes turned to stars, and Ink's eyes changed to a question mark, and a yellow star. 

"Really human? You really are the bestest of friends!" Blue exclaimed while picking me up and hugging me. 

"B-blue! Put me down!" I said slightly flustered. 
Blue finally put me down. 

"I guess that's karma huh." I said to Dream.  He just smirked and shrugged. 

"Well, what is it?  Shorty~" Ink said, but he whispered the last part in my ear, while exaggerating by bending down to my height. 

"Ya know, I was gonna let you have some, but never mind." I said.  I then turned away from Ink and showed only Blue and Dream what's inside the bag. 

"Human you're so kind!" Blue said while taking a muffin. 

"What!? I want some~" Ink whined. 

"Ok... Fine ya bone head." I said while letting Ink take his pick along with Dream. 
We ended up chatting about future training sessions and we agreed that we should have one tomorrow, train some of the rookies and maybe spar each other.  We also kinda considered a mix of deserts and breakfast our dinner, I also saved some of the muffins for breakfast tomorrow.  We all went to bed without a care in the world.

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