Chapter 9: Apologies and Distractions

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"Y-you knew, didn't you?" Dream said breaking the hug. 
Oh wow! The ground! It is just so interesting right now!
You nodded. 

"W-Why didn't you tell me?!" Dream asked. 
Oh boy! Look at that crack in the tiles! It's a pretty big one! That's for sure! 

"I-I didn't want you to worry about me... You sent Ink to stalk me after one measly nightmare!  Imagine what you'd do if you found out that he plans on taking me!" You explained. 
Dream looks like he understands. 

"Say, human, how did you figure out about the attack?" Blue asked.  Ink also looked quite curious. 

"I kinda had a dream about it?" You said. 

"How- can you see the future?!" Ink asked getting excited. 

"Well, um, no...It's a long story, I'll explain it when we get inside." I replied. 

Time skip cause I don't like recaps-

Nightmare's POV
I was so close.  So so so, close! And yet I was outsmarted, by, by some rookie! Who managed to crawl their way up the stats within a few years!  That look... the smile, that grin she gave me when, when she knew I lost,  it was just like... hers.  I can't get my mind off it.  She has the same E/C eyes and everything!  Her H/C hair.  It looked just like her's
On top of it all, she remembers! No one remembers unless I want them too! She remembered the entire nightmare! Detail by detail! I don't know what I'm gonna do with this chick. 

"Boss?" Killer came in this time. 

"Yes Killer?" I said annoyed.

"We kinda just lost over 100 soldiers there..." Killer said scared of what I'd do. 

"I know..." I said still irritated. 
Killer, being the smart skeleton he is, left the room. 
She didn't just make herself top on our hit list, no, no, no, this is personal now.  She is the last bit I have left of her, even if she doesn't remember me.  I'm gonna get her back.  I promise you Y/N I will get you.  And I don't plan on letting go again. 
Flash back. 
"Hey ya bone head."
"Did they hurt you again?"
"Here let me see."
"Chill! I'm not gonna touch it."
"Promise.  I'll only make it feel better." 
"Y-ya I guess."
"Come on!  I got a surprise for you!"
"W-wait where are we going?!"
"You'll see!"
"W-wait up!"
"Your gonna have to catch me slow poke!"
"*heavy breathing.* wh- woah..."
"Cool right?"
That smile...
"Ya... It's amazing!"
"I knew you'd like it!"
"Isn't it a bit unsafe toward the edge?"
"I mean, as long as nothing bad happens, we should be fine-woah!"
"H-Huh?"  I shake my head.


"You ok? You spaced out for a second."
Ink waves his hand in front of my face.  I pushed it out of the way.

"Y-ya I'm fine, just a little tired, that's all." I told him. 

"Y/N?" Dream asked. 
"Huh?" I replied. 

"Don't do that again.  If you EVER have that happen again, tell us... promise me." Dream said. 


"Promise." Dream said getting serious. 

"Fine ya bone head." I said playfully punching him.

"You win..."

At dinner cause of my lazy @ss

"So, why am I so important to Nightmare?" I asked.

"That's what scares me..." Dream said.

"What do you mean?" Blue asked.

"He was willing to give up, his greatest enemy, the king, for Y/N here." Dream said with a worried look.

"What do you think he wants with you Y/N?" Ink asked with his hand on his chin.

"I- I don't know..." I said getting a little uncomfortable.
Blue then gasped and ran out of the dining hall.

"Ooook?" Dream said watching Blue sprint out of the room.
Me, Dream and Ink continued to talk, still slightly weirded out about Blue's sudden excuse. We didn't have to wait long for an answer because Blue burst into the dining hall.

"You guys done?!" Blue said with stars in his eyes.

"Yes...? What do you need Blue?" Dream asked.

"I just had a wonderful idea! Meet me in the lounge when your done!" Blue said so fast, that I could barely understand. I wonder if he had any sweets lately.
After dinner, everyone hesitantly went into the lounge. Inside was a pillow fort made of various blankets, and thicker blankets and pillows littered the floor.

"What's this Blue?" I ask.

"My fortress! I, The magnificent Blueberry, have decided that I shall host a sleep over!" Blueberry exclaimed with stars in his eyes.

"That's a wonderful idea Blue!" Dream said getting just as excited as Blue.

"I'm gonna go get some board games!" Ink said excitedly.

"Great idea Blue! I'm happy to accept your invitation." I said with a bow. My friends giggled.

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