Chapter 29: Sleep

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I woke up in bed with my head pounding.
"Oh my stars..." I grumbled sitting up. I looked at the clock above the fancy doors. 7:00. Nice, Nightmare didn't make me sleep in.
I heard rustling from the other side of the bedroom.  I turn to see Dream waking up. 
"Good morning Y/N!" Dream says cheerfully. 
"Morning Dream!"  I said happily. 
"Have good dreams?" Dream asked. 
"Na, Nightmare hired himself to be my sleep paralysis demon.  He kinda just annoyed me though." I said getting out of bed, in search for pain Killers. 
"What do you mean? Tell me what happened." Dream said teleporting in front of me. 
"Well, I guess I was on this beach thing at night.  It was really pretty, and you know how Nightmare only shows up like once a week, so I thought it was my dream.  But then when I sat down, he got my soul, and grabbed me.  Then he kinda made me listen to him... flirt?"  I recalled. 
"Dream?" I asked worried.  He went dead silent with shock. 
"Dream? I'm pretty sure he's only doing it to annoy me though, if that's what your thinking." I reassured Dream. 

(*insert sonic "are you flirting with my sister?" meme but Dream is knuckles and Nightmare is sonic.)

"You think you can try changing your sleep schedule?" Dream asked.
"Ugh, but I just fixed it-" I whined.
"Do you think it would work?" Dream asked.
"Possibly." I replied.
"Got nothing to lose right?" Dream asked.
"Maybe my sleep schedule..." I muttered. Dream did a light giggle and walked down stairs.
Me and Dream ate breakfast with Blue and Ink, informing them on our plan.  Even if Nightmare figures us out, it should keep Nightmare confused for a while.  At least a night.  So after breakfast, me and Dream went upstairs and got ready for the day.   Dream told me to take it easy, that way I could slowly switch my sleep schedule.  For now, I'm gonna take it an hour at a time. 

Tem skip
It's been like 2 weeks and a half since our plan was put in action.  Needless to say, after a lot of sleep deprivation, my sleep schedule is totally switched.  Luckily, Nightmare hasn't shown up in any of my dreams.  So that's great.  However, me and Dream suspect that he's gonna show up any day now because it's been a good 2 weeks. I've been fully on the sleep schedule for a week and a half now.  It works like this: I stay up all night doing work, guard postings etc.  this is pretty boring.  And I eat breakfast.  Then I take a really long 5 hour nap.  Then I eat dinner, train for an hour with Dream Ink or Blue, then repeat.  It's a pain really. 
I'm in mine and Dream's office signing some stuff.  I come across the last paper. 
"*sigh* looks like I'm done!" I said cheerfully.  Since I have a lot of time on my hands, I guess I could tidy up a bit. 
I begin to sort folders, and put away papers in their respective drawers.  I gulp down my 3rd cup of coffee and sit in my chair.  Ugh.  Looks like everything is sorted.  Looks like I can go to the indoor gym.  
I walk down the halls, and down some flights of stairs.  I eventually get to the indoor gym. 
I walk straight to the punching bags.  I look up at the clock on the wall.  Looks like I got a good hour before everyone wakes up.  Nice.  I begin to punch the punching bag.  After punch, around number 49, I punched the bag off of its hanger, making it hit the wall, and all the sand pour out.  Ugh, looks like I have to get another bag. 
I pick up the mess and get a new punching bag.  I begin to punch this one for about 15 minutes.  Looks like it's on it's breaking point. 
"Your sleep schedule ain't too healthy."

I look around for the voice nervously.  It sounded like... Nightmare.  I scanned the entire gym, but couldn't find anything.  I decided to let it slide as sleep deprivation, cause man am I tired!  I go up stairs and eat breakfast.  Then I pass out on the couch. 
Tem skep
I bolt awake to see Blue next to me looking worried. 
"Huh?" I ask Blue. 
"You slept in... Ink said he couldn't wake you up so I got worried..."  Blue explained.  I nodded my head in understanding. 
"I'm sure I'm just a tad bit drowsy, after all, I usually don't train in the mornings!" I reassured Blue with a smile. 
"Ok!  C'mon dinner is getting cold! I made the magnificent sans' tacos!" Blue said dragging me behind him.  I smiled.  Today's gonna be a good day.  Well, rest of the day. 
I ate the tacos at dinner in silence, mainly because there's nothing to talk about.
After training I get some coffee and head upstairs with Dream. 
"Night Dream!" I said. 
"Good Night Y/N!  Promise me you won't over work yourself?"  Dream asks. 
"Y/N..." Dream says as a warning.
"Ok, fine!" I said. Dream sighs and walked off to bed.
I went to mine and Dream's office. 
I sat down in the big comfy chair and began working.

Black and White     (Nightmare x reader????) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora