Chapter 45: Found

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Before the fight, I quickly escaped from the group to get the magic restraints off.  I ended up lock picking it with an overly sharp pencil. 
  "Are you ready human?"  Raspberry asks.  You can tell he tried to sound intimidating. 
He failed miserably. 
Ya know what?  I'm gonna beat his @$$ with a frying pan. 
This is gonna be hilarious.  Raspberry jumps toward me. 


I finished off the knot that was tying the "gruesome Raspberry" to a tree. 
"Release me at once human!  I am your captain, therefore you must obey my orders!"  Raspberry angrily commanded. 
  "It's a Monday."  I said. 
  "Everyone knows that!" Raspberry shouted. 
  "Wait... wrong word.  A mutiny."  Raspberry continued to scream profanities at us, while we all stifled a laugh. 
  "Don't worry! We left you some soup!" I cheered.  We all acted like we we're walking away, but in reality, we just wanted some rest.   We all went back to camp and fell asleep.  I was used to staying up a few days in a row.  I even stayed up for an entire week once.  However everyone else was exhausted from Rasp not letting anyone rest for 2 days straight.  Due to my horrible sleep schedule, I kinda just stayed up drawing all night.
After a good night's sleep, (for everyone else) we all went out to check on Raspberry.  Everyone secretly hoped he had gotten eaten by wolves.  To our disappointment, we found him sleeping peacefully tied to the tree. 
"*gasp* Is that the great and terrible Raspberry?  Sleeping?!"  Raspberry shot right awake at these words. 
"Me?! Sleeping?! The terrible raspberry would never!" Raspberry said. 
The lot of us all giggled and eventually untied raspberry.  Let's just say everyone now has bite marks on their hands.
At about midday, Raspberry stopped us and told us to put on the clothes he brought.  They looked like a bunch of nomad outfits, surprisingly.

"Alright. What are we going to do when we get there?" Raspberry asked us for the 30th time.
"We act like nomads and follow you." We all said on top of each other.
"And?" Raspberry asked annoyingly.
"Say nothing." Everyone sighed. After an hour of a little more horsey riding, I saw a faint speck in the distance. The Sun Kingdom!
As much as I'd like to go to Dream and immediately tattle on Nightmare that he kidnapped me. Again. I can't blow my cover just yet.
Who knows what other kind of technology they have to contact people.
I patiently rode the horsey in which I named (insert stupid name).  The castle got closer and closer in distance.  As my excitement, nervousness, and anticipation went through the roof.
"Who approaches the Sun Kingdom! State your name and your business here!" A guard yelled from the gates. Oh! It's Cher.
"Just let us I-" I cut Raspberry off before he could insult the guard.
"We are nomads lost and weary. Our small town of Novania has been destroyed by the soldiers of Moon. Please let us pass. We are just looking for a place to settle down." I paused and continued, hoping to get a line of code to the guard.
"You may recognize our town. It's in the M.E. (Damn real smooth Y/N) Area. We've gotten ourselves into a tight situation traveling this far, and who knows when they'll find us. We are simply looking for protection. Nothing to get the high guards involved in." I stuck a little Moon badge from underneath my cloak and allowed it to flash in the light in complex patterns. Morse code.
Y/N. Return. Dream. Moon guard. Disguise.
I see Cher's eyes widen in response and grin. She nods.
"Well, enjoy your stay here! Please stay as long as you need!" She said happily. After we walked through the gates, Cher went off, assumingely to send a message to Dream.
I smiled.
"You ignored direct orders! I was the only one to speak! You should not have but in. There will be consequences. Consider this a warning." Raspberry hissed. I rolled my eyes
I was now debating on if I even should've said anything.
We walked through the village not drawing any attention to ourselves.
We all circled the kingdom until we came across what we were looking for.
It was a giant white dome made with tarps and iron. Shadows of people could be seen inside.
"Under construction." I read allowed.
"That's the best excuse they've got?" Grillby asked, causing the rest of us to snicker a bit, until Raspberry hissed at us to be quiet.
"We're going to sneak in, without being caught, then sneak back out and report to Nightmare. Got it?" We all nodded and slipped through a hole in the tarp. It was science heaven in there. Scaffolding was almost as high as the tarp, and built around exactly what we were looking for. A giant universe eating light bulb.
"I'm gonna throw something in it!" Chara said and ran off.
"Wait don't- ugh." Raspberry face palmed.
"Well? What are you waiting for? Go find something interesting and don't get caught. We'll meet back here in an hour. If you see Chara, tell them too." We all nodded and scattered.
I went toward the back of the dome. I was less likely to get caught. I'd also like to get a closer look at the dome.
I finally got a good look at it, and it terrified me. A giant bulb slowly eating away at my home?
My breath became jagged and my heart began to beat quickly. Tears formed at the corners of my eyes.
I looked up swallowing my emotions back down.
The magic white ball thing glowed, beckoning me toward it. I slowly walked toward it.
Im coming.
I slowly reached my hand out to touch it until I was rather roughly pulled back.
"Stop. You're not supposed to be her-". The person cut themselves off after seeing my face.
"Y/N?!" Blue said allowed.
"Dream! Come here quickly!" Blue called. I was frozen. Was this actually happening? Could I finally go back home? I can't be this easy can it?
"Yes Bl-" Dream turned the corner of the white orb. He saw me.
"Y-Y/N? Is it really you?" Dream asked. I smiled and nodded opening my arms for a hug.
He ran and tackled me into a hug.
"Y-Y/N! I- I I thought y-you y- were d-e" Dream cried.
"Sh. It's ok now. I'm here." I comforted.
"Oh! Hiya Y/N! How'd ya get back this time?" Ink said suddenly appearing.
"I snuck into a guard mission to see if this whole mess is real." I said motioning toward the orb thing. It gave me the shivers.
"Ah. I see." Ink said.
"Speaking of which, I believe there are a couple moon guards running around here. Most of them are harmless and will turn right over. Raspberry is a different story." I said.
"Cher did mention that..." Blue said. I smiled. I'm happy to be bac-
I got roughly yanked back.
"DREA-" I was cut off by a tentacle covering my mouth.
"What were you doing?!" Nightmare asked sternly.
"What do you think?" I asked moving up a bit to talk. 
Nightmare ignored me and continued to ramble on.
"Look at those bags! Did you sleep at all since you left? And your lighter than usual! How much did you eat?! You run away for 3 days! 3! You couldn't even take care of yourself for that long?! This is why I won't let you back to Dream. He doesn't even take care of you that well. He didn't even notice!" Nightmare 'checked' my soul.
"How did you even get it that low! I lost you for 3 days! Not even a week!" Nightmare scolded. He wrapped a tentacle around my soul and started to heal. My health slowly went up from 20 to 100. Ink and Blue awkwardly stood there. I looked toward Dream for help, but he was frozen in shock. Ah. The voice change.
I looked back at Nightmare again to notice the goop slowly dripping off, revealing one violet eye light.
"We are going home, and you are going straight to bed, and eating something soluble." I took one last glance at Dream. He seemed to calm a bit. A lot less tense, he kinda looked relieved.
I gave him a : "Save me right now you b@stard."  look.  He gave me a worried look and shrugged. 
"Shush!  We are going home and you're getting proper sleep!  And actual food."  Nightmare demanded.  He wrapped his arms around me and glared at Dream.  I looked at Dream, still silently pleading for help, he just looked at me and GRINNED. 
"DREAM YOU BACKSTABBING BIT-" My screeching fest was cut off by Nightmare teleporting away. 

Dream looked at Blue and Ink. 
"I think Y/N could be a nice change for my brother, don't you?"
"I ship it." Blue smirked.

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