Chapter 26: Reunion.

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"That's a long story..." I said. 
"We have all night!" Dream said. 
"I'll go make some hot chocolate! Meet me in the living room!" Blue said, finally allowing the three of us to get up.  Blue scurried off to the kitchen while myself, Dream, and Ink went to the living room.  Dream didn't dare to let go of my shoulder, and still didn't leave my side once we got there.  He insisted on sitting on the couch.  I smiled at his kindness.  It was nice to have them back again. 
"Hey, Y/N?" Dream asked.  I hummed signaling for him to continue. 
"Why do you have a frying pan?" He asked.  I didn't realize I was still holding onto it. 
"Oh, haha that? Well, it took me a while to find the exit, and I got caught up it the kitchen.  All of the real weapons were clearly all ready raided, so I grabbed the second best choice." I explained shrugging.  Dream made an 'o' with his mouth.  Blue walked in with hot chocolate, then ran off to get something else. 
In the meantime, I enjoyed sitting next to the fire with my friends.  I snuggled next to Dream, happy to be in his presence again.  He always was a bit like a brother to me.  And man was he the best.  Blue came back, ushering us all out of the living room.  We all knew what this means. 
We all came back inside the pillow fort and drank hot chocolate while I told my 'treacherous tales of Nightmare's castle'
"...and then he kissed me." I said.  Dream almost spat out his hot chocolate, Ink actually spat out his hot chocolate, Blue just froze.  But after he saw what Ink did, he scolded him for it. 
"HE DID WHAT?!" Ink shouted.  I nodded uncomfortably. 
"Oh my stars..." Dream said covering his mouth. 
Blue was speechless. 
"I-I'm gonna go g-get s'more hot c-chocolate..." Blue said still in a state of shock. 
"I'm just happy I'm out of there..." I said hugging myself. 
"It could've been worse." Dream reassured me. 
"If you put it that way, then I guess it wasn't so bad.  I mean, I basically got to do whatever I wanted, and got whatever I wanted as long as I didn't go outside.  With the exception of Nightmare peeving me every now and then."  I said.  Dream held my shoulders in place, as though if he didn't, I'd fall into the floor.  I always enjoyed his brother-like protection, but sometimes it was too much.  Not this time though.  This is one of those times in which I need his reassurance. 
"I'm back~" Blue sang as he came back in with not only hot chocolate, but s'more stuff!
"S'mores!" I squealed.  Taking the bag of marshmallows.  I opened it and took one out.  Everyone got one except Dream.  He started eating the marshmallows like popcorn. 
"Dream! You're going to get a stomachache!" Blue scolded.  Dream replied by looking at Blue, then the marshmallow in his hand. 
"Dream..." Blue warned.  Dream slowly put the marshmallow into his mouth and swallowed it. 
"Dream!" Blue scolded.  (Let me know if u figure out which book on what pad I'm referring to.  If you can guess, you get a gold star!). The rest of the night followed with laughs and giggles.  The occasional mention of Nightmare would come up, but Dream would change the course of the conversation, seeing I was clearly uncomfortable.  We all eventually fell asleep, and I hoped I could fix my sleep schedule. 


"Oh Y/N~" a voice called from the darkness. 
I stayed silent. 
"I know you're there..." He said.  I was peeved.  I was back with my friends, and now he had to bust into my dream, and fu€k it all up. 
"What do you want!?" I shouted into the darkness.  It sounded more of a command really. 
"You know what I want~"  I heard Nightmare, but I just couldn't see him. 
"No! I'm not accepting that stupid offer! I'm back.  I'm safe, and most importantly, I'm away from your stalker nonexistent @ss". I explained.  Just then, my soul came out of my body.  It floated in the dark in front of me.  It showed bravery, my MAIN soul trait.  If I'm ever in a situation where I need something different, it happens.  Despite this Nightmare, I need to preserve. 
Like magic, the souls faded.  It was a mixed soul between bravery and perseverance. 
"Ah, very interesting..." Nightmare's voice rang through my head.  A tentacle gently caressed my soul.  I jumped back in shock, only to find that I couldn't move. 
"This is why we really could use a person like you..." Nightmare said.  The tentacle wrapped my soul. 
"Your way of convincing people is awful.  Go fu€k off." I said bluntly.  Nightmare chuckled.  His tentacle was still wrapped around my soul, as though in a protective manner.  I also realized the reason I couldn't move was for the same reason. 
"Let me go!" I said, starting to struggle.  I couldn't do anything cause I didn't know where Nightmare was.  Unless I just...
I closed my eyes.  When I opened them, my desired scenery was displayed. 
"You were always so special Y/N.   That's why you could do extraordinary stuff like this..." Nightmare said.  His hand was now covering my soul, instead of the tentacle.  I was finally able to see Nightmare.  He was admiring my soul with a sly look on his face. 
"Your flattery is not appreciated, but is acknowledged.  It has been put into the 'fu€k you' pile in my brain files."  I said. 
He stopped looking at my soul, and looked at me. 
"I will find you Y/N.  And I promise when I do, I'm never letting you go." Nightmare said, ignoring my statement.  He brushed some hair out of my face, and cupped my cheek. 
"DREA-" I was cut off by a tentacle covering my mouth. 
"Ah, ah ah, getting Dream involved is a bad idea... especially now." Nightmare said.  Now I can see him.  I can fu€k Nightmare up!
I teleport out of Nightmare's grasp, and grab my soul back from him.  I kick him up and down again.  He smashes the ground.  And grins.  He grabs my ankle pulling me back down to the ground, giving himself just enough time to take my soul out of my body again. 
He cups it back in his hands, making sure that I can't grab it again. 
"I'm sure you wouldn't want your soul getting smashed to pieces? Would you?"  Nightmare asked glancing up from my soul looking at me 
"Eeeeeh, If it means that I don't have to be near you, then I'm down."

*You're filled with SARCASM! Yaaaaayyy.

I see a brownish glow come to Nightmare's hands from my soul.  He smiled. 
"Never seen that color... looks like you just made a new soul trait." Nightmare grinned even wider at the thought. 
"I'm gonna leave you with a parting gift... until we meet again."  Nightmare said.  His hands glowed a satisfying dark teal.  Then my soul was submerged into his magic. 
It made my body feel tingly almost.  It was a pleasant warmth and comfort, yet it came from one of the evilest beings in the world.  Nightmare watched with a sly grin on his face, when my soul got a permanent dark tealish glow to it.  He pushed my soul back into my body, and gave me a kiss on the cheek.  I blushed sure, but angry.  Now that I have my soul back, I can beat the $h!t out of Nightmare!  But right before I teleported, the dream started to turn to white. 
"See ya soon, Princess~" Was the last this I heard before I shot of of the pillows hyperventilating.  Why was I hyperventilating? Oh, ya, cause my kidnapper/Parent murder just came into my dream and did something  weird to my soul. 

Dream POV
I woke up to the sound of someone hyperventilating.  I sit up to see Y/N having a panic attack, I hope it wasn't...
"Y/N... Calm down... Breath," I said carefully. 
"In for 2, hold for 6, out for 4..." I said calmly.  I hugged Y/N to help her calm down.  She followed my instructions and calmed her down. 
"Y/N... tell me what happened." I said stern but soft. 
"He did something weird to my soul..." She said. 
"Y/N, can I see your soul?" I asked seriously. 
"It's just a dream... what could he have of done?" Y/N said.  She said no where near as panicked as before.  She was looking away from the soul awkwardly. 
My eyes shot open.  Nightmare's magic lightly covered Y/N's Soul.  Y/N looked too and was shocked. 
"W-what does that mean...?"  She asked frightened.
"I-I don't know..." I said. I didn't know to be honest. But something tells me that it might have proved as a threat, to me and my team.

Thx y'all for all the love and support! This is my third book and it means a lot! ☺️ thanks guys!
This is why I love the undertale fandom.

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