Chapter 37: Pancakes. No more fu€king pancakes.

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I awoke in a strange room unable to move. It was weirdly warm. I have to admit I was comfortable. If I were to die right here, at least I'd die happy.
All of the memories from the past few days flooded in, hitting me harder than I hit dust with my frying pan. I smiled as I pictured my old sidekick.
I ended up framing it after the whole fiasco. One of my prized possessions. 

I opened my eyes once more to find myself in a different room. I examined the large space. It looked a little like Dream's room. I tried moving again, but I realized I couldn't. I looked down at myself to see non other than Nightmare holding me down.

I would no longer die happy.

Killer POV

I quickly closed the door seeing as 'Y/N' is awake. I look through my phone and open the photos app. A perfectly shot picture of Y/N and Nightmare.
"Heh. Blackmail." I said aloud while walking away from the room.


"Have a nice sleep Princess?~" Nightmare asked. Great. He's up.
"Let me go! It feels like that's all I've been doing, thanks to your freaky @ss magic." I squirmed. Nightmare's tentacles pulled me closer to him. This allowed him to wrap his arm around me.
I struggled to break free. If it wasn't for Nightmare, I probably would've fallen off the bed. I was right on its edge.
"This is wEriiD-" I whined. I immediately felt Nightmare let go. Then I fell off the bed with an 'oof.' Nightmare looked over the bed to see if I was ok. He looked like a blue grape.
"What? Cats got your tongue?" I asked, putting my leg over my knee while placing my arms behind my head.
"Touché." Nightmare glared.
I just shrugged and smirked. I had a wonderful, idea.
"I never knew you had a good angle. Now that I'm looking, all of them fit you quite well~" I used 'flirt.' Nightmare blushed heavily at the comment, despite how cheesy it probably was.
"Uhhh... INeedToGoGetBreakfastILeftTheOvensInTheToasterILoveUBye" Nightmare said in one word. Before I could use the option again, Nightmare vanished. I had won da battle. I smirked for victory as I stood up and began exploring the room. My eyes landed on the door. I twisted the nob to hear a satisfying click.
It's unlocked.


Sh!tSh!tSh!tSh!tSh!tSh!t... I didn't actually expect her to flirt back! I mentally replayed the whole scenario in my head.
Left your ovens in the toaster!? C'mon Nightmare....
I mentally faced palmed. I'm so gonna get back at her for this. But for now, I guess humans need food. No one's cooking today... looks like it's my turn. I get the pancake batter and gather the other necessary ingredients. Pancakes are my typical go to, because I'm not the best cook. I have to admit that I never tried baking anything else. But I do know a bit about cooking from books. I rather not risk burning down the castle. Unlike some idiots I know... if they saw me in Horror's bright pink apron, flipping pancakes of all things... needless to say that they'd flip. Literally, mentally, and the castle.
I placed the last pancake on the plate. I felt eyes in the back of my head. I swiftly turned toward the stare, afraid it was one of the idiots. I froze when I saw who it was.


I walked out of the room, and into the hallway. Every hallway looks the same. But this one had that special deja vu.
"Huh...I wonder..." I wandered the hallway to the next door down from Nightmare's. I jiggled the handle a bit and found that the door was locked. I looked through the key hole, and sure enough, it was that oh so familiar setting. 'My' room.
"Who would've guessed." I said aloud. I shrugged and continued on my merry way. I decided I should use this opportunity to explore the castle. In case I ever want to escape again, I should find the quickest route. I was delayed by at least thirty minutes last time, because I had no idea where I was going.
I decided I should give myself a tour around the castle. It'd be a stupid move to try and escape now.
I've had to duck into a spare room, or climb up onto the ceiling a few times to avoid detection. I've even come rather close with sans a few times. This one was crying. All the time. I think his name was along the lines of a 'c?'
I found the stairs and quickly went down them. To the right I found the doors that seem to go to the library, and in-front of me, I found a huge and comfy living room. If it wasn't for the sleeping potato one, and monochrome, I probably would've checked it out.
A wonderful scent reached my nose, urging me to go towards it. Now that I think about it, I haven't eaten anything in a while. A quick peak wouldn't hurt. Right?

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