Chapter 39: 127

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Attempt number 127.

I've been stuck in Nightmare's castle for about a month. I'm currently running away (or attempting to) for the 127th time. I am hiding in the throne room trying to get these stupid cuffs off. I'm behind the throne, and the doors right in front of me. However, my escape would be futile if they had trackers on these stupid wrist bands.
Out of frustration, I bang my cuffs on the floor. A circle kind of piece falls out. I look at in in confusion as I pick it up off the floor.

A tracker!

Lucky me!
I run out the doors with a tracker in hand.
Fudge. I forgot guards exist. Wait... FUDGE?! I think Nightmare's whole, 'no swearing' thing is rubbing off on me dang it...

Oh right. The guards. Luckily they somehow haven't noticed me yet. These guys are horrible at training their guards.
I take the moment to breath in the fresh air, and bask in the daylight, before I slip past the guards. However, I find myself getting yanked back into the castle.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Nightmare scolds in my face.
I was in for it now...
"Uhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." I drag out.
"You could've gotten hurt! Or lost in the fu€king woods! The guards might have thought you were an enemy and ATTACKED you!" Nightmare's rant was short lived because I cut him off.
"My guy. I AM an enemy."
"...well, not for long anyway. As soon as you agree to my conditions, you won't be able to say that." Nightmare smirks.
"And what makes you think that? My resolve hasn't even dropped one bit over the past month." I reply.
"You'll see dear. You'll see." Nightmare starts walking up into the room.
I snarl at the nick name as I get carried back to my room.  Nightmare chuckles in response as we reach the door. 
Nightmare stops in front of the door and teleports inside.  Like I said, doors are too good for Nightmare. 
He sets me on the bed and checks my stats.

*Full strength not available due to magic restraints.
*Magic restraints are no longer removable.
35/80 hp
LV - not avail@lib/e

Huh. My levels are weird. I shake my head taking myself back to reality. I find myself being scolded, then healed by Nightmare within the next 30 minutes.
"How did you even get yourself down to 35 hp!?" Nightmare scolded, or asked.
"I fell off the ceiling, then down the stairs." I said bluntly. I also knocked a good 5 off by slamming my hand on the floor to get the tracker out. I hate these stupid magic restraints. They're making me so weak! I can barely even knock my door down. Not to mention that it's metal.
How did I fall off the ceiling then off the stairs? I climbed on the ceiling, and because I'm so weak now, I slipped when the stairs came around.
"You gotta be more careful." Nightmare scolded.
"Ya, ya, Nightmare." I brushed him off.
"I'm serious." Nightmare stated.
"Oh. Sorry I thought your name was Nightmare." And that's when I died right then and there. Nightmare's face of pure confusion wasn't helping either. Eventually Nightmare got the joke and decided it was time for a little pay back. He picked me up with his tendrils and shook me around until I was just the slightest bit dizzy.

"Put me down! Nightmare!" I demanded.

After a bit more scolding and healing, Nightmare finally left my room to do whatever he does.
I flop down on my bed and say muffled curses about my failed escape attempt.
"Fuuuuuuunkkkk" wait... funk!?
"Shizzles?" I say aloud again.

I only know one person who could do such a thing. Through pure determination and will I kick down my door and run down the hall. I still get lost in this place. Even after 127 failed escape attempts. But hey who's counting?

I shake my head to get out of my thoughts. If I can find the kitchen, I can find the throne room, then the door.

I still can't believe it. After all this time, I can finally see Fresh. And maybe even escape.

(Hey y'all! Sorry I haven't been updating as frequently!  I have a lot of important things in rl, so I hope you guys understand!  I also have a YouTube channel.  There isn't much undertale content on there, but please do check it out! And who knows, I might be planning a few things!
Thanks again for understanding, have a nice day.  If your interested in my YouTube it's called JeanBeanStudios!)

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