Chapter 33: You give me a headache

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Still Y/N POV (it's just easier to do it like this sorry T-T)

"So warm..." I mumble, snuggling back into the warmth.
I slowly regain consciousness. I open my eyes to realize I am in Nightmare's castle. Ugh. I tried sitting up only for something to push me back down. I noticed that Nightmare's tentacles are keeping me on the bed.
Strategy number 2: rolling. I tried rolling off the bed and away from Nightmare, only to be caught mid roll, facing Nightmare. His tentacles pull me into his chest making me startled. I tried to escscape only to be held tighter. I couldn't even see because I was being held so tight.
"Don't think you're escaping that easily princess~" Nightmare says pulling me closer if possible.
"Let me go!" I grumbled. It was probably muffled because I was so close to Nightmare.
"Nope! You're staying right here." Nightmare said.
"Why?" I ask slightly annoyed.
"Because I said so." Nightmare said. I started to feel drowsy again.
"Please don't use your weird magic on me."  I say. 
"Well, now that you mention it.... That doesn't seem like such a bad idea."  Nightmare said.  Before I could spit out a protest, Nightmare's tentacle was around my mouth, the rest were making sure I couldn't get up.  I tried struggling out of Nightmare's grip.  As Nightmare's grip wasn't loosening, my grip on reality was slipping away, until I found myself back into my dreamless sleep. 

- Tem skip brought to you by your extended car warranty

I woke up unable to move. 
Then the events of the last day or so unfolded in my mind.  I tried sitting up, only to be forced back down.  I was face to face with Nightmare.
"Have a nice sleep princess?"  Nightmare asked opening his eye. 
"Not when I'm being forced to." I mumbled. 
" Looks like it's dinner time.  Let's get you something to eat."  Nightmare said, finally letting me out of captivity... sorta.  He got up off the bed and teleported out of the room.  I finally had a minute to sit up and stretch.  However, as soon as I did, I got a pounding headache, making me fall on the floor. 
"Why does the universe hate me so muuuUuUch..." I grumble. 
"What's up princess?" Nightmare said.  He probably witnessed me falling off the bed. 
"Most certainly not myself." I say rolling over.  I try to stand up, but my head is still pounding.  I finally get to see Nightmare, holding a tray of what looks like f/f (it better be soluble or y'all gonna die of malnutrition. And I kinda need u for plot sooo... DEAL WITH IT.)
"What's wrong?" Nightmare asks after chuckling at my first response. 
"Your face." I said avoiding the question.  Why?  Well a better question is: why would you want the guy who kidnapped you to know about your headache. 
"Something's wrong.  You know I know.  Tell me."  Nightmare said with a sigh.  He walked over to my desk and placed down my food. 
"..." no response. 

N/M POV (like, finally!).
I walked in with Y/N's dinner just in time to see her fall off the bed and onto the floor.  It was quite amusing.  At first I thought it was a little slip up, but then I felt the tiniest bit of distress.  I reveal myself from the shadows. 
"Why does the universe hate me so muUuuUch..." Y/N said aloud.  It's funny cause it's true at this point in time. 
"What's up princess?" I ask with my signature smirk. 
"Most certainly not myself." She said rolling off her stomach.  I chuckled at this.  Another wave of distress came when she tried to stand up.  Something's wrong.  Y/N looks at me holding the tray of food. 
"What's wrong?" I asked, knowing that I have her attention. 
"Your face."  She says.  Y/N's avoiding the question.  Something is definitely wrong.  I walk over to her desk and set the food down. 
"Something's wrong.  You know I know.  Tell me."  I said getting a little more serious. 
"..." No response. 
I teleport in front of Y/N and hold her chin making her look at me.  She still looks down. 
"Tell me.  There's no use in hiding it now." I said.  Y/N flinches.  If your not like me or my brother, you wouldn't have been able to to tell anything was wrong.  But she's in a lot of pain right now.  I would compare it to shattering an ankle. 
Y/N continues not to make eye contact and shakes her head 'no.'
"Show me your soul." I said.  She used the same response.  Well, I don't feel like getting Error, and my magic is already covering her soul.  Looks like I have to do this the hard way. 
I hold Y/N with my tentacles and pull her soul out, 'classic' style. 

*Is in immense pain but refuses to show it. 
20.9/29.8 hp
LV 1

Her HP seems to be dropping... however her max HP also seems to be dropping as well.  I'm gonna have to look into that.  I cover her soul in my magic.  Her HP slowly rises to the max HP of 29.8.  Usually your natural HP isn't a decimal.  I can only assume that her original HP was 30. 
"Tell me what's wrong." I said.  The magic covering her soul turned to a darker teal.  I could practically feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. 
"A headache." She says casually. 
"Huh.  Makes sense.  I'll be right back." I said fully aware that nothing in this fandom makes sense.  I teleported to the medic's office to get some Tylenol. 
I think it might be because of the magic restraints giving her a little fatigue.  I have a theory:  Her health is slowly dropping because the monster magic that was giving her a little extra strength is being contained.  She does have at least 10-20 more hp than most humans. 
I searched through the cabinets and eventually found what I was looking for.  I teleported back to the room to see Y/N just finishing up with dinner. 
I feel... sympathy?
Not from her... from... myself...

That's why I kidnapped her (x2) in the first place.  Because I used to know her.  And I believe I can get her back.

I hope...
After I gave her the Tylenol I head back to my office. I need to get some work done.

Nightmare left me in my room. Perfect. I can't sense his negativity either. That's good. The Tylenol didn't help, at all.
I get off the chair struggling to get up. If I want to survive, I have to get these stupid restraints off my wrists. Luckily the proceeder is fairly simple. I stumble my way to the wall.
First things first...
I take out my soul to see the damage that the restraints have caused. It ain't pretty...
*Health is slowly dwindling.
LV 1
I can't believe I've lost so much max hp...
I used to be at a hundred. Maybe I was more monster than I thought. Huh. Well, time to get these things off.
This proceeder is fairly simple... but if it's done wrong, then it may or may not back fire in my face... literally.
I slam the top of my left wrist on the wall, leaving a small crack, then I flip it around and lightly press down on the kingdom of sun's engraving on the bottom of my wrist. Or, was the kingdom of sun.
They seriously painted over it.
Both restraints came off with a snap. I grinned. I threw the restraints inside the wardrobe. I put on a long sleeve jacket to cover up the fact that the restraints are off. I'm aware it's not a permanent solution. Just temporary.

An idea occurred.

What if I modify the restraints? I have worked in the science lab for 2 years. I'm pretty sure I helped develop some part of it. What was it... ah! The battery. It runs off of recycled monster magic. I need to do that later. I can't risk doing it now.

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