Chapter 25: Frying Pan.

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The last two days were long. But I've managed.  They mainly consisted of me doing something, then being rudely interrupted by Nightmare giving me food, trying to p!ss me off, or both.  I've managed to ignore the weird stuff, until he does something physical, like, pff idk, KISSING ME! Luckily it hasn't happened since the first time he did it.  If he doesn't get through to me within the next day or so, I have a feeling he might do it again.  But luckily for me, I'm gonna be gone by then. 
It's been 3 hours, Dream said he'd be doing business.  And it's almost time for me to leave.  He said that as soon as the lights flicker a little, I should leave.  The flickering would be caused by Blue's magic tempering with the electricity. 
I look up at the lights as they dim and undim, just for a millisecond.  Nows my chance.  I waltz out of the room and into the hallway.  Remember when I shoved a piece of cardboard in the door? Well let's just say I was lucky that I didn't escape before I face planted into the pancakes.  Just the thought made me cringe. 
It took a while to find the door that leads out.  I even came across a kitchen, but weirdly enough, all the knives seemed to be raided from it.  Huh.  Wonder who did that? Well, at least I got something. 
A frying pan!

Occasionally I had to crawl up on the ceiling to avoid getting caught, but even if I did, I know there's a guard shortage because they're all busy fighting Dream.  I do sure hope he's ok. 
I finally found an exit.  But you needed a magic button or something to get out.  Well.  Looks like I have to engage. 
Us royal guards usually try and avoid conflict, but this was necessary. 
I waited for a lone guard patrolling the halls to walk underneath me.  Then when he least expected it, I jumped him.  I landed on top of him and covered his mouth to avoid him screaming for back up.  I pinned him down and searched for the pin until I finally found it.  I hit the guy in the back of the neck to get him out of the way, and shoved him into a dark room.  I didn't know what was in there, nor did I want to know. 
I ran to the exit, badge in hand and put it in the slot.  I heard a clicking noise and opened the door.  I looked up and noticed it was nighttime.  Looks like the guy really did fu€k up my sleep schedule.  It seemed as though I was in the court yard.  I just had to get through here and I would be home free. 
I jumped over hedges and sprinted to freedom.  I then had to climb a brick wall.  These were my favorite training exercises at the camp. 
I got on top of the wall, and jumped down, rolling to break my fall.  The woods.  I was home free.  I started to run towards the nearly dead forest, when I was yanked back hard by someone. 
"Ah, ah, ah.  Nightmare wanted me to make sure you wouldn't escape, and now look who's doing his job!" It was Sans.  Specifically the crazy looking one.  Who tf am I kidding, they all are crazy.  I growled.  A knife was up against my throat.  A slow trickle of blood was dripping down. 
"Are you sure about that?" I asked. 
Sans looked confused at first.  I don't have the energy to remember all of their nicknames or whatever, but I believe this one had dust on his hooded cloak, so I guess that's the only one I'll be able to remember.  I'm pretty sure his nickname was Dust.  I'm still gonna call him sans though to p!ss him off. 
"C'mon.  Let's get you back to your room before boss finds out you ever left." Dust said ignoring me.  My trusty soon to be dusty frying pan gripped in my hand, I jerked my head back, head butting Dust, causing him to step back a little, letting me out of the knife to neck situation. 
"I HAVE A FRYING PAN AND IM NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!" I yelled pointing it at dust. 
"A frying pan?!  Seriously.  What's a doll like you gonna do with tha-" I cut Dust off by hitting him in the back of the head with the frying pan.  He fell down from the shock, he almost fainted.  But then he shook his head and stood back up. 
"Oh you wanna play that game huh?!" He asked with an even more crazed look in his eyes, if it was even possible, and jumped toward me with a broken bone in hand.  I was about to block the impact with my frying pan, but no impact came.  I look to realize that Ink had painted Dust his own chains and wrapped him up in them.  Awe, how sweet.  What a nice gift for dusty. 
"Ink!" I exclaimed going to hug him. 
"Long time no see!" He said returning the hug. 
"Shorty." He finished.  But I didn't care.  I was just happy to see him.  And since I had so much free time on my hands, I even thought of a nickname for him. 
"Skittles." I said. 
Ink looked down in shock, but he then laughed. 
"C'mon.  Let's get out of here! This place is giving me the creeps." Ink said. 
"Maybe it's Dust screaming curse words at us." I pointed behind me to a Dust, who was flipping out. 
"*gasp!* language Dust!" Ink scolded covering my ears.  I giggled. 
"Let's get you home." Ink said painting Ink on the ground.  I jumped through first then Ink followed behind. 


Me and Ink got back to the castle to see nothing wrong, everything was peaceful and quiet. 
"What's going on? Where's Nightmare's troops and crap?" I ask confused there isn't a war raging on outside the castle. 
Ink giggled. 
"Well, lets just say we relocated, and created an illusion that the kingdom was in its original spot." He said. 
"What do you mean?" I ask. 
"Well, once we found out that Nightmare had a huge siege ready for us, we decided it was best to relocate.  Of course Dream couldn't tell you all of the details in your dream, and even got some wrong, like me coming to get you instead of Blue, due to Nightmare 'accidentally over hearing.' We also made the illusion that everything was still in its original place to distract them for a while.  It should be at least another month or two before they find us, so we should be safe here.  We're in a hidden location right now." Ink explained. 
"Ooh ok.  Where's Dream and Blue!?" I asked, excited to finally see my friends. 
"Follow me!" Ink said dragging me inside.  I saw Dream nervously pacing in the thrown room, which doesn't get used often.  Blue was sitting on the edge of the thrown knitting.  He does this every time he's nervous. 
"I'm back!" Ink sang.  Dream and Blue looked up to see me and Ink.  I awkwardly waved from behind Ink.  Dream teleported to lock me into a bone crushing hug.  And Blue bulldozed us all onto the ground, afraid to let go. 
"I-I T-thought I-I'd never s-see you again!" Blue cried.  I patted his scull. 
I smiled.  We were all crying and smiling, on the floor. 
"It's ok buddy." I comforted.  Dream just hugged, sniffling every now and then, while Ink was forced into the giant hug and unable to get up, so he just stayed there.  Nonetheless, tears were threatening to come out of his eye sockets as well. 
"I missed you." Dream said. 
"I missed you too." I said. 
"So! Y/N tell me! What happened at Nightmare's castle?" Ink asked excitedly. 
That's a long story.

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