Chapter 4: Stalker

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You, ink, blue, and Dream were all having breakfast in the oversized dining room.  A few business people were there just working on land ownership and such with Dream. 

"Hey Y/N," Ink asked.  You looked at Ink signaling for him to continue. 

"Dream told us what happened... Are you ok?"  Ink asked. 

"Never better actually!  I mean it hurt sure, but I think I kinda felt bad@-" Dream gave you a look from across the table.  You knew this one. 

"-cool." You finished. 

"Why's that?"  Ink asked in confusion. 

"Cause I may or may not have punched him in the face..." You trailed off.  Needless to say, Ink was stunned. 

"Wh-how-huh...?" You're pretty sure you broke Ink. 

"Bro...?" You asked Dream, he hummed.

"I think I accidentally broke Ink."  You exclaimed.  

"How'd you manage to do that human?" Blue asked. 

"No! Not blue too!" Dream joked. 

Time skip brought to you by my nonexistent motivation

You, Ink, Blue, and Dream all finished brunch.
"Hey! Y/N! Wait up!" Dream said chasing after your speed walk.

"Ya?" You ask him.

"What about you have the day off?" Dream asked.

"Really? First day and I already get vacation?" You joked.

"C'mon? Can't I treat my lil' sis for once?" Dream asked reaching down to pinch your cheek.

(Did I mention that your short af? Oh well like it or not, gotta accept facts.)
"Dream!" You whined.

"In all seriousness, you had a long night. Usually they regroup for a while after an invasion." Dream explained.

"There's no fighting with you, is there?" You replied.

"Nope!" Dream said with a grin. You playfully punched Dream on the shoulder.

"I guess I deserved that..." Dream said while rubbing his shoulder.

"Yep!" You said cheerfully.

"I guess I could run some errands today..." you thought out loud.

"That's the spirit!" Dream said enthusiastically.

"Well, I got some things I need to take care of... see ya later Y/N!" Dream said walking toward his office.

"Bye!" You said waving.


I walked to my room to get some in town cloths on, but then, guards were at my door! Were those guys always there?

"Um... can I get in there for a sec?" I asked confused.

"Y-yes commander Y/N." The guard said stuttering a bit. He and the guard next to him moved their spears a bit so I could get past. Ok this is starting to get weird...
I got on some overalls/dress (whatever u prefer) and headed out of the castle. I've heard of a bakery a little bit into the village with amazing pastries during breakfast. Maybe I could surprise the crew with some!

I walked past my old house.
Man, it's hard to believe just last week I was living here....
Whilst saying hello to some of the towns people, I've walked to the bakery.

"Ms Muffet's Pastries of Perfection." I read aloud. I walk in to hear to pleasant sound of a bell ringing above my head.

"Good morning deary~" A voice says. I turn to see a spider monster at the counter, with a pink and purple baking dress.

"Oh, hello!" I said with a smile.

"I'm the owner, Ms Muffet! What brings you to our humble bake shop?" Muffet says cheerfully.

"Oh! I've just heard about your treats, and I just had to come and see for myself." I stated with a grin. The owner merely giggled.

"Take your time deary~" Muffet said. I looked at the menu. Man was this stuff expensive... Oh well!

Man did I get loads of things! I got croissants, and donuts, and muffins and crème puffs, and even F/D (fave dessert). Best 200g I've ever spent! Ok maybe a little excessive. But I can't say it wasn't worth it!

Hmm where to next... Post office!

I swiftly turn around.

Someone's watching me. I need to lose them in the allies.
I used my speed walk to go into the allies. Judging by the footsteps behind me, they don't know, that I know, I'm being tailed.  Man that was a mouth full...
I walked to the post office, subtly walking quicker.  I've always had the strange talent of walking rather quickly.  I could probably walk as fast as one of the lower class guard's jog. 
The foot steps behind me quicken, this is a good sign.  It means I'm losing them.  Just after I turn a corner, I jump up on top of a one story house, carful not to break the shingles.  I wanna have a look at this guy.  I know it's a 'he' for I have a good ear.  After a while you get used to all the sounds. 
I look down to see no one turn the corner after me.  I wait a couple minutes, but nothing. 

Could it have been in my head?  No.  I heard his foot steps. 

I continued to the post office.  But I suppose I have to be a little more careful.  I would like to check my mailbox to see if there's any updates on scoutings and positions and such.  It's still all pretty new to me, but I have the belief I can manage it.  I walk out of the post office.  They're back. 

Ugh, I hate working on my day off... (tee hee get the reference?).

I walk toward the park.  I might be able to catch them red handed on one of the trails.  (You'll get it in a sec.)
I go onto a trail that doesn't seem to have been maintained very well.  I like it because it brings me ever so closer to nature.  And it's perfect for catching stalkers like-
I take daggers from my pocket and throw them at the tree behind me.  Right on target. 

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