Chapter 36: Comfort

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Nightmare woke up with a jolt, and finally letting go of me.  He was breathing heavily and his eyes were widened.  Looks like he had a bad dream...

Nightmare's heavy breathing slowly turns into hyper ventilating.  Nightmare holds his chest, while I'm still on the ground from when he dropped me.  You can't just trap someone, not letting go, then just drop them!

I shook out of my thoughts and stood up in front of Nightmare.  Stars... I can't believe I'm doing this...

I went up to the panicky octopus.  His tentacles were twitching and swerving around.  He looked so panicked that he didn't even notice me.  I give Nightmare a warm embrace. 

"Shh.  It's ok.  I'm here."

"It was just a bad dream!"

"You're alright."

Nightmare's breathing slowly goes back to normal as I feel arms (and tentacles) mirror my embrace.  His breathing slowly goes back to normal.  The only thing remaining is a few hiccups.  I try to sit up so I can better examine the library, only to find that I'm being held down. 

I rub circles on Nightmare's back until he fully loosens his grip.  I finally sit up and look around the back part of the library.  There's some stairs that lead to a second floor, a few tables with books piled on top and in the corner, a door (which you can assume leads out), and there seems to be a tiny kitchen.  Bingo!
"You want some tea?" I ask.  I get a shaky nod from Nightmare as he fully lets go.  I run off to the tiny kitchen. 

After a bit of searching, I finally find the tea.  Nightingale should do!  I found it way in the back.  It even had a few cobwebs on it!
I bring some water to a boil and put the tea bag in.  I stir it around for a bit as the water slowly darkens.  I pour the tea into two separate cups.  I give Nightmare the tea bag, as I put in (preferred amount of sugar) sugar and (preferred amount of milk) milk into my own.  I put the milk and sugar onto a tray.  I also grab the honey and put it on there as well, along with Nightmare's tea.  I also put my tea on there to make it easier to carry. 

I set the tea down on the coffee table. 
"I didn't know how much milk, or sugar you like, so I just brought everything over here." I told Nightmare.  He nods and grabs the tea. 
"That's fine..." Nightmare says as he pick up the cup. And. Drinks. It. Black.  My face twists into what I can only imagine as a mix of confusion and disgust.  Nightmare seems to snap out of his weird, in-shock episode after my reaction.  Nightmare chuckles.  Weirdly enough, it wasn't a fake kind of: 'hi I'm dead inside but I find your suffering too amusing' kind of laugh.  It was real.  It was true.  It was smooth.  It was beautiful.  I look around for a chair.  Only to be pulled back by a tentacle. 

"Nightmare! Put me down!" I exclaimed.  I'm still holding my cup, trying not to spill it while I squirmed.

"No." Nightmare sounded like a child.   He held me closer. 
I decided to kinda just let it happen.  Nightmare's not gonna let go either way.  I have tea, and a feeling that this is gonna be a while.  I give into Nightmare's embrace and sip my tea.  Nightmare's usual dark aura got a little lighter as he sipped his tea as well. 


I smiled at Y/N as she let herself go limp.  Looks like she fell asleep.  I pick her up bridal style and teleport into my room.  I lay her on the bed and put a blanket over her. 
"Hm.  I almost forgot." I say noticing her wrists. 
I need to find those and ask mads to fix em.... I noticed Y/N stirring in her sleep.  I catch her just in time before she falls off the bed. 
"What am I going to do with you..." I smiled. 

(Heya! Sorry if this chapters short! I like to end each chapter off on a certain point, and It'd just be weird to keep going.)

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