Chapter 16: Room

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I've been checking around the room.  The most I've found was where half my clothes went.  Creep.  Well, at the moment I'm bored.  It's been like 4 hours.  But I don't have a clock in here so I ain't counting.  Didn't think it was possible to be bored while being kidnapped, but here I am. 
Currently I'm laying on the floor, thinking of an escape plan.  Not like there's anything else I can do anyway.  I can easily break the chain on my foot by slamming it against a wall.  I don't even know why it's there.  That's the easy part.  The hard part is getting past the guards, well, mainly Nightmare.  And who knows how much noise breaking the chain will make.  However, I haven't heard anything since I got here, kinda peaceful really.  Every once in a while I'll hum a tune, so, maybe the room's sound proof.  Welp.  Only one way to find out. 
I find where the chain connects to the wall.  A metal plate was inserted into the wall holding the chain in. 
I raise my foot and smash it against the wall on where the cuff locks.  A sound of breaking was heard.  One more time, and the cuff was gone. 
I sit on my bed and examine my foot. A mark was left from where I banged my foot against the wall.  A slow trickle of blood ran down.  A large bruise was also there. Probably broke it or something.
"$h!t..." I said.  I could've sworn there was a bathroom, there had to be.  In the left corner of the room there was a bathroom.  Good.  I walked toward it and went to see if I could find any medical supplies.  Hanging right next to the entrance was a med kit.  Nice. 
I took my boot off and wrapped my foot in bandages to stop the bleeding.  Then I carefully replaced the boot.  I maybe op, but I'm still mortal.  Now that the chain is off I can reach the door.  Wonder if it's locked. 
I walk out of the bathroom and carefully slip into the hallway.  Looks kinda depressing ngl.  So left, or right.  Hm.  What about up.  I jumped up off the floor and onto the ceiling.  I'm quite grateful to whoever designed this, because the elaborate 3D patterns on the ceiling make it perfect for climbing.
You crawled your way through the halls on the ceiling.  There seems to be  no windows, anywhere.  You guessed it was kinda self explanatory, but still.  Just one.  You need to find just one.  Even an exit.  Then you might have a chance. 
Just then, a roar of anger was heard from down the hall. 
Huh.  Looks like he finally payed you a visit.  Or should you say your empty room. 
You tried your best to mask your emotions as a raging Nightmare sped walked down the hall.  His tentacles were twitching with anger. 
You think you're gonna follow him.  He knows this place better than yourself.  Whatcha got to lose?
You follow Nightmare down corridors and big fancy hallways.  Still trying to mask any emotion. 
You're going to get out of this he|| hole. 
You are filled with DETERMINATION. 
You eventually follow Nightmare until he goes down some stairs.  His negative aura still burning with anger. 
Stairs are a good sign.  That means your one 'step' closer to freedom. 

(Ba dum sttsssss)

You follow down the stairs, still clinging to the ceiling.  You have to admit, it was tricky because they were at an angle, and not as detailed as the halls up stairs but you manage. You eventually find yourself following behind as Nightmare enters a thrown room.  He sits on the thrown, while you take cover in the very dim chandelier above.  It was made with a calming blue light, just enough to see anything.  This was basically the lighting of the whole castle. 
Just then, about 5 skeletons appeared.  Some guy that looks sad, another guy that looks emo with his hood up who has mismatched eyes dust covered the guy.  A guy that looks like he needs a hospital, he has a giant crack in his head.  A guy that also looks like he was balling his eyes out, but he had Error signs all over him, and his bones were black, oh ya and they were all skeletons.  Oh and another colorless guy that doesn't look to happy.  All of which were skeletons. 
"Yes boss" one of the guys asked.  You were too high up too see who said it, but you believe it was emo 1 (the guy with his hood up.)
"She's gone.  Find her.  Get her back.  For all I know she could still be in the castle.  And don't hurt her.  I'm looking at you Horror and Dust."  Nightmare said.  The guys all saluted as a joke and teleported away somewhere, except the error guy, who walked out.  Just as he was opening the door, he swiftly turned toward the chandelier. 
$h!t $h!t $h!t $h!t...
They guy motioned for Nightmare to look up, and as he did, you felt strings wrap around your limbs and pull you out of your hiding place. 
You were now dangling a few feet from the ground, upside down. 
"Oh.  Hello Y/N" Nightmare said sinisterly.
"Heeeeyy @ssh0le" You said still dangling upside down.  The weird one with the strings snorted, then Nightmare glared at him.  He then walked in front of you and started to talk to string guy.  While they both were distracted, you held onto one of the strings, and pulled down hard.  These strings were probably tougher than the chain, but you would manage.  They broke with a not so loud snap.  Now you were dangling by your hands.  You switched hands snapping the strings one at a time, falling with an 'oof.'  You look to see if the skeletons are still occupied.  They seem to be bickering about a chocolate shortage? Well, now you run and hope for the best.  You run past the string dude.  He quickly turned around to see you running to the door.  Despite his evident shock, he shot strings at you. 
"No you don't!" He said in a voice that made you cringe.  It sounded weird.  You couldn't quite place your finger on it, but his voice was jumbled and messed up.  Changing pitches every word. 
You swiftly dodged the strings and slipped through the door. 
"$h!t." You heard Nightmare say before you made your way down the hall.  A pain shot into your foot and through your entire body. 
"$h!t.  Looks like I reopened the wound..." You said under your breath still running.  Your pace slowed because of the pain, but you had to keep going.  This was your downfall, however, because a tentacle grabbed you from behind yanking you back. 
"Ah, ah, ah, wouldn't want you escaping now would we?" Nightmare taunted bringing you up to his face. 
"'Now would you.'" You corrected. 
"I wanna leave this he|| hole." You said.  Nightmare rolled his eyes and teleported up to your room.

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