Chapter 20: Memories of misconceptions.

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"So, have you thought about my offer yet?" Nightmare asked. 
"You know it's fu€king pointless.  I'm never gonna join your gang of wannabe emos, and you know that! So why tf even try?!" I exclaimed. 
"C'mon.  I got a surprise for you." Nightmare said attempting to grab me.  I easily dodged. 
"So, usually when a kidnapper says THAT, it usually is torture.  So um, no thanks, I'm good." I said backing away. 
However, my struggle was futile, because Nightmare simply teleported behind me and grabbed me. 
"Well $h!t!" I said. 
"C'mon lets go." He said.  And without my permission, he teleported us somewhere.
He covered my eyes and led me to sit somewhere.  Felt like a blanket on grass.  Huh.  He uncovered my eyes and sat down across from me.  I looked around.  We were in a garden of some sort on a crappy blanket.  The stars were out and a picnic basket was in between us. 
"So do you like it?" Nightmare asked I looked at him. 
"Despite how much I hate you, And yes I still hate you, this is amazing." I said.  Sure, he's creepy, and weird... and kidnapped me.  But I have to admit this is pretty cool. 
"(Favorite portable food(sandwiches ect.)?" Nightmare asked. 
"You damn stalker." I said while taking a sandwich and eating it.  I looked at the stars, and man were they beautiful.  My eyes lit up.
"So what's with the whole shenanigans?" I asked, clearly confused about why he was doing this.   
"I just wanted to try something."  Nightmare said.  He took his tentacle and put it on my forehead. 
"Woah, bro what are you doing?Personal SPACE man, personal-"
I got cut off by something. 
_______flesh beck brought to you by  Y/N's obliviousness____________

"D-do you like it?"
"Nightmare... this is beautiful."
"You really think that?"
"Of course! You're my best friend after all! Why would I lie to you?"
"Here! Have a (fave portable fud)! I made them myself!"
"Nightmare you know these are my favorite! Thank you!"
"No problem!"
"Look! I brought my violin!"
"Nice! Did you end up finding a name for your song yet?"
"I'm thinking, 'a million dreams'!"
"That's perfect!"
"These are delicious nightmare!"
"I close my eyes and I can see, a world that's waiting up for me, that I call my own."
"Through the dark, through the door, through where no one's been before."
"But it feels like home..."
____________end of flesh beck.__
I shook my head a little bit, only to be greeted by a massive headache.  I winced from the pain. 
"Do you remember me?" Nightmare asked. 
"Ya, Of course I do, you're the guy who terrorizes villages and crap- agh." I replied, this headache sucks. 
"What the fu€k did you do to me?" I asked still in pain. 
"It's hard to explain.  I just need to figure out why your soul rejects my magic." Nightmare said. 
"So is that what this's about? Ugh I can't believe you."  I said backing away from Nightmare on the blanket. 
"Btw what was- $h!t, with that weird vision thing?" I asked STILL in pain from whatever magic crap he did to me. 
"Ya, sorry about that.  It wasn't supposed to hurt you or anything.  Just bring back some things you've forgotten.  Just come here and I can fix it." Nightmare said. 
"Umm how about no? I don't know what freaky crap you're trying to- AGH, b-but I'm not doing it." I said backing away.  But then it occurred to me.  What if he's trying to wipe my memory! That explains it! If he can wipe my memory... that means that... nuh uh, not happening. 
I can barely see anything because of the pain.  I'm still slowly backing away from Nightmare.  He tries to reassure me of whatever he claims, but I can't think, I can't hear.  It hurts too much.  I don't know what he's saying.  I can't see.  I can barely feel anything.  My senses are all numbed.  Can't think.  Get away. 

I could sense a lot of pain and distress.  I don't know what happened, but I believe I can fix it.  I tried calming her down, but she couldn't seem to hear me.  I could sense that she has an over loading amount of pain in her body.  I'm surprised she hasn't fainted yet.  She should've a couple minutes ago.  She really is something else. 

I felt myself start to hyperventilate.  I was still backing away from Nightmare.  I'm surprised I'm still able to stand.  My head hurts like he|| and it's not getting any better.  I can't see anything at this point.  Everything is just a blur.  Noises are just static, and so are thoughts.  Every time I try to think, it just makes me hurt more. 
My legs started to give away.  As I was backing up, I tripped.  Not surprising really considering the amount of pain I was in.  Before I hit the ground, tentacles curled around me, avoiding the impact. 
"N-Nightmare?" I asked still hyperventilating. 
"The one and only." I could just barely make out his response.  I still was hyperventilating.  Nightmare's tentacles have off a comforting aura.  I would've stopped hyperventilating if I wasn't in so much pain.  I could feel something trail through my hair. 
I ran my fingers through her hair, pulling her into a tight embrace.  I used my healing magic.  I wonder if that was worth it. Was bringing a few memories back really worth it? Or should I have left it be.  Doesn't matter now.  I just need to fix this.  I used my magic on her.  Slowly, she stopped hyperventilating. 
"Shh.  Hush.  You're ok." I comforted.  Oddly enough, my voice sounded less disoriented. 
I got pulled out of the pain by Nightmare. 
"G-get t-the f-f-fu€k a-away f-rom m-me." I said stuttering on every word. 
"Shh. C'mon let's go." Nightmare said.  His voice sounded sweet almost.  Never mind that.  So... tired. I couldn't even keep my eyes open.  So. Comfy. 
"Sleep.  You've had a long day." Nightmare said.  I struggled but it didn't help.  I was too tired to move.  The pain was slowly going away because of Nightmare's magic.  He carried me bridal style which I was NOT ok with.  But eventually I was forced into a dreamless slumber.

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