Chapter 38: Nope.

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It's been a week or two since Nightmare found out, or revealed he knows that I took off the magic restraints.  Oh.  Speak of the devil.
"Oh Princess~ I'm back~" Nightmare teleported into my room.
"What do you want now?" I turned away from my canvas annoyed about the whole charade. I look at Nightmare, and man was he a sight to see. He had heavy bags underneath his eyes, if he had hair, I'm almost sure it would have been a rats nest, and his clothes look like they haven't been changed in at least a week. He almost looks worse than me at Dream's. Almost. No one can surpass me. And thy whom tried shall ultimately fail, for I am Queen of Insomnia.

"Ok. You look like $h!t. Are you ok?" I asked, slightly joking. Nightmare's eyes widened.
"You're asking if I'M ok?" Nightmare asked shocked. I mean, I would too if the person I kidnapped was asking if I'm ok.
"No." Nightmare deadpanned. Huh. What a shocker. Nightmare grabbed me with his tendrils and grabbed my wrist. He quickly clamped a slightly different looking magic restraint on my wrist before I could realize what was going on. Then he dropped me.
"Ow..." I said. Nightmare then teleported away. I'm surprised he didn't mess with me. Especially after I swore. Usually he'd do something stupid and say 'rEmEmBeR nO sWeArInG.' Huh. I wonder how not ok he is.

Nightmare POV

I return to my thrown and weigh my options. When I said that I was not ok to Y/N, I really wasn't lying. Recently, a certain cattle phobic betrayed us. And now, they're holding Horror hostage in return for Y/N. Of course I'm not worried about Horror, because the kingdom of sun doesn't torture people. But I'm down two... they were two of my most important pawns. I have no doubt that horror will eventually escape. But we are temporarily on the 'losing' side. Especially since Cross permanently joined Dream. I slam my fist on the thrown, causing some of the nearby guards to jump.
"Go get Killer, and tell him to bring me our little trouble maker."  I said. The guard nodded and went off on his way.


I was painting when someone opened the door. Nightmare doesn't use doors. He's too good for them. Or the doors are too good for Nightmare. Well, whatever the case, Nightmare doesn't use doors.
"Boss wants ya." A infinitely crying skeleton said.
"Why?" I ask.
"I dunno." Sans said.
"Ok." I replied, going back to painting.
"You coming or-"
"Nope." I said popping the p.
"It's not like you have a choice..." The skeleton tried to explain.
"No thanks. I'm good." I said, not looking away from my painting. I don't even have to look to tell that the skeleton rolled his eyes. If that's even possible because he doesn't have pin pricks.
I get grabbed by the back of my shirt collar, and dragged out of the room. I tried fighting him off, but to no avail. I wonder if the magic restraints are actually fixed, and do what they're supposed to do, and not slowly kill me.

I open up my stats.

*Full strength not available due to magic restraints. 
*Magic restraints are no longer removable. 
80/80 hp
LV 1
(Y/N can't see that she has negative levels btw.)
My eyebrows raise. 
"Huh.  That sucks." I accidentally said aloud. 
"What does?" The crying guy said still dragging me.  What was his name?  Murderer? Bloody? Target? Kills... Killer! That was his name. 
"My stats, just checking em." I said. 
"So.  Looks like fell sci did a good job." Killer said. 
"Maybe on your side." I said.  Killer chuckled as he opened two familiar fancy double doors. 
"Boss! I got er'!" Killer exclaimed. 
"You are excused." I felt myself fall a few inches as I said killer walk out. 
"Come here." Nightmare demanded.  Mmmmm no.
"Eehhhhh rather stay here thanks." I said slightly nervous.   Nightmare rolled his eyes.  A tendril stretched across the room, and grabbed me off the floor. 
I was set down on to Nightmare's lap.
"What are y-"
"Shut up." Nightmare said.  I decided it was best to listen, considering that he doesn't seem like he's in the mood.  Nightmare's tendrils curled around me in a protective manner.  His head was rested in the crook of my neck.  I was over here, knees pressed up against my chest, looking severely uncomfortable.  My face probably looked like a cherry.  I looked in the corner of my eye to find that Nightmare's face was the same. 
Nightmare's eye opened. 
"Enjoy the view?~" he asked.  My face turned even more red.  Nightmare chuckled at my reaction.  Stars do I hate him...

I don't think I'm gonna do narrators POV anymore-

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