Chapter 28: Walked right into it.

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Within the sweet relief of sleep, I found myself on a beach.
A navy blue sky tinted the water, the sun has just set, making the water lined with the faintest tint of red, orange, and yellow.
Stars twinkled and reflected off the water as well. The moon was among the stars, following the same gesture. A faint breeze was provided, making my (h/L),(h/c) hair mimic the waves in their attempt to be motionless. The waves were subtle. Every time they hit the shore, it sounded no more than a drop of water.
It was warm. Everything. A warm welcoming into the world of dreams. Much better compared to last night...
This dream reminded me of a warm summer night. A calming cool breeze flowing by, following the waves. "Who knew my self-conscious could create something so beautiful." I said knowing no one would hear me. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
I sit in the sand and close my eyes.  I listen to the water, and the occasional breeze. My knees were comfortably bent just enough to where I can hug them, but also lean back if I wanted to.
I felt something wrap around my shoulders.  My eyes shoot open just in time to see my soul being grabbed by a tentacle. 
"$h!t" I say aloud.
I walked right into it. A trap.
"Hello Princess~ Like the dreamscape I created?" Nightmare asked.   His tentacles slowly wrapped around me, making sure I didn't escape.  My arms got pinned to my sides, but the rest of my position stayed the same. He was sitting criss cross (applesauce XD) next to me, and he was uncomfortably close.  He used his tentacles to scoot me toward him, so that now my shoulder was touching his arm. 
"I have to admit it's nice, but fu€k you." I said.  I attempted to get out of Nightmare's tentacles, or at least an inch away from him, only to find my head being pushed into his arm.  Now I was being forced to lean on Nightmare. 
Nightmare's hands cupped my soul.  The warmer, lighter teal color that engolfed my soul started to come back.  Replacing the one that made the hairs on my neck stand up. 
I glared at Nightmare, and he did his $h!t eating grin back. 
"I just wanna express how much I hate your octopus-nonexistent-@ss."  I said.  Nightmare had an amused look on his face.  A tentacle came up over my mouth to avoid me from spitting anymore insults, and possibly spitting on Nightmare.  I glared at Nightmare once more before I bit down as hard as I could.   It kinda tasted like an extremely bruised apple.  Is that black licorice Nightmare hissed in pain, and reflexively pulled his tentacle away from my mouth.  He shot me an annoyed glance, while I shrugged. 

"B!+ches get stitches b!+ch." I smirked.  Nightmare was shaking his bitten tentacle and returned with a glare, but then replaced it with a smirk. 
"What kinda weird $h!t you have up your sleeves now?" I asked noticing his change of expression.
"Oh I have tons of weird $h!t up them.  But I don't think that's the kind your talking about." Nightmare said while shrugging.  I uncomfortably tried to scoot away from Nightmare, only to be pulled closer to him by his tentacles. I then tried lifting my head off of his shoulder. But then his tentacles pushed my head back onto him.  
So... tired.
"You son of a b!t€h." I said, realizing he was using his magic on me.
"What? Feeling a bit drowsy?" Nightmares asked, looking up from my soul. I got hit with another wave of sleepiness.
"How the funk- I'm already sleeping..." I said, clearly confused.
"You should get some rest, dear." Nightmare said looking at my face for a reaction at the new nickname.
As much as I hate to give this guy what he wants, my face was red. Possibly from blush, more likely from anger, but almost a definite mix of both. Nightmare grinned as another wave of drowsiness came over me. I struggled against his tentacles keeping me in place to no avail. I'll keep trying though. I looked at my orange soul to see it turn slightly red and purple.
Y/N struggled against my grip as her soul changed colors constantly. I cupped my hands around her soul, gently sending more magic through it.
After dealing with loads of curses and ineffective insults, I eventually got her to calm down. With my magic on her soul, she didn't even have the energy to tear away from my shoulder. I made sure to do this perfectly, that way she wouldn't pass out entirely, only become half aware.
I ran my fingers through her soft, (h/c) hair. I could feel Y/N's negativity radiating, at my action, but she couldn't do anything about it. I always loved the feeling of her negativity. It always felt so unique compared to anyone else's.
I heard Y/N mumble what was most likely an insult.
"I'm sorry, what was that princess?" I asked. I allowed her to see her soul as I aimed a tentacle right at it.
"N-nothing." She stuttered. I couldn't sense any fear. Looks like I made her that sleepy to the point of stuttering.
"How cute." I said barely audible for Y/N to hear. Within the mess of my tentacles keeping her close to me, I saw blush dust across her face.
I gave Y/N a cocky grin, and I got a sneer in return. I went back to Y/N's soul, I made the magic coated on it give off a warm glow. It was just so mesmerizing, her soul covered in my magic. The way it constantly changes into entirely different traits every few minutes, seconds, hours, there's really no way to tell, can make anyone awestruck.
My eyelids feel so heavy, and I'm already asleep! Like how tf does that work?! Is it like one of those dreams where you wake up, realizing it was all just a dream only to wake up again? However, can't say I haven't fallen asleep in a dream before, so... I don't know, I guess I'm just gonna abandon logic on that one, and give it the most reasonable answer.

✨M a G I C✨
My eye lids become heavy. Too heavy. I can't keep them up anymore. I don't want to fall asleep. I can't let Nightmare. My eyelids slowly fall, my entire body goes numb against my will. But my consciousnesses still struggles to stay in play.
I can't move, and I barely have enough energy to think. But I'm awake. My eyes are closed, but I'm awake. I can still feel what's going on around me.
Nightmare's tentacles are still forcing me down, despite myself going limp. The lukewarm sand underneath me, and Nightmare sitting beside me. My head resting on his arm. Ugh.

It seems as though I got Y/N exactly where I want her. I pass the glowing soul to one of my tentacles as I focus on Y/N. I pick her up off the ground, as her limp, yet still half-conscious, body dangles in the air a few inches off the ground. I set her down in the hole between my legs. 
I put my arm around her, while the other runs through her hair. My tentacles still protectively wrapped around her. I can sense over whelming levels of hatred.
"You're s...such an @s$... and you don't even have one..." Y/N mumbles. Her voice is so soft and smooth, even when it's not with the song of a violin... and when she's telling me insults.... Her eyes are still closed, probably too heavy to open. My hand still brushes through her hair.
"I promise you Y/N. I will find you, and take you back home. And we will do this in the waking world." I said quietly.
"Please don't. Please fu€king don't." Y/N replies miserably. Her voice
got sterner. But she was still half asleep, unable to move. I smiled knowing I can make her stay like this for awhile. I wrap a tentacle around her mouth, knowing she won't have the energy to bite it again, even if she wanted to. I can feed off of her unique negativity for a while.
"I won't be leaving for a while.  We got all night princess~" I said, resting my head on top of her's. A satisfying, muffled groan of discomfort was heard.
"That's what I like to hear~"

Tem skep brought to you buy Nightmare' storm troopers

After about what I hope was an hour of running his fingers through my hair, Nightmare pulls me into a full embrace.  He finally lets his tentacle off my mouth. 
All that's going through my head is one thought.  One question. 
Why tho? Just why? What did I do to the universe to deserve this...
"You're cute when your blushing~" Nightmare's voice said.  I still couldn't see anything, because I was too tired to open my eyes.  They just felt so, heavy.  My entire body just went numb because of this creep's magic.  How do I get out of this? Should I just wait it out? Persevere? 
I struggled to open my eyes, I eventually manage to do it.  I see the light waves, the calm water swishes against the shore.  The stars and moon reflect off the water, a view I've only seen in paintings. 
"N-Nightmare?" I mentally curse myself for stuttering. 
"Ya Princess?"  Nightmare asks.
"Let me the fu€k go."  I said. 
"Not happening. Not tonight." Nightmare said hugging me closer to him. 
"Why are you doing this again?" I mumbled, barely having barely enough energy to open my eyes. 
"You know what I want~" Nightmare said. 
"And why am I worth all your trouble?" I asked still struggling to keep my eyes open.  Sure, he can annoy me a bunch and feed off of my negativity, but he can do that with anyone, with any other emotion.  Better me than them... but I still don't see why I'm worth all this guy's trouble...
"You just are, and that's all there is too it."
"Oh ya, and you can take out an entire troop of guards without breaking a sweat." Nightmare finished. 
"Train your guards better." I mumbled.  I'm not wrong, those guys are awful at fighting.  One of our lowest class guards can take on at least 3 of their lowest class guards.  He just has more guards because his are usually drafted. 
"But that also means you can take out an entire troop of Dream's guards as well." Nightmare continued, ignoring my comment. 
"No.  What makes you think that I'd ever work for the likes of you?" I ask. 
"I know you'll come around...Eventually"  Nightmare said.  My eye lids felt heavy again.  They slowly drooped down, as I was forced to sink into Nightmare's embrace. 
"There we are.  Much better, isn't it?"  Nightmare asked. 
"N-no.  I won't-" I got cut off by one of Nightmare's tentacles covering my mouth. 
"Shh.  Rest now.  I'm so close to finding you.  And when I do, I'm gonna take you back.  And never let go again." And with that, I was put into the same state as before.  And time moved slow.  Very slow.

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