Chapter 7: Dreams Not Meant to Remember

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Time skip by Ink stalking Y/N and almost getting killed. 

You got on your nightwear and hopped into the extremely comfortable bed, curtesy of Dream.   You looked out the one curtained window with half lidded eyes.
You fell into a peaceful sleep. 
You awoke with a jolt to see ANOTHER assassin on top of you with a knife to your neck. 

"Oh hell-" You cut the guy off by kicking him. 

"Ugh, not this $h!t again..." You said rubbing my eyes.  The guy hit the ceiling and had a pretty hard hit back down to the floor. 

"Sorry, you were saying?" You said as you got off your bed and tied the guy to your bed with your curtains.  Again.    When you left only one curtain was hanging up on your window. 
You grabbed your sword and ran down the hall.  You found enemies, and you found a lot of 'em. 


"$h!t..." I said while readying my sword.  There was at least a fleet of 'em over here.  Well.  Looks little old me will have to do. 
Us in the Sun kingdom NEVER want to kill anyone.  It's a very strict rule, instead, we just, beat 'em up a bit.  That way we can show them the light.  It's not their fault that they were born in the other kingdom.  More than likely, they were probably drafted as well.  Half our soldiers actually consist of changed enemies.  All we want to do is show them a little kindness.  However sometimes they're 'loyal' so we have some commanders and such in our basement. 
My soul radiated with DETERMINATION, KINDNESS, BRAVERY, and most of all, POSITIVITY.  
Every time I fight, it feels like I'm moving through silk.  As though I've planned this moment before I was born, almost as if it was routine, yet, every move I make is different from the last.  A dangerous dance.  Deathly.  I knock 'em out with the back of my sword's handle.  I walk away from the at least hundred people littering the floor. 

"I'm sorry... I'll come back!" I say as I leave the room and descend the stairs. 
I sprint and my lungs start to burn.  I go out to the court yard and see Nightmare with Dream.  He has him in his goopy tentacles and is struggling to break free. 

"Ah! Y/N we were just wondering when you'd come around." Nightmare said with an evil grin. 

"Let him go Nightmare!" I demand.  Nightmare laughs. 

"Oh, but Y/N!  I want to make a bargain." Nightmare says with his twisted voice.  I breath in deeply relaxing myself. 

"I'm listening..." I say. 

"You come with me, and I leave your pathetic king here alone."  Nightmare says gesturing to a struggling Dream. 

"D-don't d-do it Y/N!" Dream says struggling to breath with the tentacle around his neck. 

"I'm sorry..." I say.  Nightmare grins, a grin of victory. 

"Nightmare." I finish.  I grin towards a confused Nightmare. 

"I know your secret." I say as Nightmare looks shocked. 

"H-how!? When!?" Nightmare booms. 

"Since I 'woke up'."  I replied. 

"Take two." I say.  I teleported behind Nightmare. 

"Like ur cut g" I said as I smack him in the back of the head into next semester. 
(Duuude! Your not supposed to know those terms! you don't live in the time of technology!  You fight with swords and weird stick things man!).
"Ugh fine.  Can I still beat his nonexistent @ss though?" 
(Heck Ya!  I still have to fix the forth wall tho damnit...)

Take 2:

"Hope I never see you again!" I say as I stab his eye.  Nightmare hisses in pain, letting go of Dream. 

"Dream!" I said as I hugged dream Dream. 

You awoke in your bed once more.  You yawned as you saw the sun peaking through your curtains.  Your one curtain that, the other one you used to tie the assassin up two nights ago. 
That scenario before? All a nightmare. Courtesy of Nightmare, the king of nightmares.

That's how you figured out it was a dream.  In your dream, both curtains were hanging on your window.  Nightmare's detailed, sure, but not enough.  As to your knowledge, Dream hasn't given you back the curtain you used to tie up the assassin, so you only had one.

"Good morning Y/N! Have pleasant dreams tonight?" Dream asked walking you to the dining hall. 

"Ya... sure. Something like that." You said.  You didn't want to worry Dream.  He had someone stalk you for stars sake!  Imagine what he'd do if he figured out that Nightmare wanted to kidnap you! There is no way that your telling Dream.  You just need to distract your emotions until you can develop a plan. 

"C'mon! Let's go eat breakfast!" Dream says. 

"Hang on! Let me get in uniform first." You tell Dream. 

"Oh, ha ha, right." Dream said scratching the back of his skull. 
You get into your armory, well the necessary stuff anyway, and go downstairs to find the skeletons digging into the leftover muffins.  You grab one and take a bite. 

"Oh! Wow! It's still isn't stale!" You exclaimed. 

"I'm pretty shocked myself! I may swing by 'Muffet's' is it?" Dream stated. 

"Well? Let's go!" Blue said running toward the back court yard of the castle. 

We all got outside.  I noticed someone familiar.  That b!t€h that tried to kill me was here! And they were a guard dressed in gold. 

"Ok everyone! Pick a partner and start to spar! Me and my friends here will give you some tips here and there!" Dream explained to the newbies. 
While everyone was picking out who looked the weakest so they could look good in front of the commanders, the former assassin came up to me. 

"H-hey..." she said avoiding eye contact. 

"Hi." I say awkwardly. 

"S-So I'm the person who um, ya know, and I'm sorry." She said looking down. 

"You're the one who got slammed up against the wall and cracked it!" I said
playfully punching them. 

"Haha, ya..." she said scratching the back of her head. 

"Hey, tell ya what, what about we meet at Muffet's later? Get to know each other a bit!" I proposed. 

"So? What's your name?" She asked. 

"Wait, Nightmare doesn't tell you guys the names of the people?" I asked.  She shook her head. 

"No... he says that we'd get too attached and hesitate um, ya know." She said. 

"Huh.  Man would he like to see this." I said as I nudged her shoulder. 

"Haha, he'd be pretty mad..." she said. 

"Hey. Don't sweat it.  Why don't you go find yourself a partner, and we'll meet up at Muffet's 10am tomorrow?" I asked.  She nodded and headed off to find a partner.  First work.  Then find a plan to stop Nightmare.

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