Chapter 40: An Unrad Scenario

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I speed down the hall not caring wether a guard sees me or not. I practically jump down the entire flight of stairs and sprint to the kitchen. Ok. I've found the kitchen. Now I just need . .
My thoughts stop dead in their tracks, as a familiar scent processing in my brain.
New goal. Coffee. Fresh can wait.
I scurry my way to where the scent is strongest. Oh it's luxury. Am I Dreaming?
The smooth dark liquid sits innocently on the black counter top. Keeping the curved shape of the shiny coffee pot. My mouth waters and my eyes sparkle at my long lost friend.
"Hey~ long time no see~" I wiggled my eyebrows, leaning on the counter in a cool manner.
"Nice curves ya got there." I said tracing my finger along the coffee pot's edges.
*the coffee seems sick of your tomfoolery.
I grab the entire pot and raid the kitchen for creamer and sugar. I then threw a random amount in the pot and took a sip. The smooth bitter liquid trailing down my throat.
I follow in Dream's foot steps.
The wise words from a very wise skeleton:
"Mugs are for the weak."

I smile at the memory. I took another sip of the bitter bean soup and try to recall what has brought me into this heavenly moment. Oh. Right, Fresh. I wrap my arms around the coffee pot and speed walk to the throne room, behind the oversized chair is the door. I take another gulp of coffee. And hurry my way to the door, as soon as my hand touched the handle, I get yanked back. I barely keep my pot of coffee intact.
"Tell me. What did we just talk about." Nightmare has his hand on his forehead in annoyance. He doesn't even notice what I've gotten my hands on. Well, before he does... let's just...


I look at Y/N to see her gulping down an entire pot of coffee. Shizzles. I snatch the coffee out of her grasp, only to find that it's too late, and that Y/N has already drunken over 3 quarters of the pot.
"No coffee. It's bad for your health." I scolded. Y/N pouts like a misbehaving child.
I turn away from the door, about to take Y/N back up to her room when I hear pounding on the door. I swiftly turn, and Y/N follows my gaze as well. The pounding on the door repeats a few times, until the door gives way, almost falling off it's hinges.
Everything went so fast, I could barely blink. Y/N's emotions skyrocketed. I wanted to see what was exciting her so much, but I couldn't for a burning hot liquid was splashed in my face, it smelled like the coffee I just took away from a certain someone.
While I was distracted with my coffee situation, I felt Y/N fall out of my tendril's grasp.
I quickly rubbed the coffee out of my eyes and got ready to grab Y/N before the what I assumed to be a rescue team got her.
I blinked, and watched helplessly as Y/N ran over to some neon skeleton with crappy glasses and hugged him. I froze realizing I might have her torn away from me again. But then I looked at the other people surrounding the neon guy. They weren't warriors at all. They looked like simple town's people.
"Fresh!" I brought my attention back up to Y/N. Jealousy crept up in my stomach, as I watched this so called Fresh guy pick Y/N up on his shoulders and spin around.
"Let's go back to the kingdom!" Y/N said urging Fresh out the door.
"I'm sorry my homeslice dog... but that might be an unrad problem bro..."


"What do you mean?" I asked. Trying to ignore a very annoyed goopy monster glaring daggers at us.
"It's a looooooonnnnggg story bruh. Ya know where that unrad broski is tha kidnapped you? I coincidentally need to talk to him." Fresh said. I was confused. Why did Fresh need to talk to Nightmare? And why were there a bunch of civilians with him?
"Im right here." Nightmare revealed himself.  His voice was cold as ice.  The civilians shivered at Nightmare's presence.  Except Fresh. 
"There ya are! My goopy octo-dude!  I need to tell you about some unrad threats and stuff!" Fresh said.  Me and Nightmare both perked up.  Threats?! From who? And why would Fresh come here.  Shouldn't he inform the Sun Kingdom, and Dream first? Or maybe not us at all. 
"What kind of 'threats' are we speaking of here?" Nightmare asked suspiciously, trying to ignore how close Fresh was to me.
"I think ya might wanna sit down for this one broski." Fresh's face was grim.
"Alright. Fine. First things first." Nightmare exclaimed before tearing me off of Fresh's shoulders.

Octopus that somehow found its way into a tar pit POV

After I get Y/N away from the enemy, this horribly dressed guy, whom I believe is Fresh wiggled his nonexistent eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.
"Let's get on with the business. What is happening, that forced a quarter of the sun kingdom to come to the ENEMY for help." I ask.
Fresh sighed and gestured to Y/N. Signaling me, that this is not a matter that should be discussed in front of her. I look at Y/N who was trying to decipher the nonverbal conversation. However she was failing.
I nodded in understanding before covering Y/N's ears and turning her around before signaling this 'Fresh' guy to continue.
"A while back. We had this experiment going on with this alternative universe. It started when some weird white portal thing appeared in our basement. So we made this big lab around it, and I'm talking, HUGE. Scientists from all over came to help, test, and experiment with us. However recently, there have been some... bugs." I raise my eyebrow in confusion as 'Fresh' continues. "This portal thing has gotten bigger, and we haven't found a way to contain it. So, it's now not a portal. But a universe eater. It's been growing quickly and tearing the very fabrics of our AU apart.  What I have behind me is the radellion."
"The rebellion?" I ask, wanting to know more about what this blinding guy is getting at. 
"Ya.  Whatever you just said.  Anyway.  We wanted to come here to ask our neighbors for help, ya know ya know? But then the King Dude wanted to keep it on the down low, to prevent panic and destruction.  However, that super uncool portal thing probably has sucked up a few blocks around the castle, castle included.  The people part of my radellion have gotten their homes eaten by this thing and have been evacuated.  The royal guards make sure everyone stays away from the areas, and have directed the public to other parts of the kingdom.  I'm pretty sure everyone there thinks the King is planning some kind of party or something."  Fresh explains. 
"And why do you think that I'd help the likes of you?"  I ask.  Do they seriously expect me to help them?!
"Because.  Your Kingdom's next." I felt shivers go up my spine as 'Fresh' takes off his weird word displaying glasses to reveal a parasite of sorts in one of his eye sockets.  I shiver at the sight, and my eyes widen.  I get pulled back to reality when I see Y/N looking over their shoulder at the scene and laughing hysterically.  Fresh smiles like an idiot. 
"Why'd I have to cover her ears?" I asked out of curiosity. 
"You know what that little broski would do, if she figured out there was a giant universe eating light bulb, swallowing her home? She's even scarier than me." Fresh shivers, assumingely remembering the last time something harmed something close to her.  His fear made for a pleasant treat.  It also meant he wasn't lying. 
I warily look over to the squirming Y/N and back at Fresh. 
"Speaking of which, you can uncover her ears now." I uncovered Y/N's ears, who was trying to listen in. 
"All right.  Let's get this shizzles over with-" I said. 
"Wait.  What the funk!?" Something was censoring my swears!
"Hold up what is this shizzles!?" By now, Y/N and Fresh were both hysterical. 
"Can't have ya infected my lil' dudette with your unclean verbal communication bruh!"

Black and White     (Nightmare x reader????) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu