Chapter 34: Clever girl...

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I peek out side of the curtains.  I've been waiting all day for this time of night.  Time to go get Y/N.  I teleport into Y/N's room with a grin plastered on my face. 
I was sketching an idea of a painting I've been wanting to do.  Why not? I have all the time in the world.  I was about to go fix the restraints when a certain someone popped in. 
I sighed. 
"What do you want..." I said. 
"I got a surprise for you~" Nightmare sang. 
"No.  I think we both know how I feel about your 'surprises.'" I said. 
"C'mon.  Let's go." Nightmare said.  Before I could react, his tentacles grabbed me by the waist.  The world started to spin and slowly form into a scenery. 
Not just any scenery... no. 

That scenery. 
The moon beautifully reflected off of the water.  A calm breeze rushed past.  The night was warm and calm.  It was beautiful sure, but I never thought it was real.  My eyes sparkled at the scene, almost forgetting Nightmare was looming over me.

"I promise you Y/N. I will find you, and take you back home. And we will do this in the waking world."

I never ran so fast in my life.


I noticed that behind us there was a forest. Into the forest... I... go? I stopped moving. I glared at Nightmare. He had his annoying smirk as I was pulled back to him.
"We can't have you running off now can we?" He said. I gave Nightmare a sneer as he picked me up with his tentacle. I didn't even notice he was sitting down until he set me down on his lap.
"LET ME GO!" I exclaimed. The drowsiness kicked in after I said that.
"I made a promise." Nightmare said. A tentacle covered my mouth so I couldn't argue.
So... tired.
My eyes started to get heavy.
"You should get some rest." Nightmare said. This isn't a nightmare. This is real. But boy does it feel like one.
I struggled for as long as I could, until I finally gave into the warmth. My conscious was slipping away as I fell asleep in Nightmare's arms. I hate this guy.


I hold a sleeping Y/N in my arms.  She sleeps so peacefully.  I started to run my phalanges through her hair, which seemed to reflect with the moon making it slightly pale. 
I enjoyed Y/N's presence, even if she doesn't remember me.  Last time I tried she got terribly sick. 
I lovingly look down at Y/N.  She seems to be self consciously gripping my cloak. 
'How cute.' I thought.  My thoughts were cut short however, when I noticed that her sleeves were slightly rolled up.  The magic restraints were off.  I chuckled. 
"Clever girl..." I said aloud.  I took this opportunity to look at Y/N's soul.  It glowed brighter than it did with the restraints.  It was still covered in my magic.  I have no idea why... but the sight just feels so... right.  I take a look at her stats and nearly fell over from shock. 

*is sleeping peacefully.
Hp: 110/100

How is it possible... how can someone have negative levels?!
I stare in wonder at her soul. Come to think of it... I've never seen her true stats before. Even before she lost her memory... or... whatever happened. Maybe. That's how many lives she saved, risking her own. Wow... she really is something special. I hug Y/N closer, enjoying her presence. Enjoying that I have her back once again.
My hand eventually lands on the locket Y/N always wears. I smile knowing who it once belong to. Her parents. A case almost as original as her's. I hug Y/N closer and allow my eyes to slowly drift close. I never wanted this to end. Everything is almost perfect. Almost...


I wake up in a field. I'm not in control of my body.
I look around, and see a wonderful tree in the distance. It is quite well known in our little town.
I run over to the magical tree. Everyone has said that you never want to go to the dark side of the tree, for it holds negative energy and emotions. The worst part is the guardian of this side. He takes away all positivity. Or... that's what's said. I don't believe it. I'm aware of the negative emotions but... I don't think they are all that bad! Negativity is what makes positivity possible. Without it, the world would be blank... no emotion. You need something of a balance. Just because the guardian is the guardian of negativity, doesn't make him bad.
So. I wanna go and prove everyone wrong. He's probably lonely anyway. No one wants to go and see him, I don't even see what makes the guardian of positivity any better. I've met him in town once, and I couldn't concentrate at all. Everyone was following him like a lost puppy. He is very nice though. Nicer than anyone else in town... they act like perfect angels in front of him. But I see how they treat others.
I was buying an apple at the time and didn't have enough. The guardian then came by and paid for it! I was grateful of course, he seems super nice! But then that's what got me curious on what his brother is like.

I walked up to the tree, two gift baskets in hand. One was filled with books and dark chocolate, whilst the other was filled with sweets. I don't know exactly what the other guardian likes, but I often hear some stores complaining about the 'beast' looking into the windows. I figured they wouldn't let him buy anything and felt pity.
"Excuse me?! Guardians?" I asked. A flashy golden skeleton came out from behind the tree. He had a powerful positive aura. He was the same person who paid for my apple a few days ago. I should thank him.
"Oh! Hello!" He exclaimed cheerfully.
"Hi!" I said.
"What brings you here? Would you like to see the tree of emotions?" He asked.
"I'm actually here to see the guardians! And hey! What do you know! There's one right in front of me!" I said. The guardian giggled. He didn't even notice the basket of sweets I was holding.
"That's nice! Are you coming to see my brother too?" The guardian asked. I nodded with a smile.
"So, what's your name? I can't always be calling you 'the guardian'." I asked. The guardian smiled.
"I'm Dream! I guard the positive side of the tree! While my brother Nightmare guards the negative side. So, what's your name?" Dream asked.
"My name is Y/N! While we are on the topic of your brother... do you know where he is?" I asked.
Just then a rustling in the tree caught my attention.
"That's him now!" Dream said. Just then, another skeleton fell out of the tree. He had purple clothing. That's all I could see for he fell on his face.
"Ugh..." The guardian, whom I can only assume is Nightmare groaned.
I giggled before rushing over to help him.
"H-hey, are you alright?" I asked putting the baskets down and reaching out my hand.
"..." Nightmare didn't respond.
"Heeelllooo? Are you ok?" I said, now waving my hand in front of his face.
"Nightmare?" I asked. The mention of his name made him finally acknowledge me.
"Are you talking to me?" He asked. His voice was soft and sweet.
"Who else just fell out of a tree?" I asked. Nightmare looks like he seen a ghost.
"...why are you here?" Nightmare asked, still sitting on the ground.
"I wanted to officially meet you guys!" I said.
"Us?" He asked, waiting for clarification.
"Yes! Both of you!" I said. Dream watched in the background. Nightmare looked shocked.
"C'mon! I have presents for you two!" I said. At the mention, Dream looked exciting, now eyeing the baskets.
"And yes! It's for both of you!" I said, dragging Nightmare off the ground. He was still in a state of shock as I walked over to where the baskets stood.
He stood awkwardly behind as I gave Dream a basket.
"Why thank you Y/N!" Dream said.
"No problem. And here you go Nightmare!" I said. I gave Nightmare his basket.
Nightmare's and Dream's baskets were both covered with a blue blanket.
"I hope I gave you two the right ones..." I said scratching the back of my head.
Both guardian's eyes sparkled as they looked inside the baskets.
"Wow! Thank you so much! I love sweets!" Dream said, taking out a lollipop.
"H-how'd you know?" Nightmare asked surprised.
"Hm?" I asked confused.
"How'd you know I like reading?" He asked.
"Oh, haha, sometimes the people in town talk about you..." I said. I didn't know if he was aware of the things they said, so I didn't want to make him sad. He seemed like such a nice person, despite what the towns people say.
"Oh..." Nightmare said. Well, that answers that.
"These are amazing! Thank you Y/N!" Dream said stuffing his mouth with marshmallows. I giggled.
"No problem." I responded. I caught Nightmare admiring a certain book.
"That's one of my favorites! It's really good." I said.
"You like reading too?" Nightmare asked. I nodded.
Me and the guardians chatted for a bit, then I had to go for the sun was setting.
"Hey Y/N?" Nightmare asked. I hummed gesturing for him to continue. Dream was already, going where ever they go.
"C-can you come back tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded.
"Definitely! I might even bring a little something special." I said, an idea already forming in my mind. Maybe he'll like my violin.
Nightmare's eyes glowed just a little brighter. I smiled.
"Well, bye Nightmare! See you tomorrow! Tell your bro I said good bye too!" I said. He nodded and followed his brother. I smiled. Tomorrow's gonna be a great day.

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