Chapter 12: By Your Side

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"Imma wake up now." I said. 

"Good idea." Dream replied and you I shot out of my bed. 

"Puny nightmare..." I said. 
Dream raced towards me. 

"H-how'd you do that?!" Dream asked. 

"Do what? It's a dream, I can do whatever I want in my own head, can't I?" I said. 

"Yes, but, when Nightmare enters a victim's head, they usually can't do anything to change the course of their nightmare.  But you out right changed the scene and everything." Dream explained still shocked. 

"I did it last time, remember?" I asked. 

"Well, all I saw was the aftermath..." Dream said. 

"Huh, you think he could've been a figment in my nightmare?" I asked. 

"Nope, That was definitely the real Nightmare, I could feel it..." Dream said. 

"Well, lets go down to get breakfast.  Then maybe I can salvage anything left in my room..." I said. 

"Good idea, I can help."  Dream said. 

________Tem skep brought to you buy my stupid marvel references________________

I saved half of my clothes, and all of my birthday stuff was safe, somehow.  The other half of my clothes just outright vanished, nothing was left.  My bed completely broke in half, so I need to get a new one.  Dream said that I could just move to a different room.  I mean, we have tons.  So at least that certainly wasn't a problem. 

But Dream refuses to leave my side. 

"I-if I haven't been there you would've..." Dream trailed off once again. 

"Hey, ya know what? I still haven't gotten a tour of the castle yet.  What about you show me around.  I only know my way to the dining hall and out the castle!" I said comfortingly, trying to get Dream's mind off of what happened earlier. 

"Great idea Y/N!" Dream exclaimed.  I smiled. 

"Lead the way your highness." I said with a giggle. 

NM POV (ooOooooOoOo)
I followed the pair around the castle for a while. Pretty boring really.  Y/N keeps looking behind her. Annoyingly, she has good instincts. I'm surprised that nuisance of a king hasn't sensed my presence yet.
I follow the two into a room, it had musical instruments inside.

"Woah! Dream! This is amazing! I didn't know we had a music room!" Y/N exclaimed. That smile... so precious.

"Yep! I'm surprised you didn't know!" Dream said.

"Can...can I play something?" Y/N asked.

"Yes of course! I didn't know you were into music!" Dream said annoyingly cheerful.

"Ya, I used to play violin in my free time at the camp... I always had some sorta connection to that instrument. I already knew how to play when I got my hands on one." Y/N said awkwardly rubbing the back of her head.

"I had no idea! Go ahead and give it a shot!" Dream said. Y/N then hugged Dream. I felt jealousy creep up on my back. I have to keep my composure if I don't want that nuisance sensing my presence.
Y/N sits down on a stool and picks up a violin and bow.
She starts off with a melody, simple, but a good warm up. Then comes to a sudden stop. She then starts stomping on the floor. It sounds like a toddler having a temper tantrum until she started playing.
She was playing Believer. After a while of replaying the intro, she started singing it.
An angel. Her voice was... angelic, even. I couldn't describe it, not even words. But, then the emotion, they were all over the place. I couldn't pick out happy, from sad, or angry, or bliss. Just emotion. Nothing more. But it was so much... I even saw Dream step back in shock, or amazement. I couldn't tell at this point because of this girl...
It was so much I couldn't think straight. All I could think was about her voice.
The stomps earlier go perfectly with every note. As much as I hate to admit it, I was in a trance. Well, I'll get her soon enough. She started standing up and moving around with the music. Her emotions spiked with every step. Her voice was perfectly on key with every note.
Just then, the song ended.
A blue dagger got sent my way, I didn't have time to move, unless I wanted to be revealed, but before I could think of anything, one of my tentacles grabbed the dagger.

"Enjoy the show? Nightmare..." Y/N said the last part with venom in her voice which made me flinch.

"$h!t..." I accidentally said aloud.

"Nightmare! What are you doing here?!" Dream said.
I come out of my shadow. Dream summoned his bow, and Y/N had her blue daggers ready.

"Can I like, have my sword back?" Y/n asked sarcastically.

I simply teleported out of there knowing my cover was blown.
Well, pretended. I simply went into another corner of the room and watched from the shadows. I feel like I might cause another guard party, so I used my magic to make Dream and Y/N forget. How'd I manage to find a spell that can do that?  Plot armor. 

"What were we doing?" Dream asked.

" I hallucinating?" Y/N asked themselves. Does...does she remember?!"

"What happened?" Dream asked concerned.

"I could've sworn Nightmare was here..." Y/N said rubbing her head.

"I'm sure you're just shaken up from last night... Your music is AMAZING!" Dream exclaimed.  He did this weird exaggeration with his hand. 

"R-really? I don't think it's all that special..." Y/N said.

After a few more songs, I decided to go back to my castle. I need to develop a new plan, one that won't risk anymore pawns...

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