Chapter 14: Whoopty Fricking doo, it is all going to $ht

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You've never ran so fast, so far in your life. You sure hope that Sar's ok.
You have to keep going.
You held onto the scarf Blue gave to you. The access flew behind you in the wind. You saw lights up ahead in the forest. You jump into the trees incase it was an unwanted guest, but lucky for you, it was Dream! He was leading a crowd of people through the woods. He ushered people in front of him, he fell behind everyone making sure no one was left behind.

"Dream!" You said jumping on top of him from the trees.

"Y/N! W-what are you doing here?!" Dream asked.


"I..u-umm well..." I trailed off.

"Y/n! You went against direct orders! You were supposed to stay within the castle gates! There better be a good reason for this!" Dream said, a little angered.

"So umm, theoretically, what if I was getting my sword from the royal blacksmith and Nightmare sorta, attacked the castle looking for me? So what if I told a guard to lock down the castle, while I snuck out the back of the castle, that way I could lead Nightmare away from the kingdom and find you." I stopped to breath. Dream looked shocked. But then he hugged the life out of me.

"Well I'm happy you're safe. I might be able to teleport these people back to the kingdom if you generate enough positivity... but you have to stay here for 1 minute until I get back." Dream said. I nodded, and clung onto Blue's scarf, thinking about my birthday, my parents, my family, my friends. I held my locket to my chest, as I thought about memories, and my future. When this is all over, imma sit in the dining room with Dream and stuff my face with (F/F) and Muffet's.

"Great. Good job Y/N." Dream said putting a hand on my shoulder. I smiled.

"Ok everyone! I'm going to teleport you all back, for there has been an, inconvenience in our route." Dream said. Everyone turned around and listened. 

"Is everyone ready?" Dream called. Ink and Blue gave the thumbs up on both side of the crowd, and Dream teleported everyone away. So now I'm alone... in the woods... in the dark. Just great. I walked over to a rock, and sat down, mentally counting a minute.

"Oh Y/N~" Nightmare's voice was heard throughout the forest.

"Oh $h!t~" I said in the same tone Nightmare said it.

"Finally, that nuisance is gone. Now, let's go back home, shall we?" Nightmare asked.

"Oooh no. Uh uh. I'm not going with you. I don't know why I'm more important than Dream or why you want me so bad, because SOMEONE won't tell me, but I'm not dealing with your $h!t! Nuh uh!" I said stalling. It's been over a minute. Where is he?

"Your friend can't teleport right now. Someone's negativity is blocking out this specific location." Nightmare said noticing my anxiety.

"Ha, Ha, haaa... NOPE!" I yelled running as fast as I could away from Nightmare.
Positivity, positivity, positivity... nothing.
That's all you have, so you guess that's gonna have to do. 

"C'mon princess~ I'd hate to take you by force~"  Nightmare's evil voice echoed throughout the forest. 

"Actually, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't mind at all!" I yelled still running like my life depended on it, because more than likely, it probably did.  Just then, I started to feel the same drowsiness I've felt weeks earlier. 

"This is unavoidable.  You can't out run me now." Nightmare's voice rang through my ears.  I refuse to give up... I REFUSE.  I took a dagger and held it against my arm with the same hand, poking it and causing me shake awake every time I feel drowsy.  I hop into the trees, jumping and flawlessly landing on every branch. 

"Give up Y/N.  You've caused me so much trouble.  So don't think I'm leaving without you." Nightmare's voice echoed. 

"YOU OWE ME A BED!" I yelled, poking myself once more.  At this point I can occasionally see Nightmare teleport and try to grab me with his tentacles.  I'm dodging them.  Barely.  In the state Nightmare is putting me in, I don't know how much longer I can hold up. 

"YOU COME INTO MY FU€KING ROOM AND THREATEN TO KIDNAP ME, AND THEN YOU TRASH THE FU€KING PLACE, AND TAKE MY SWORD AWAY! NOT TO MENTION YOU TRIED TO KIDNAP ME MULTIPLE TIMES BEFORE.  SO WHOOPTY  FU€KING DO! IT IS ALL GOING TO $H!T!"  I yelled.  This guy's magic isn't letting me think straight.  Just kidding.  I'm thinking perfectly straight.  Everything I just said is absolutely true, and reasonable.  Ok, maybe I'm thinking a little wonky. 
I poke myself again, with the knife. 

So this is what it feels like to be sleep deprived and running for your life. 

"Sounds to me, someone needs a little sleep." Nightmare's voice rang out through the forest. 
Just then, my foot slipped.  I tried grabbing onto the tree.  I ended up dangling 25 feet from the ground.  I swung myself up, flipping back onto the branch.  Only to come face to face with Nightmare, upside down.  Well at least he found his spirit animal.  I reflexively stepped back only to realize there's nothing to step on and fall. 

"Shit." I said as I fell backwards, only to be caught by the ankle.  I look to see that Nightmare' tentacles caught me. 

"Got you~" Nightmare said.  His tentacles wrapped around me, and put me upright. 

"B!t€h." I said.  I bit down on the tentacle closest to my mouth, causing Nightmare to immediately drop me again.  I started running. 

Only to trip on a rock.  I was too tired to notice my surroundings, I wasn't paying enough attention.  As I was falling, looked up to see a figure running toward me.  I closed my eyes waiting for impact, but it never came.  I found that I didn't have enough energy to even open my eyes at this point.  Nightmare's tentacles seemed to have caught me from the fall. 

"Nuh uh, not today princess." Nightmare clicked his tongue. 
Nightmare's tentacles wrapped around me I could feel myself dangling from the ground.  I only had enough energy to say:

"Son of a b!t€h..." before passing out. 

Dream's POV. 

I've finally been able to teleport to
Y/N's location.  Something has been preventing me from doing so.  I hope I'm not too late...
Just then I see a figure running in the distance.  Y/N! My soul was about to explode with relief.  She looked tired, and scared.  I started to run towards her.  But she only noticed me when she tripped.  I was about to teleport to her to stop her fall, but someone else got to her first.  Nightmare. 

"Nuh uh, not today princess."  He said. 
Y/N mumbled something.  Probably along the lines of a swear word.  Nightmare caught her with his tentacles and raised her above the ground.  Staying away from her mouth. 

"Put her down Nightmare!" I exclaimed summoning my bow. 

"How about no?" Nightmare said.  He teleported away.  I lost her... just like that... not again.  No no no... I need to go back to the castle.  It's too dangerous to get her back now.  He better not touch a hair on her head the wrong way...
I teleported back to the castle to tell Ink and Blue what had happened, and maybe get some more information from Sar, the guard I assigned to keep an eye on her. 
I hope she's gonna be ok...

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