Stiles misses Derek

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After the return of Derek the pack had a welcome home party/gathering. It was low key and subtle, considering Derek isn't much of a party person. By the time is was over, everyone had cleaned up before leaving; not wanting to burden Derek with that responsibility. 

Derek had gone to get water after everyone had said their goodbyes, but when he had reentered the "party room" he saw Stiles. Stiles was sitting on the sofa, leaning on his knees, hands clasped tightly. He looked anxious but that wasn't anything new; Stiles has always been socially anxious. 

"What are you doing here Stilinski?" Derek asked, avoiding eye contact with Stiles. He still found it hard to look Stiles in the eyes because him and Stiles had an intimate moment before Derek left. More so abandoned. He left with out a goodbye. That, which he knew it would, hurt Stiles. 

"I wanted to tell you... I'm glad you're back," Stiles said. This caught Derek's attention. 

Derek looked up slightly surprised. He expected yelling or blaming or something. Definitely not this. 

"Is that so? Did you miss me?" Derek joked, trying to ease his own mind. 

"It wasn't the same without you," Stiles admitted. 

Derek didn't say anything. Nor did Stiles. There was nothing to say in this moment; the silence brought all the healing they needed as they smiled at each other lightheartedly. 

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