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"Derek is coming with you to school," Scott said, putting on his jacket.

"What?! He's like 80! Also, why aren't you?" Stiles asked.

"Because Derek isn't himself, perse... he's different."

"What does that mean."

Right on queue, Derek walked in. Except, not the one Stiles was expecting. In place of the old, strong, grumpy, normal Derek was a younger, smaller, still strong teenage Derek.

"What the fuck.." Stiles's jaw dropped.

"I need to meet with Argent, so he's coming with you. Don't use the cousin story like normal, okay?"

Stiles scoffed. "What do I say to people who ask?"

"I don't know. You'll figure it out."

Stiles watched helplessly as Scott left Derek with him.

Eventually and painfully, Stiles made it to school with Derek. He got through most of the day with him.

Whenever someone would ask the obvious questions, Stiles would grab Derek and yank him away.

Not everything can always go as planned, unfortunately. The last time someone asked who Derek was that day, Stiles followed his "usual" and dragged him away. Although, to avoid the dozens of confused looks and questions to come, Stiles decided to go into a completely different room.

Stiles shut the door before realizing what room he closed himself and Derek in.



"What are we doing in here? I didn't plant to spend my one day in the janitors closet..."

"Yeah.." Stiles walked away from the door. "I didn't realize the room until now. My bad."

Derek looked at him unimpressed.

As if it came out of the shadows, a spray bottle got stepped on by Stiles as he made his way back from the door.

He came crashing down, right into Derek. His hands clutched to him as they fell back, shutting his eyes. It was reciprocated by arms around him.

Stiles opened his eyes. His face flushed red, and he started to panic: his and Derek's faces were just centimeters away.

"That's close," he mumbled.

"Is that a bad thing?" Derek asked.

"Well.. I'm not answering that, actually."

Derek laughed before letting him go. "Are you okay?"

Stiles sat up, inspecting himself. "I think so," he said, hands staying put. "What about you?" He looked back at Derek.

Derek's hand was covering his mouth. He was staring intently at Stiles as if he were going to attack him.

"Are you good?" Stiles repeated.

Derek nodded, dropping his hand.

Sighing in relief, Stiles took his hands off of Derek. He jumped slightly when he felt pressure grasp his waist.

Derek was holding him, raising his hips up a bit.

"I don't mind you falling on me and what not," he started. "But you gotta watch where you pick your spot."

Stiles stared at him before it clicked. He rushed to his feet, embarrassed. Taking a page out of his own book, he hesitated with his words before jumping up and leaving.

Derek got up and followed him at a slower pace.

He almost successfully avoided Derek. Except they fact they had next period together.

Stiles was already seated when Derek took the chair next to him.

"I didn't appreciate you ditching me back there. I had to ask 4 people for directions."

Stiles stayed quiet, trying to ignore him as the teacher began to speak.

"I can't tell if that little stunt was on purpose or not," Derek whispered, leaning back in his seat.

Stiles leaned on the desk. He kept his eyes forward. Nothing was going to distract him for the rest of the day!

Except for one thing.

Derek scooted closer to him, their arms touching. His hand effortlessly found a place on his thigh.

Stiles bit his lip. He cheeks faintly switched shades, but he keeps his eyes ahead.

"I don't like it when you ignore me," Derek said quietly, leaning to his level.

Shivers ran down Stiles's spine as Derek shamelessly went straight for his crotch.

Stiles squeezed his legs shut and glared at Derek.

"There you go."

Stiles rolled his eyes, folding his arms and laying his head within them. Derek lightly massaged Stiles's growing erection.

A heavy exhale came from Stiles as his body shivered. Derek smirked, pleased with himself.

Derek pressed his hand more firmly, gaining excited reactions from Stiles.

"Whoever is making noises better stop it!" The teacher blurted.

Stiles flinched, his hand shooting to Derek's.

"Stop it," Stiles hissed.

"Mr. Stilinski! Meet me after class."

Derek let out a snicker, earning himself the same punishment.

While the teacher was in the room. Stiles and Derek were quiet, but the moment she left, their mouths opened.

"What were you thinking?!" Stiles whisper yelled.

"You started it," Derek responded innocently.

"No, I didn't. That was an accident."

"So you didn't mean for that to happen?"

Derek got up and inched closer to Stiles.


And closer.

"Did you enjoy it?"



"Seriously," Derek repeated.

Even closer.

"I don't have to tell you that."

"You're right, you don't," Derek stopped in front of the desk. "But I already know you did."

"Bah! You have no proof."

"Trust me, your voice was enough," Derek moved the desk, now standing in front of Stiles in the chair.

Stiles scoffed.

"Not to mention the way your legs squeezed my hand in place," Derek propped himself up with the desk behind Stiles. He gently grabbed Stiles's thigh once again. "Your body was shivering just enough."

"Okay, okay! Fine, I did. Will you shut up now?"


"Really? That's all it took?"

Derek smirked, and he shortened the distance between them even more. One of them could pucker their lips, and they'd touch.

Stiles leaned closer ever so slightly, hesitating when Derek smiled.

"You gotta work harder than that," Derek whispered.

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