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I'd seen him before. That tall, skinny boy in the red hoodie. However, his hair grew out since the first time I saw him here. Every night for the past 4 months, this boy has been standing in the middle of the woods, staring out into the distance. 

It is unclear to me what he is looking at or even for, but I know that I have a certain yearning for him. I don't know the reason for this feeling but it's a constant drive to hunt him down and take him. I was told about this by my mother before but I don't think this is it. 

"So is this a new thing or have you always watched me?" The boy called out, still staring into the distance. 

I look around to see if there is anyone else, but it is just us two out here. 

"Yes, I am talking to you," he says and this time his head turns toward my direction. "I'm not blind, y'know. I saw you when you first got here, you're very heavy-footed." 

I walk forward, into the clearing he is positioned in but not close to him. His eyes widen and his posture changes when I come to a stop. 

"What?" I ask. "Do I have something on my face?"

"Just good looks," he smirks.

I laugh slightly and put my hands in my pockets. "What are you doing out here anyways?" 

"I don't know... there's something that's like drawing me here. I don't know what it is." 

He laughs nervously and rubs his neck. His hand slides downs from his neck to his chest. Out of nowhere, my ears ring. A loud, fast-paced thumping sound fills my head. I look at his face, it turned bright red and little beads of sweat slide effortlessly down his cheek. 

"Are you alright? Your heart is beating like crazy," I say.

"Yeah, I'm alright- how did you know that?" He responds.

"That's a secret."

He nods his head slowly and looks away. 

"Do you want to come back with me? It's getting cold out."


I turn around and start walking back to my house. I hear his footsteps behind me and continue my way back. 

"Are you the one who lives in the creepy house at the beginning of the woods?" he asks.

"Yeah, name's Derek."

"Stiles," he says, in a now perky tone. He sped up his pace, now at my side. 

"So," I start. "Do you go to the school down the road?" 

"School? No, I graduated a couple years back."

I nod. 

Suddenly, there was a snap behind us. Stiles stopped first and whipped his head around. 

"What was that?" he muttered.

"I don't know... let's keep walking."

He agrees and continues to walk, this time he moves closer. 

Another snap announces itself behind us. Instead of stopping, he ignores it and stays by my side. As we continue to walk through the thicket, I can see the bright green strip of the path near the entrance and exit of the woods. 

My hairs stick up, a feeling in the pit of my stomach arises and I hear a low rustle from the bushes. I look to my left, trying to see what is in the green ball. Stiles seem unfazed, well... he is still the same amount of scared, which means he didn't hear it yet. 

I pick up the pace slightly and Stiles manages to keep up, still stuck to my side. 

"What's out here?" he asks.

"Your normal forest wildlife," I say. Plus a couple of werewolves, nothing too dangerous.

A loud yelp in the distance stops me in my tracks. It wasn't anything small and it surely wasn't 100% human. 

"We need to go, now," I order.

"What, why?" 

I don't answer, I start to jog, then run towards the green path. I can hear Stiles behind me so I continue without looking back. 


"Gah- fuck!" Stiles groans.

I look back and see him curled on the ground. I turn around and rush to his side. 

"I tripped over that stupid branch, I think I twisted my ankle." 

I sigh and grab his hand, hoisting him up. I grab his back and put my arm under his legs. Picking him up bridal style I start to head for the path once more. 

With his arms wrapped around my neck, Stiles buries his head into my neck. 

"What the hell is that?" he squeaks. 

I keep running and slow down once we reach the end of the path. I set him down and tell him to get inside. 

"What is that?" He asks again.

"Just get inside, I'll explain later."

He hesitates.

"Go inside!"

He turns around and limps on the porch and into the house. 

-Stiles's POV-

I shut the door and head to the closest window that give me a full view of what is going on outside. I see Derek standing in the same spot he was when he put me down. He's staring into the woods and has a defensive manner in his stance. 

Out of absolutely fucking nowhere, a man appears walking down the path. Luckily, there is an open window just down the wall so I am able to hear. I scurry to the window and duck down. 

"What do you want?" Derek asks.

"You have something of mine."

What? How could Derek have a strangers belonging. 

The man walks completely out of the woods, his face now revealed by the light. My stomach drops. I now know what he's talking about. 

"What do you mean? I don't know you."

"You don't," the man raises his hand. "But he does." 

Derek turns and sees me in the window, I duck down and punch the ground annoyed, letting out a hushed 'fuck'.

"You see, that man in there is mine. And I would like him to be kindly returned to me."

"He's not an object, for one, and I think you're going to need to be a bit more clear with your words."

"Stiles is destined to be my giselle." 

I pop my head up and continue to watch them, ears open.

"That's not possible," Derek interjects.

"And why not?"

"Because he's my mate."

"What the fuck," I blurt. 

I slap my hand over my mouth, praying they didn't hear me. Thankfully, their eyes stay focus on one another and they continue talking. 

"And how do you know that?" 

"Because us werewolves can sense that kind of thing, you wouldn't know that because you have to pawn off people until you find the right one," Derek spits.

"So that's why I find him out here so often. He's looking for you."

"Pretty much, now I'm going to ask you nicely to get the fuck off my property before things turn ugly."

"You should know that's not going to happen."

Suddenly, they start lunging at each other. I drop down and shut my eyes, covering my hands with my ears as if I'm trying to squish my head. 

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