16 Months 2.

518 7 0

"Derek?" Stiles gasps.

"Hey... what's wrong?"

"The pack. I told them and they didn't handle it well."

Derek moves closer to Stiles and takes his hand.

"What do I do Derek? How do I help you?"

Derek smiled, bringing his hand up to Stiles's cheek. "You don't have to do anything but comfort them and talk to me."

"How? You're always hurt when I see you, Der."

"Just talk...and be strong. I'll come back; I always do," Derek reassured.

"Stubborn bastard," Stiles huffed.

Derek chuckled and held Stiles.

"I love you, Derek."

"I love you too...now wake up."

"What?" Stiles blurted.

"Stiles..Stiles! Wake up now!"

Stiles sat up with a jolt. He looked around to see Lydia, his dad, Scott, and Liam. He noticed his heavy breathing and wet face. He rubbed his eyes feeling the moisture from tears.

"We found him," Lydia says, squeezing his hand.


"Derek, we found Derek."


"Well," Scott started. "I made a deal with the man keeping him hostage."

"Which is?"

"I'm going to fight him. If I win, we get Derek."

"If you don't?"

"Stiles. I'm going to win."

"If you don't?" Stiles repeated, this time with more anger.

"I step down."

"Wha- Scott are you stupid?!"

"Stiles, I am going to win."

Stiles laid back down, trusting in his friend.

"Let's give him some space," Noah said.

Everyone agreed and left the room. Stiles longed to go back to sleep. To see Derek again. But his mind was too busy; what if Scott dies? What if Derek dies? What if both of them do? Stiles felt nothing more but despair and anger.

-next day-

There was a knock on the door, waking up Stiles. He okays the person to come in and looks at his clock. It read 10:47 am. He was late for school.

His father opened the door and rested against the frame.

"I called school. You're sick. Get some sleep."

"Thanks dad."

"No problem, kiddo. I have to leave for work. No boys or girls over. I love you."

"I love you too," Stiles laughed.

Noah left, closing the door behind himself.

Stiles looked around his room, wondering how he'd spend his time. Video game. Eat. TV. Sleep. He decides to sleep. A couple hours won't hurt.

When Stiles is asleep, he sees Derek again. Thankfully, he isn't being tortured, yet he isn't aware of Stiles.

Stiles can't figure out what he's doing. Not until he hears Derek yell "Scott, behind you!" He concludes that they are having the fight.

Scott had never officially told Stiles when it was happening. He just knew it was.

Stiles watched as the emotions on Derek's face changed. Scott was doing good. He did bad. He was in the middle.

Stiles knew it was over when he saw Derek sigh relieved and drop to his knees. He no longer had to stay. Scott won. Derek is coming home.

"Derek?" Stiles called out.

Derek did not answer. It was sad for Stiles because he wanted to talk to his boyfriend but he was happy about it because this means it isn't a dream, dream.

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