Drowning (Requested)

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Stiles pushed through the cramps in his legs while he held Derek's body. He kicked vigorously, keeping their heads above the water.

"I don't think I can do this any longer," Stiles grunted, readjusting Derek in his arms.

"Stiles, do not let me go."

"Your snippy attitude lately is making it hard for me to hold on."

"Would you even miss me if I died!?" Derek scoffed.

"It's funny how you think death can get you out of this relationship. Now stop nagging me or I will fucking drop you!"

Stiles cringed at the pain in his body while he kept kicking.

"I'm sorry," Derek sighed.

"It's whatever, just say something to distract me."

Derek thought for a minute before he started rambling.

"I never thought you were less than the pack. Just because you're a human. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for, Stiles."

Stiles looked at Derek shocked.

"Just because we tease and play around doesn't me we think less of you. You hold us together. Which is why I trust that we will be okay and you can keep us above water."

Stiles smiled before the look of pain returned to his face.

"It better wear off soon before my legs go dead."

"I think it is, I can feel the water on my hands."

Stiles sighed with relief. Suddenly, Derek's body spasms.

"Shit, this kind of hurts," Derek says, regaining the use of his body.

"Derek," Stiles sighs.


"Catch me."

Stiles's arms released Derek, causing him to go under for a moment. When he brought himself back above water, Stiles wasn't there.

Derek looked down in the water, Stiles's body limply sinking. He went below the surface and swam to him. Getting Stiles in his arms, Derek resurfaced and swam to the edge of the pool.

With the little amount of strength left, Derek hoisted Stiles over the edge and carried himself up after. Stiles rolled onto his side, coughing.

"Are you okay?" Derek huffed.

"My body is nonexistent."

Derek turned to Stiles and pulled him up, leaning against him.

"Derek, I'm tired," Stiles sighed.

"Me too Stiles, me too."

"I'm going to tell you something, and it might just be the fact we almost died, but I'm gonna say it anyways," Stiles rambled.


Stiles looked up at Derek, "I have feelings for you. The cheesy romantic kind."

Derek starred at Stiles baffled.

"Yeah...anyways- We should probably get going."

Stiles sat up and got to his knees. Derek, recovering quickly, was on his feet in a few seconds.

"Can I get a little help down here?" Stiles sighed.

Derek chuckled and grabbed Stiles's hands, hoisting him up. Still weak, Stiles ended up falling forward right into Derek's chest.

Stiles looked up at Derek innocently, "Heh, I don't think my legs are strong enough yet."

Derek picked up Stiles bridal style and headed out the door.


"Thanks for taking me home, Derek," Stiles said, unbuckling.

"Yeah, make sure you get some sleep."

Stiles nodded and held the handle, slightly opening the door before he stopped.

"Uh, Stiles?"

Stiles released the handle and leaned over the armrest. He grabbed the side of Derek's face and kissed him.

"Thanks for saving me," Stiles smiled, before actually getting out of the car.

"Yup," Derek mumbled dumbly, red creeping up his face.

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