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"I don't like the cold. It's....cold!" Stiles whined.

"Come on! Don't be such a baby," Derek sighed. "Skating is fun! We will have fun, just put on more layers." 

Stiles wrapped his arms around Derek. "I'd much prefer to take off some layers, with you, in bed, nice and warm."

Derek bit his lip slightly and chuckled. "As much as I'd enjoy doing that with you, we are going skating." 

Stiles groaned and let go of Derek. He put on his coat and waited impatiently for Derek to be ready. 

"You're going to want more than that," Derek said, tossing Stiles a hat and a pair of gloves. 

Stiles put them on, cursing under his breath. 


"Stiles, come on, it's not that hard. Plant, push, glide. You literally blade better than I do!" Derek complained. 

"They are quite different. You guys can have fun and I'll supervise." 

"5 minutes! Just give me 5 minutes, please." 

Stiles sighed and got up, "Fine."

Derek smiled and reached for his hands. Stiles held them and got onto the ice, almost instantly wobbling. 

"Just follow my lead, babe. It's pretty simple." 

Stiles blankly stared at Derek and awkwardly glided across the ice. 

"You look constipated," Derek laughed. 

"It's not my fault ice skating is such a hard and stupid thing. If it were up to me, it wouldn't be a thing." 

"Oh relax. It's not that hard. Now actually try." 

Stiles skated while attached to Derek's hip for a time span of 2 minutes before falling on his ass and sitting out. Eventually, Derek came to Stiles to check up on him. 

"How's it going?" Derek smiled guiltfully. 

"Great! My ass is stinging and I'm cold. I want to go home," Stiles complained.

"I can drop you off at home." 

Stiles shrugged. "Nah, you're having fun." 

Derek chuckled. "Clingy boy,' He said before giving Stiles a peck on the lips. 

Stiles pulled Derek in for another kiss before he could get away from him. 

"Oh to be a werewolf," Stiles sighed. 

"It has its downs." 

Stiles clung onto Derek's waist, "But you're so warm all the time." 

"You're like an oversized child." 

Stiles nodded and shoved his head into Derek's chest, sighing at the relief of warmth. Derek sighed and held him close. 

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