Theo, Theo, Theo

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"Do you know if Stiles is single?" Theo ask Scott, sitting down on a chair.

"Don't even try," Scott warned.


"Because he's dating Derek Hale. He even scares me dude."

"Psht- I'm not scared of him. I'll be fine Scott."


Theo pushes Stiles against the lockers.

"Just give me a kiss and we'll call it even," Theo said.

"Get off of me, Theo. I have a boyfriend," Stiles protested, pushing Theo away.

"I don't see him around. He doesn't have to know."

All a sudden, a hand grabs Theo's shoulder, digging its nails into him.

"He said to get off," Derek growled.

Theo's face and stomach dropped. Beads of sweat formed as he let go of Stiles.

Derek pushed Theo away and pulled Stiles close.

"Stay the fuck away from him."

Theo nodded and scurried off, passing a very giggly Scott.

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