Im Here

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"Stiles... you are the greatest man I've ever known. I can't begin to obtain this moment with you. I've dreamed about spending eternity with you for as long as I can remember," There was a pause filled with some sniffles and laughs. "I'd like to say since I first met you, but that's creepy. But I do know that I'll protect you for as long as I breathe. I've never met anyone more deserving of the world and all of its love than you."

The ceremony continued. Eventually, the long awaited "I dos" were shared. There were tears and smiles from every corner of the room.

"That's my boy!" Noah shouted from the crowd.


"Fuck," Stiles hiccups. "Why can't we go back to that night?"

Stiles rubbed his eyes, staring at the screen.

"Why can't you come back to me, Derek? You always did.."

Squeezing hard and firmly, Stiles hugged the pillow, sobbing into it. His eyes avoided the TV, finding something else to focus on. They landed on a picture atop of the table.

Him and Derek. It was a year before their wedding, the proposal to be exact. They were on the beach. Stiles was smiling as Derek was clinging onto him like a kid returned to their mother. They were both crying happily.

Although it was a lovely memory and photo, it did nothing but hurt Stiles more. His sobs became more violent. The cries turned in scream like wails.

Suddenly, the door busted open. Scott came rushing in right to his side. He grabbed Stiles firmly, shushing him gently.

Stiles did anything but calmed down. He clung onto Scott and continued to break down, bit by bit.

Scott did his best to help him, but the truth is, he had no idea what he was doing. Hell, he was still recovering from the death as well.

"I've got you," Scott assured as Stiles's cries started to die down along with his energy.

His eyes closed slowly, and his breath returned somewhat to normal. His trembling stopped as he effortlessly fell into a deep sleep.

(You may be thinking, "nooo why did you kill Derek?"
Because yall can suffer with me, haha. Enjoy the sadness, idk when my next update will be)

Sterek ShortsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora