The Confession

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"I thought you were just joking about liking him! I mean, you've only been with women. I assumed you'd tell me if you swung the other way. I thought you saw me as a trust worthy person to confide in." 

"I do. That's why I didn't tell you. I thought you'd look at me differently and treat me differently. I didn't want to lose the one person who I trust most. You're like the only person I vent to man. I can't bear losing that!"

"I don't care if you like men, Stiles. I could care less. I'm not even mad. I'm just shocked. I mean, he's killed and a lot. What if he snaps and hurts you?" Scott explains.

Stiles sighed and fell onto the couch. He rubbed his eyes and looked up to Scott. "I don't think you have to worry about that. He doesn't even know and never will." 

"So you plan on living a miserable life, alone or something?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Dude. Ask him out! You know he's single right?"

Stiles shrugged.

"If you don't make a move in the next few days, I'm telling everyone."

"You wouldn't dare!" Stiles gasped.

"Oh yes I would."


Scott smiled and sat down next to his friend. He then received a punch to the arm, he didn't fight back.


"Are you gonna ask today?" Scott questioned Stiles as he patched up a new dogs leg.

"I don't know," Stiles responded, petting the dog. "I want to but I'm so scared. If he rejects me it'll make pack meetings so awkward for me."

"Oh please, you two will go back to being thick and thin in no time if that happens."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that."


Stiles sighed. "Because, we are so different. He is like..." Stiles groaned. "I don't know how to explain it." Stiles stopped petting the dog.

"So just say what comes to mind. Even if it doesn't make sense, get it out."

Stiles looked at him before giving in. "He makes me feel weird. Not in a bad way, it the best way possible. I can't stop looking at him during meetings, hangouts, or literally anything involving him. He is so beautiful. His smile, although rare, makes me smile. Or the look and way he acts when he's focused and really into something. I adore it more that anything." Stiles rants. He sits down and leans against the wall. "When he saves me or helps me I feel like superman is rescuing me from a super big bad demon guy!"

Scott chuckles.

"I don't feel uneasy when he's by me. I know everything's going to be fine and I'm going to be safe when I have him with me. He makes me laugh in the dumbest of times and when I get to hug him I feel like I'm floating. The way he looks at me makes me act like a girl. I get flustered and all giggly. Hell! Sometimes I think about him and I kick my legs or roll giggling. But I don't care! I like feeling like this about him. I like him! The thought of him knowing all of this make me want to puke. The thought of him rejecting me make me want to claw my heart out." Stiles says really fast and in one breath. 

He exhales and rests his head in his arms. "I think I'm in love with Derek Hale and the thought of him ever knowing makes me want to die because what we have can be crushed by a few simple words." 

"Well...I think you might want to get started on puking," Scott says.

Stiles lifts his head confused and sees Scott pointing. He follows the imaginary line of the point and is met with Derek. Stiles's stomach drops and he goes pale.

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