Shot By The Mafia

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Derek was in his car, patrolling the area; he had gotten a call that some mafia members were hanging around a specific place for a few hours. He had driven around the block a few times, knowing he had been spotted. When he looped around one more time before calling it quits, a sound sent him speeding to the shop.


The shots are followed by the yelling of civilians. Derek parked across the street and ran to the shop, radioing in the incident. As he got closer, he saw the members rush out. He went to chase them but was stopped by a voice. 

"Mother fuck! Gah- help!" 

Derek ran into the shop and saw a man on the ground, blood pouring out his side. He knelt next to him and grabbed his side, making sure to put pressure on it. 

"Yeah, we got a gunshot wound. There's an exit wound. Looks like a normal amount of blood, but make sure the paramedics hurry."

Derek's radio crackled a response. 

"Who the hell were those guys?" Stiles groaned.

"The mafia."

"Go figure," Stiles huffed.

"What's your name?"


Derek adjusted his hands, one on Stiles's back and the other side. "Alright Stiles, an ambulance is on the way. You're gonna be okay."

Stiles nodded. 

"Hey, officer."

Derek looked at Stiles.

"Am I dying?"

"No, you're just hurt."

"Then, why's everything blurry?"

Derek's face dropped. "What?"

Suddenly, Stiles's body went limp in his arms. Derek moved a hand to his neck and wrist to check for a pulse.

"Shit," he mumbled. 

Derek moved both of his hands above Stiles's heart and started compressions. 

"Stay with me, Stiles."

Sirens became audible in the background and Derek kept compressions going. 

"Dammit, come on!"

Just then, Stiles's eyes opened with a groan. Derek stopped and put his hands back on his wounds. 

"Am I dead?" Stiles panted. 

"Not anymore."

Stiles held up a weak thumbs up and laid his head back. 


The paramedics arrived and brought Stiles to the hospital. He was sent to surgery but came out fine. His recovery was said to happen quickly as long as he didn't do anything too extreme, physically. 


Derek walked into Stiles's room, still in uniform.

"Heyyy, look, dad, it's the cop who saved my life," Stiles smirked.

Noah got up and stuck out his hand. Derek took his hand and shook it.

"Thank you, officer.."


"Officer Hale. I appreciate you."

"Of course. I wasn't going to give up on him."

"Dad, hey- dad," Stiles interrupted.

"Yes, Stiles?" Noah said, releasing Derek's hand.

"Jello time!" Stiles cheered.

Noah sighed and shook his head. "I'll go find, Melissa. Would you watch him please? He's a troublemaker."

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