Side Hustle

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"Stiles I'm home," Derek announced walking into the kitchen. He walked down the hallway to the living room. "Where are you-"

Stiles was sitting on the couch, a face of rage. There were 2 duffel bags of money next to him with 5 guns on the coffee table.

"Hey Der, fancy telling me why you have money and guns stashed in your house?"

Stiles stood up. Derek opened his mouth to respond but was cut off.

"And do not lie to me or I swear to god this is the last time you see me."

"Stiles, I know it looks bad but I promise it's not that bad."

"Not that bad? You're hiding guns and, god knows what kind of, money in the closet!"

"Okay, bad use of words- they aren't even mine, Stiles."

"Whose are they?"

"A friend..."

"Derek. Whose are they?"



Stiles walked around the coffee table and in front of Derek.

"Where did he get that money from?"

"I don't know."

"Derek I swear to god-"

"I don't know!"

"If any scary mafia men come here and ask for Peter I swear I will kill him and you!" Stiles threatened.

"Stiles, nobody's going to come here. I'm just keeping it until Peter gets back this weekend."

Stiles groaned loudly.

"I can't believe you, Derek. Peter of all people?"

"He's family, Stiles."

"Hah! Some family," he scoffed.

"I'm done talking about this," Derek said, rubbing his eyes.

"No, you're not."

"It's my house, Stiles. I can put whatever I want in it."

"What if it puts you in danger? Or me? Or Scott? Or anyone who enters this fucking house!?"

"Nobody's in danger."

"Does that go for Peter?"

Derek went quiet.

"I thought so."

Stiles backed away and took a deep breath. "I'm going home."

"Stiles, what're you talking about? This is your home."

"I'm going home and I will come back once Peter comes and cleans this shit up."

Derek watched Stiles as he went to the bedroom to grab his jacket, shoes, and keys.

When Stiles was at the door, Derek held his wrist before he could walk out.

"You don't have to do this," Derek said in a hushed tone.

Stiles faced him. He held the side of Derek's face and kissed him. Derek released his wrist and held his waist.

"I love you," Stiles said.

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