Side Hustle (2)

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There was a knock at the door. Derek shot up, hopeful that it was Stiles. When he opened the door he saw Peter. His face dropped and he sighed.

"Not excited to see me, nephew?" Peter chimed.

"Not particularly."

Peter shrugs and walks in. "Where's that little boyfriend of yours?"


"Shame; I thought you would've lasted longer. He's head over heels for you- I guess was."

Derek shut the door and walked to the hallway closet.

"We aren't broken up. He's been at his dad's for the week."

"What's the occasion?"

"He found your stuff," Derek said, pulling out said things.

"Ah, I see. My apologies, I did not mean to cause a rift in your relationship."

"We're fine. Where did you get this anyways?"

"The Romans."

Derek dropped the bag at his uncle's feet.

"Just take it and go."

"You aren't even going to offer me a drink?"

"I did your favor, now do me one and get the hell out of my house."

"Fine, fine."

Peter grabbed the bags and walked to the door. Almost getting whacked in the face, Peter dodges the door as someone outside opens it.

Stiles pokes his head in and frowns when he sees the bags along with Peter.

"Hello there," Peter smirked.

Stiles opened the door completely and ignored him. Peter took the hint and walked out of the door.

Closing it behind him Stiles stood by the door. His eyes locked on the ground and his hands fiddled with his keys.

"How was your week?" Derek asked.

"Okay... you?"


Stiles nodded. He took off his shoes and hung his jacket and keys up.

"I'm sorry-"

"No, Derek. I overreacted. I'm the one who needs to apologize.

Derek went quiet.

"You were just helping out your family. Even if they are the most ideal people, you were just being a good nephew. I'm sorry for yelling."

"Me too," Derek sighed. "I shouldn't have accepted it without knowing the source."

"I missed you," Stiles smiled sadly.

"I missed you too."

Stiles walked slowly towards Derek. He clung his arms around him and buried his head into Derek's chest.

Derek was quick to return the hug.

"I do love you," Stiles said.

"I love you too."

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