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Derek walked through the woods. His steps light but balanced. He kept his breathing low, careful to not scare anything away. 

A bunny pranced its way through the bushes, its frame was skinny as it barely had any speed. Derek watched it hop away, knowing it wouldn't be enough to satisfy him. 

Suddenly, a smokey aroma filled the air. Derek turns his head to see grey smoke waft above the trees. He made his way to the source, noticing a house engulfed by flames. 

His heart pounded as the memories flooded through his mind. He could hear the screams and crackling of wood all around him. He searched through the window from afar before picking up a sound from inside. His mind drew him closer. 

As he got closer, Derek noticed a shadow from the top floor. His instincts kicked in and before he knew it he was ramming his body into the back door. He followed the sound of the cries for help from upstairs and raced past burning flames, charging up to the second floor. 

"Help me!" someone yelled out, followed by a harsh coughing fit. 

Derek looked down the hall, noticing the only closed door. He gripped the handle, ignoring the burning sensation, thrusting the door open. In the middle of the room laid Stiles. His breathing was shallow. 

Derek dropped at his side, scooping up his legs then the back of his neck. Carrying him up bridal style, he brought them both outside to the backyard. 

He laid Stiles down on the grass, brushing the hair out of his face. "Come on, kid. Breathe."

The horns of the fire trucks in distance grew louder and louder, the closer they got. 

Stiles gripped onto Derek for support. 

(Later - in the hospital)

Noah shook Derek's hand before pulling him into a firm hug. "I can't thank you enough for saving my kid."

"It's no problem. I just happened to be around in time." 

Noah pulled back, holding onto his arms tightly. "I lost his mother, I couldn't imagine losing him too. You've really saved me more than you know."

Derek nods. "Hey, if it isn't too much. Can I check on him?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "I lost my family in a fire awhile back, so I just want to-"

"Go, go. It's fine. I understand."

Derek shook Noah's hand again and walked into Stiles's room. He sat in the chair next to the bed, watching Stiles's chest rise and fall. A feeling of relief swept over him. He couldn't have imagined seeing another tragedy happen. 

Stiles shifted in bed, letting out a low groan. Derek stared at him intently. 

When he finally opened his eyes, Stiles let out a small chuckle. "There he is: my knight in shining armor."

Derek shook his head with a smile. "You remember that, huh?"

"Hey, I may have inhaled smoke like a 40 year-old druggie," his sentence was broken by coughs. "But... I can remember things." 

"Fair enough," Derek let out a sigh. "I just wanted to stop in and make sure you were okay." 

"I'm alright. Just need to stay here for a bit."

Derek nodded. "Okay, well... I guess I should get going."

"Did they clear you already?" Stiles held onto Derek's arm as he stood up.

"Yeah, I wasn't in there as long as you were."

"Oh, alright."

"Yeah, I'll see you around, kid." 

(A couple weeks later)

Stiles walked with Scott up the steps to a new looking door. His face contorted into confusion due to the fact the house looked like it went through a tornado. Good bones, is what he chalked it down to. 

"Trust me, there's nothing to worry about."

Stiles scoffed. "Besides the fact you're leading me into a murder house!"

"It is not a murder house-" 

Just like that, the door swung open. Stiles mouth dropped when he saw the man on the other side.


"You know him, Scott?" Derek asked, shocked. 

"You know Stiles?" Scott responded. 

"Yeah, he's that kid from the house fire."

"Wait, you were in a house fire!" Scott exclaimed, smacking Stiles on the back of the head. "I was gone for three days and you didn't tell me."

"It wasn't that big of a deal, man. I'm fine, dad's fine, he's fine. We're all fine. Just waiting for the house to be fixed."

(After all that)

"Okay," Stiles said, getting up. He started to pace, processing everything out loud. "Derek's a werewolf like you. He's actually the one that did that to you. He only knew I was there because of that fact. You were gone because of some weird culty alpha and his rabid beta." Stiles took a deep breath. "Does that sound right."

"That sounds about right," Scott sighed, Derek nodding in agreement. 

"What the fuck."

"I know it's a lot to digest, Stiles-"

"No, it's more than a lot. It's a shit load!" Stiles chuckled shortly, his face dropping as his gaze shifted to Derek. "I wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for the damn werewolf sense things." 

"Stiles-" Scott was cut off short by his phone ringing. He apologized and rushed into the other room quickly. 

"Maybe you should sit down," Derek said, offering up his spot on the couch. "I'll get you some water."

When Derek came back with the water, he sat down by Stiles, handing him the cup. Stiles took a large greedy drink from it before setting it down. 


"No problem."

Stiles looked at Derek. "Seriously - thank you. I really wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you."

Derek shook his head. "I just happened to be close enough to notice."

"But you still chose to come and help me."

"I just didn't want someone to lose their kid, alright. It's really nothing."

Stiles forehead made a U-shape where his brows furred down. "You save me. A random person who maybe wasn't that important. But you did it anyway. I don't know your reasoning for doing it, but I am glad you did."

Derek sighed, he gave up on disagreeing and gave Stiles a short nod instead. 

"Thank you," Stiles said, holding his hand out for Derek.

Derek stared at him for a brief moment. He took his hand into his own, shaking it calmly. "You're welcome." 

"Hey!" Scott yelled, walking into the room. "Stop flirting with each other - Lydia called, we've gotta go." 

Stiles pulled his hand away quickly at the interruption and stood up fast. "I'll get the car started." It took him 5 seconds, if that, to scurry out of the house.

On the other hand, Derek stood in a calm manner, ambling to the door. He picked up his jacket and headed for outside. 

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