Hey! Scottie...!

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Stiles was walking in the hallway, going to his locker. He had forgotten something in his locker and asked the teacher to get it. He was about a few lockers from his own when he was pulled into a room by someone. 

Before he could yell or question someone he was silenced by a pair of lips against his. He didn't freak out because he new the warmth and scent of the person kissing him. It was Derek.

When he could, in between kisses, Stiles would interrogate Derek. "Derek...mm..what are you- doing here?" 

"I wanted to see you," Derek whispered, moving down to Stiles's neck. 

"I have to get back to class, Derek."

"Skip, spend this period with me," Derek begs, kissing Stiles neck. 

Stiles groans when Derek bites his neck. He give in and tugs at Derek's shirt. Derek pulls his shirt off and goes back to attacking Stiles neck. 

Stiles muffles his moans and grips onto Derek's shoulders. Derek grabbed Stiles ass and pulled him closer, grinding against him. 

"Fuck Derek," Stiles huffed. "I want you. I want you so bad." 

But before the two could engage in anything more, the door to the room swings open. Stiles and Derek look to see who it is and see Scott. 

"Hey! Scottie...!" Stiles shrieks, his face bright red.

"Uhm- uh, I was sent to find you-... it's been 20 minutes," Scott struggles with his words. "I'll just tell him you're at the nurses." 

"Yup," Stiles says. 

Scott goes to say something else but Derek kisses Stiles, making Scott take the hint to leave. Scott leaves hastily, slamming the door shut. 

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