My Brother

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"Stiles, I have to warn you," Scott said, walking Stiles to the front door. "My brother is back for the month, and he can be kind of a dick."

Stiles shrugged. "Please, when did someone like that ever deter me."

Scott shook his head, opening the door. Stiles wasn't necessarily wrong, but he wasn't right either.

"Mom! We're back!" Scott yelled, taking off his shoes.

Stiles followed in suit, putting his shoes by the door. He walked with Scott into the kitchen, where Melissa was already making dinner before she left for her shift.

"Hey, dinner is almost ready. Can you go get your brother for me?"

Scott scoffed. "I gotta get to work on my school stuff - Stiles can do it. Right?"

Stiles nodded, putting his bag on a chair. "Yeah, for sure."

"His room is across from mine."


And with that, Stiles was headed upstairs. He looked at Scott's door, trailing his gaze to the one on the other side. A sign that said "Derek" on it, with a scythe hung on the top half.

Stiles chuckled. "Angsty much?"

He rapped his knuckles on the door until it was opened. Derek stood there, hair a mess, shirtless, and unimpressed.

"What do you wa -" he stopped talking when he noticed it wasn't Scott or Melissa. "Who are you?"

He crossed his arm.

"Stiles - Scott's friend. I just came up here to tell you dinners ready."

Derek looked him up and down. His face changed through a couple of emotions. "You got a girlfriend?"

Stiles chuckled nervously, his ears turning a bright shade of pink. "What?"

"I'll take that as a no."

"Are you offering or something?" Stiles replied with, trying to lighten the air.

Derek leaned closer. "Maybe I am."

"Stiles! What did I tell you: don't flirt with my brother!" Scott said, coming up the last few steps.

Derek chuckled and shut the door.

"I wasn't! He started it!"


After Melissa had left and dinner was eaten, along with the dishes taken care of, Stiles and Scott went into Scott's room to chill out.

Scott typed away at his computer, racing to finish the essay that was due in a couple of hours. Stiles was laid on his bed, scrolling mindlessly on his phone.

"I gotta piss," Stiles groaned, sitting up. He dropped his phone on the mattress and got up.

Scott waved him bye and continued to type.

Not noticing the light from the bottom, Stiles opened the door with a yawn. He froze, more awake now, at the sight of Derek.

"Oh my- I'm sorry!" Stiles rambled, shutting the door quickly.

He ran back to Scott's room, shutting the door. Flopping onto the bed, he started at the ceiling. The image of Derek standing there, holding - No! he couldn't think about that.

Stiles sat up. "Hey, Scott. I think I'm gonna go home."


"Yeah, you know my dad, I'd rather save the lecture for another time."

"Alright, see you at school tomorrow."

Not a moment later, Stiles was out of his room. He shut the door, sighing heavily. When he turned around, he was almost sent right back into it.

"Leaving?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, my dad will tear me a new one if I don't, so... I should leave. So, uhm, yeah, bye."

Derek grabbed his arm, pulling him into his room. "Not so fast." he shut the door, pinning Stiles against it. "Did you just completely ignore the light earlier? Or were you trying to creep on me?"

"What!? No! I didn't see it, I swear on my life, dude."

Derek leaned in closer, his eyes narrowed on Stiles. "You scared? Your heart is pounding like crazy."

"What? How can you... No way. You're a..."

Derek smirked. "Werewolf? Just like Scott."

Stiles groaned. "Listen, it was an honest mistake."

"I'm sure it was." Derek slid his hand down the door, just above Stiles's shoulder.

"Stiles!" Scott called from his room. "Your dad's here! He seems pissed. I'd get out there if I wad you."

"Yeah, alright! Thanks."

Derek backed off and noticed Stiles's demeanor shift.

"Sorry again." Stiles opened the door and walked down the hall.

Derek went to his window, observing the new car in the driveway. It wad the sheriff's car. He was surprised about that, but more surprised to see a man stumble out of the driver's side like he was intoxicated.

Once Stiles made it to him, he was given a nice palm to the face. Derek held his breath as he watched. The muffled voices from downstairs erked something in him.

But, it was too late to do anything about it. Stiles was already getting I  the car alongside his father. Derek watched them drive away.


"Scott." Derek opened his door.


"I have a question."

"What's up?"

"Does, what's his name.... Stiles... is his  dad a cop?"

"Yeah, he's the sheriff. Why?"

Derek crossed his arms, leaning against the door frame. "Is he a drunk?"

Scott shrugged. "He started drinking after Stiles's mom died. I wouldn't call him a drunk."

Derek nodded. "Okay."


"Because he stumbled out of his car like a college kid and hit your little friend."

Scott finally turned around in his chair. "What?"

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