Derek's SIMPLE Day

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Despite popular belief, I am not as complex or difficult as people make me seem. I really am quite simple. My life contains work, my pack, and my boyfriend. Which my mind also contains. Some more than others though. 

Simplicity is key for a good day. 

You may wonder what a simple day may look like. Well it's quite obvious. 

Firstly, work. 

I wake up around 7 am to get ready. This is either the routine of showering, getting dressed, eating, brushing teeth, packing, and saying goodbye to Stiles. At this time of day, he is not even a blink away from sleeping. His words are just mumbles and groans. Over time I've learned the language of the sleepy boyfriend. Sometimes he manages a kiss, but that is rare.

Then, I drive to work - filling up the tank every now and then - and clock in. I sit in my office until 12:45 when I leave for lunch. Luckily, the house is close enough for me to eat there and make it back on time. 


I normally eat a sandwich and some chips. Or, on the slim chance he had energy, whatever Stiles barely managed to whip up. I then meet him in the bedroom for some quality together time.

(No POV) [Just for the smut loving perverts]

Derek sighed heavily as he leaned his head back. His hands gripped onto Stiles hair, urging his throat to take more of his cock. He groaned out pretty nothings, letting his pleasure and enjoyment known. 

Stiles rubbed Derek's thighs as he worked his tongue around the shaft of Derek's dick. He watched his lover's face as it contorted with expressions of pleasure and desperation. These were the signs that he was doing well and to continue.

(Back to Derek's POV)

When I am done with lunch and spending time with Stiles, I clean up the house a bit. Once finished with what I can squeeze in, I am back on my way to work. 

And regarding the pack. It's really short and simple. Just not having to deal with any of them. I do care about them and I'm going to protect them. But if only they could shut the fuck up for a minute. That'd be great.

Lastly, Stiles. If there was a record for most thoughts thought about someone/something, I'd definitely be #1. From head-to-toe, this man has controlled my my mind- my entire being 99% of the time. From the day I met him, I couldn't stop thinking about his pretty face. Or the way his jeans hugged his thighs. The way his smile barely reaches his his eyes. Or how his dimples on his jaw show when he does a wink. 

Stiles is my world and he, even when he leaves, always has been. Even though I don't like to go as depth into my feelings, he is the one thing I could talk about. Everything about him has kept me in awe for the longest time. I wonder how I've gotten so lucky.

Call him annoying, loud, crazy..but I think he is amazing and kind and handsome and just everything I've ever wanted and more. 

Obviously, there is the sexual part...but that's my thoughts to myself. And maybe him, if you know what I mean.

But just seeing him for even a second or maybe a year without not seeing him, would my day, my life, that much more simpler.

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