30 seconds

624 14 2

Derek stood on the other side of the field, watching the lacrosse game take place. Stiles, observing his team anxiously, ended up noticing him. He started to stare.

"Who the hell is that?" Stiles asked out loud.

"That's Derek Hale," a teammate piped in.

"I think I'm in love with him," Stiles said, not taking his eyes off Derek. Also, putting a smirk on Derek's face.

"You saw him barely 30 seconds ago!"

"Best 30 seconds of my life," Stiles said, like the smart ass he is.

After the game and Stiles was all changed, he went back to the field to do a little mental reviewing. What could he have done better, or the team. Things like that.

While he sat in his own little world, his train of thought was disrupted by the person who sat next to him. He shook it off and continued thinking.

"So, are you just going to pretend like I don't exist," the person spoke.

"Sorry, just going over the," Stiles stopped when he saw Derek.

Oh my god, Derek - the man he is supposedly in love with now - is sitting right next to him. How should he proceed? Flirty, dumb, angry, happy, lovingly? Stiles didn't know.

"You played well," Derek said.

"Thanks," Stiles mumbled.

"No problem."

"I should get home," Stiles said, standing.

"Alright, can I get your number before you go?"

"Uh, y-yeah, sure."

Derek and Stiles swapped numbers and Stiles left with a giggly smile on his face.

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