Shot By The Mafia 2.

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Stiles ended up stealing Derek's phone number a week or so later and was procrastinating sending a message that was typed out.


Stiles: Hey, this is Stiles. The idiot you saved. I was wondering if you were free sometime this week.    


Stiles took a deep breath and hit send. He almost threw his phone at the quick reply.


Derek: Lucky, you caught me on my lunch break. I'm free tonight.

Derek: Is this you asking me out on a date?

Stiles: Possibly

Derek: I'll see you at 4

Stiles: Okay

Derek: Bye now Stiles

Stiles: Bye


Stiles put his phone down and flushed a bright red. He scurried to his room and opened his closet. He was finally able to lift his arm over his head.

Stiles put on a white v-neck, along with some skinny jeans and some sneakers for later. He laid on his bed, deciding to pass some time by taking a nap.

Stiles woke up to his phone chiming.


Derek: I'm here

Stiles: Okay. One second


Stiles got off his bed and stretched. He put on his sneakers and headed to the front door. He opened it and saw Derek's car parked on the side of the road. He was leaning against the passenger side door.

Stiles closed the door and made his way to the sidewalk.

"Did you just wake up?" Derek laughed.


"Your hair."

Stiles sighed. Derek, with a smirk, opened the door, ushering him in.

Derek got in the car and put his seatbelt on.

"Where to?"


Stiles rolled up the bottom of his jeans and walked to where the water met the sand.

"This is not what I had in mind," Derek admitted.

"Scared of a little water?"


"Then why are you all the way over there?"

"The water is freezing."

Stiles smirked and pretend to cast a fishing hook. He started to fake reel it in.

"Really?" Derek sighed.

"Come on."

Derek rolled up his jeans and walked towards Stiles. When Derek was nearby, Stiles kicked up his leg. Derek cringed as the cold water made contact with his body.

Stiles laughed at him. Derek looked at Stiles, mouthing the word "run". Stiles's smile dropped and he started running in the opposite direction. Derek chased after him, making sure to kick water forward.

Unfortunately, Stiles did not notice the branch on the ground. His foot caught it and he went flying forward. Derek stopped running, exploding in a laughing fit as Stiles stood up soaking wet.

Stiles lightly trembled at the coldness.

Before he could react, Derek came tumbling down as Stiles tackled him. They were both now soaking wet.

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