Chapter 10

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6 days later
Casey's pov
I had arrive back to my apartment about couple of hours ago, and I wasn't alone. This is the first time that I have someone else in bed with me since Gabby and I got divorced, and it actually felt good.
I got home with the reporter Naomi who I have been helping and working with off shift, but I have been helping her just a few times when I'm on shift I'm my quarters.

I just woke up in the middle of the night, and Naomi had her head on my chest and I did everything so she wouldn't wake up because I got out of the bed.
I walked towards the bedroom door and I opened the door, and I got surprised and shocked to see that my apartment was on fire. I just saw my kitchen and the living room was on fire there was flames everywhere.
And the only thing that I could think about was that me and Naomi had to get out of there safe or at least she needs.

I closed the bedroom door and started to wake Naomi up because we really needed to get out of there.

Casey - Naomi, we need to get out here now. The place is on fire.

She was awake but still in bed.

Naomi - oh my good.

I saw she was freaking out and I totally understand that, but for me I was quite calm and maybe because I am a firefighter and used to be in fires.

I started to get dressed in the first clothes that I could find, and I handed Naomi also some clothes so she didn't need to go out naked or anything.

Naomi - how the hell are we getting out of here?

Casey - calm down, we will get out of here.

It had been 30 minutes later and I was out of the apartment building, I knew that Naomi was already outside but I wanted to check on my neighbors and get them all out of there since it is my job even if I'm not working.
By the time now CFD had arrived to put the fire down, and there was even some cops there. Me and Naomi talked to a cop that we have been spoken to earlier about what I am helping Naomi with, and that something isn't right about it all. But I told the cop that I smelled gasoline in the apartment, and I know the smell of it since I am a firefighter.

But we where standing outside with the rest of the neighbors and I saw Boden there and he was walking towards me, and apparently he most have heard about what had happened.

Casey - chief? You didn't have to come.

Boden - you alright?

Casey - I'm cold and pissed.

I dint really think all of this would happened because I'm trying to help someone to get the truth out, but then I have seen all of this happen to other people. But maybe I didn't think this would happened to me that my own place would be on fire, because I'm a firefighter.

General's pov
It was the next day and everyone at the firehouse had heard what happened to Casey and they all felt bad for him, the other had shift today and Casey would also but chief told him to take the shift off and think about something else and maybe be with Naomi since it was a scary thing for her as just a reporter.

Shift had started for the second shift but they all got called in to the briefing room because chief wanted to have a meeting and what happened to Casey last night, and even if they all knew about it.
But chief had gotten new news about the fire, because chief had talked to OFI since they got called to the scene after. And it seems like it was arson, and it was exactly what Casey thought. But even if they knew it was arson it didn't get any easier for Casey, because he knew he had lost everything in his apartment, everything about him and Dawson, and just everything that he had and own.

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