Chapter 62

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General's pov
Two days had passed and a new shift will be begin in less then 20 minutes, some of the guys was already at the firehouse and ready for there new shift and some of them was on there way to the firehouse. Brooke was already at the firehouse and so was Violet as well, the two paramedics had been walking around the firehouse and now they where stepping out on the apparatus floor and they where talking.

Brooklyn - And it's Griffin's birthday, so we're doing a surprise party for him at this restaurant he loves in Portland.

Violet - Aw, that's so sweet. And fun.

Brooke was telling Violet how she was gonna leave Chicago for four days, she was gonna visit her brother and his family in Portland. It was Griffin's birthday in two days, and Brooke wanted to celebrate him since she have missed his birthday for a few years.

Violet and Brooke walked over to the ambo and they where standing against the passenger door, Violet wasn't looking forward to not have Brooke on there next shift.

Brooklyn - That being said, I realize that I'm abandoning you next shift and the floater pool isn't pretty.  So I apologize in advance.

Violet - Don't worry about that.  How bad can it be?

Brooklyn - Eh...

As they where talking by the ambo, Brooke was looking out on the driveway and her eyes caught someone that she haven't seen for awhile.

Brooklyn - Stella!

Violet and Brooke run out to the driveway as Stella was already walking up to the firehouse, Brooke was really happy to see Stella and so was Violet.
Some of the guys was out on the apparatus floor and they had heard Brooke calling for Stella's name, the guys saw Stella as well and some of them was walking out of the apparatus floor.

Stella - Hey, you.

She said to Brooke, who had her arms opened up for Stella so that they could share a hug since they haven't done that in a long time.

Brooklyn - Oh! Oh, I missed you!

Stella - Missed you too.

They pulled away from each other and now it was time for Violet and Stella to share a hug, Mouch and Gallo had walked up to where the girls was standing.
Casey was standing by truck 81 with Pelham next to him, Casey was happy to see that Stella was back but he didn't know that she was back until now.

Stella - God, you look good.

She did as she was sharing a hug with Mouch. Herrmann and Ritter had also walked out to see Stella, everyone seemed really happy to see her.

Gallo - Requesting permission to hug the lieutenant.

Stella - Take it away.

She and Herrmann was sharing a hug.

Stella - How you doing, Lieutenant?

Herrmann - All right, yeah.

Stella - Going to talk to Boden.

She said to the guys.

Mouch - Go.

Stella walked away from the guys and she walked over to where Casey was standing with Pelham, she gave Casey a smile which he returned.

Stella - Captain.

Casey - Kidd, it's good to have you back.

Stella - thanks, captain.

Casey - this is Jason Pelham, he is our new member on truck.

Pelham - hey! Stella kidd, right?

Stella - yes. Well, welcome to 51.

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