Chapter 32

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General's pov
Over a month had passed now and specially after there shift when they needed to be at firehouse 20, but still after over a month everything went back to normal for the people at firehouse 51.
It was Monday morning and back for a new shift today, some of the guys was already at the firehouse and there shift would start in just a couple of minutes.
Andy Darden and Brett arrived together to the firehouse like they always do and have done for over 6 month, Brooke and Cruz arrived together like they also do because they are roommates.
Darden, Brett arrived at the same time as Brooke and Cruz, as the four of them jumped out of there cars, Casey had also arrived and just a few seconds after four of the guys had parked out on the street.

Casey - how was everyone's weekend?

Brett - good!

Cruz - I can tell you that Brooke's weekend was really good, she was barely home.

Brooklyn - come on, Cruz.

Andy - what did you do?

Brooklyn - non of your business.

Casey, Brett and Cruz was laughing a little, Brooke wasn't so happy that Cruz told them about her weekend. It was all because she didn't want or needed people to know what she had been doing.
For Brooklyn it wasn't a big of deal that she had been out on a date last weekend now, but she didn't want people to know right away since it anyway wouldn't be more then a just a date.

The five of them that had arrived at the same time walked up together on the driveway to the firehouse, and they saw something new that was standing right in the beginning of the firehouse.
Herrmann and Mouch was walking behind the five guys, and they all saw the new thing, which was that truck 81 had a new rig.

Mouch - what's this?

Gallo - great, right?

Casey was surprised to see that they had gotten a new rig, since that doesn't really happens a lot in the CFD. All of the guys from truck 81 was happy about it and some guys that wasn't working on that rig wasn't happy about it.

Herrmann - you got a new rig?

Casey - news to me.

He walked up to the rig and opened the door to where he has his seat as a captain on the rig, Stella was sitting in the rig and on the drivers seat since she is the one to drive truck 81.

Stella - big comfy seats in here!

Gallo - tell them! tell them about the heat.

Stella - the heat is like is like a little touch of sunshine in the dash.

Mouch - is there an angel playing near by.

Casey jumped right in to the rig in his seat to just looked inside of the rig, and then he jumped right back down on the ground. Chief was outside with the rest of the guys and he was already out there when, Casey, Brooke, Brett, Darden, Cruz, Mouch and Herrmann arrived.

Casey - though that I would be buried before old 81. How did you manage an upgrade, Chief?

Boden - I have no idea.

And chief wasn't lying, because he really didn't know how or why truck 81 got an upgrade since he haven't heard anything about it.

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