Chapter 57

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Brooklyn's pov
A week had passed and today I was leaving Chicago for a few days, me and Andy would take a flight to
Portland because we where gonna visit Griffin and Ben and talk to there school and see what we can do to help.
I was in my apartment in my bedroom and I had packed my bag with clothes and other stuff that I needed for this trip.
Casey had been staying over at my place again for the night and he was still at my place but we both needed to leave soon, Andy would pick me up and Casey was gonna leave because of the shift that I was gonna miss.

Brooklyn - Do you want coffee before you go?

Casey - Thanks, but I need to leave soon and so do you.

Brooklyn - yeah, Andy is gonna pick me up in 20 minutes or something.

Casey - and I need to go back home before my shift starts.

There was something that I started to think about as I was standing by my drawer where I have some of my clothes and most T-shirts and those clothes that doesn't take much space. And rest of my clothes are in my closet on the other side of my bedroom from where I am standing now.

Brooklyn - You know it's kind of silly you don't have any of your stuff at my place.

Casey - Yeah?

Brooklyn - Yeah.

I took out some of my clothes that I have in the two first boxes of the drawer, and I saw that Casey was watching as I was taking yeh clothes out of the drawer.

Brooklyn - When i get back from Oregon, you should bring some of your things over here.

I took the clothes that I was holding and I walked over to my bed and placed the clothes over there, and Casey walked over to the drawer and he was looking down in the top boxers that was now empty. This is kind of the first time that I have been taking this step with a boyfriend, it usually has been the person that I do date that has been taking the first step.

Casey - So I'll keep a few shirts here. Pants stay at home?

I laughed a little and Casey was just being all sweet.

Brooklyn - Is this good enough for both?

Casey - That'll do for now.

I didn't really get what he meant by that, but I just let it slip away from my mind. He turned around and I was standing next to my bed and he took a few steps closer to me and we where just standing really close to each other.
Nothing felt awkward between me and Casey, everything felt just easy with him which I love and that is something I have been missing from my previous relationships.

Casey - Just so you know, I'm really bad at goodbyes, but I'm gonna see you soon.

Brooklyn - Then I will see you soon.

Casey leaned in closer with his head and I started to do the same until our lips was connected and we where sharing a long kiss and we wouldn't share a kiss again until a few days later

Casey leaned in closer with his head and I started to do the same until our lips was connected and we where sharing a long kiss and we wouldn't share a kiss again until a few days later

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